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Why Bring Astrology Into Your Life? The Signs of Spring...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

As we experience pre-Full Moon in Sagittarius, I thought I'd reach out globally today (one of Sagittarius' themes) to connect with all of you!

As an Astrologer for 15 years now, the main questions people ask me is, "What can Astrology do for me? What IS it?" I have struggled to answer this question because it is multi-layered, not a one-size fits all self-growth tool.

Astrology is the science AND art of interpreting when and how current planetary cycles within YOUR life (via your birth chart and yearly Solar Return charts) are activating themes of further self and soul growth.

The signs and planets of Astrology have a unique relationship to one another: three layers to begin with actually. Let me take you through the first quarter of the wheel of the Zodiac, or what we like to call the Natural Wheel, which begins with the season of Spring, the start of the Solar (sun) year (for those of you new to Astrology, the Sun's path takes exactly one year to travel through all 12 signs of the Zodiac, and each season is grouped within a pairing of three signs). Read on...

  • SPRING: we all know about the Vernal Equinox (vernal = green) heralds the beginning of this season. This is when the Sun enters the sign of Aries at 00 degrees. That moment in time and space marks the true beginning of Spring every year down here on Earth.

  • First Sign of Spring: The sign of Aries sits in the 1st House of the Zodiac wheel and is ruled by Mars. Here, therefore, are the three layers - planetary ruler (Mars) + zodiac sign (Aries) + House location (1st). Here the element of cardinal FIRE is coming forth, stirring new growth and a new season of birds nesting and animals birthing their young (we need FIRE to belay the cold of Winter's watery sign, Pisces). We humans become all fired up too (notice the Ricky Racers out in their cars and trucks, feeling their oats so to speak)! Very much instinctual...

  • Second Sign of Spring: The sign of Taurus sits in the 2nd House of the wheel and is ruled by Venus. Again, see the three layers of meaning. Taurus is the element of fixed EARTH, a truly "let's get down and dirty and grow grow grow" the natural growth of grass, flowers, trees budding and blossoming. Taurus likes to look after all the details, hands-on, and doesn't like change much.

  • Third Sign of Spring: Here Gemini comes into play within the third House, ruled by Mercury (and interestingly, Mercury is doing his Retrograde journey through Gemini right now. Tell me how many lengthly chats you've been having these past weeks?!). Here we have the mutable AIR element, going with the flow, socializing, networking, gathering data and sharing information. Here the weather is somewhat cool (Spring) yet with intermittent days of hotter temps (Summer). Changeable. Like Gemini, able to talk yourself into or out of anything!

Before I continue with the rest of the seasons and how they relate throughout the Natural Wheel of the Zodiac, I want to return to those three layers of meaning I referred to above. When I create each person's birth chart (via knowing their TIME, DATE and PLACE of birth) not everyone has Aries Rising (the sign that begins their 1st House in their chart).

I mention this because the Natural Wheel of the Zodiac is just that, the natural path of our Sun as we look out from Earth, journeying through our seasons down here. This wheel is our jumping off point, something static to keep in mind while we Astrologers deal with the reality of each person's chart and actual time, date and place of birth. Here is when things get really interesting!

Have you ever played the dice game, Yahtzee, using those six dice to get the right combinations of numbers, and you never know, with each roll, if you'll receive the combination you are working on now? Well I see our respective birth charts kind of similar to these rolls of multiple dice: we ALL have the same 12 Houses and 12 Signs and the planets and asteroids in our birth charts. What makes us UNIQUE from one another is HOW and WHERE the signs and planets are placed within the Houses of YOUR chart! All due to where, when and what date of the year you were born. In other words, as if someone's hand had tossed 12 dice up in the air, and voila!

Now, as an Astrologer, I take another step to look deeper, past the top layer of the chart, to note the Natural Wheel's signature underneath. You may have been born with Virgo Rising yet underneath all that Virgo still lies the energy of Aries, and Mars as ruler. Do you see the layering of themes going on here? As I move around the chart, I see what is printed on the chart AND what is lying energetically underneath it, always. And how you relate to all this energy signature, how you embrace it or reject it, well, that's what makes you, YOU.

This is WHY our birth charts are UNIQUE to each of us.

AND, one last note before I leave this page, each and every sign, House and planet has its Shadow side- that Ego resistance stance, stubbornly preventing us from moving forward as easily as we could - and THIS is why Astrology is such a great self-growth / soul growth tool to use and become familiar with! I 'see' the Shadow self in play, how and when the Ego resists any change the Soul (Sun) self wishes to bring forth, and with a little effort on your part, I look to find the Light side, how to help the Ego to let go of the dark, embrace the idea of working within the Light for a change....via the planetary cycles offering THEIR energetic help for YOUR soul growth!

Herein lies the magic and the Divine Timing of our life, as it unfolds, via the current planetary cycles continuing to dance around our birth chart, activating themes (new and repeating) for opportunities to embrace, love and heal those parts of our Inner Self we have rejected over time (now and in past lives). A lifetime of opportunities. This is why I love Astrology - it is ALWAYS on time, In Time, and in Divine Timing. If you have the courage (Aries!) to look and ask and learn.

Stay tuned for the Signs of Summer!

Blessed BE!


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