November 14th, 2017 is when the Moon entered the Balsamic Moon phase, the last phase of each Moon cycle. Here is where we RELEASE, emotionally, that which needs to go, that which we have held onto far longer than needed. Here we CLEANSE ourselves, emotionally (and sometimes physically!) of the toxic thoughts, feelings, beliefs and fearsthat have been holding us back in some regard until now.
The Balsamic Moon phase occurred at 07 degrees of Libra 22' at 6:13 a.m. MST - Libra asks for renewed balance, peace and harmony Within and Without - within the WE - our relationships with others, and ourselves. A re-balancing act of release to make room for more light, love and beauty to enter Within and therefore Without. Like attracts Like - energetically if we are desperate for a relationship we'll attract desperation from others or attract nothing and no one. If we are at peace Within Self, content with our Inner and Outer lives, then we will attract more of the same. Whatever is going on Inside, we'll attract more of the same, from the Outside - via people, relationships, issues, situations. All in aid of awakening our awareness of where we sit Within ourselves, first.
The Moon met up with Venus, our Desire Body, as a Star Gate, on November 17th at 1:17 a.m. MST at 12 degrees of Scorpio 22'. We have successfully completed our descent into the Underworld, begun April 23rd, 2017, releasing distortions from each of our Chakras (Crown to Root) monthly during each Balsamic Moon phase along the way! The Root Chakra was our final challenge - all about our sense of stability, security, survival instincts. Considering the economic climate here in Alberta, and Calgary and area, these themes have truly hit home for most of us, connecting with our deepest and darkest Fears!
From THIS Balsamic Moon phase (November 17th) until early February 2018, Venus has disappeared from the skies and is considered to be in the Underworld. We are all now experiencing our respective Inner Death, dying in some regard as we release everything we thought we knew about our truest Desires. We are undergoing a mission - to be at our most vulnerable, naked and basic Self - to truly 'see' ourselves as we discern what we desire to hold onto to, and that which we desire to let go of.
Ask yourself: "What are MY True Desires, for ME? Are my Desires Truly MINE? Have I Desired what Others wanted for me, rather than what I wanted? How do I KNOW My True Desires are Mine? How do I unearth Mine?"
The answer to some of these questions can be found in the House of Life Experiencewithin your natal chart that Scorpio resides within - at the 12th degree and 22nd' of Scorpio.This is the House from which your deepest-held fears to Desire your deepest passions this lifetime reside! Scorpio is the Scorpion, stinging self and/or others, out of fear, if we get too close to the Truth of the matter before our Ego-self is comfortable to look at it. I see Scorpio as digging deep, getting to the root of the matter, over and over and over again! And it takes as long as it takes - for each of us - we have our own process of Time and Belief and Letting Go. It takes as long as it takes. Period.
Assisting Venus this time is Jupiter (!) our planet of expansion beyond current boundaries set in place by our Ego-self. Jupiter brings forth LOUD and CLEAR messages, encounters, conversations, relationships and experiences to create AWARENESS of what it is we're afraid to 'see', let alone feel (Scorpio is the fixed deep water sign of the zodiac AND the MOST PRIVATE sign!). As we each experience our respective Underworlds, we will begin to understand that which has been a barrier or blockage, emotionally, so high and wide we were unable to 'see' or 'feel' past it. It's been deeply overwhelming in fact.
Navigating this Underworld phase:
Scorpio brings forth our investigative/research abilities and skills. How far down are you willing to go to excavate your deepest-held fears/emotions/feelings that have buried your deepest desires?
Deep Waters of Emotion - here it is most important that you seek support - professionally or otherwise - someone to help you navigate the mine-field of an emotional roller-coaster ride and tsunami wave(s) of fear/emotion/feeling along the way.
Breathe your way through this Inner Journey as you walk through it. The Ego-self will be very creative, along the way, to distract, resist, escape and/or run completely away from this journey. Be gentle with yourself and others. Whether we are conscious of it or not, we all undergo the cycles, together.
Having Jupiter within Scorpio for the next year, we'll be assisted to keep on keeping on to find our Higher Truth - what's my purpose, why am I here, what do I have to offer? Again, after releasing the distortions we felt comfortable dealing with during the previous Balsamic Moon until this Balsamic Moon (all about our basic securities, safety and stability to feed, clothe and house ourselves) it is amazing timing to delve deeper, now, to see another perspective, another way to DO work, have a job that brings income that pays our way forward now, despite the current economic realities.
Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, brings forth the death/rebirth cycle, over and over - the do-overs - to keep chipping away at those fears our Ego-self throws our way in the hope we give it all up! That power/control struggle Within that is mirrored Without from our key relationships, situations, events and experiences we draw to ourselves.
We are all learning to MASTER our respective Ego-self, to allow ourselves to work WITH our Higher Self/Future Self/Divine Self more by listening to our INTUITION and how we FEEL every step forward. What deep insights are you receiving? Are you spending time with them? Add it to your investigating To Do list, do the Inner research, dive deeper, listen closer, take action accordingly.
Interestingly, Jupiter rules Sagittarius, the sign where the current Mercury Rx (retrograde) timing will occur. Here we will be MINDFUL (Mercury) of how and where we're seeking that Higher Purpose, who we communicate with about it, how we connect and partner with one another, out in the global arena. Both Jupiter and Sagittarius rule the 9th House of WE SPEAK - what are you saying, and what am I receiving from your message? The 9th House represents how we seek out the Higher Truth of what we BELIEVE to be True, for each of us. And we seek out Others to connect with, discuss between, decide on next steps from.
We've been in the pre-Mercury Rx Shadow timing since November 14th until December 2nd, slowly coming up to the Rx phase. The actual Rx timing is December 3rd - 22nd. Thereafter, until January 10th, 2018, we experience the coming up and out of Mercury Rx as the post-Rx Shadow timing. I will write another post of more of the details soon.
In the midst of all this, Venus is still with us, within the Underworld, showing us the way forward, casting off Desire that need to die, Within, psychically, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. It can be that complete if we are willing, ready and want to. Note: these Desires can be ones held onto from other lifetimes and past lives, not just dreams and wishes from this lifetime. Take note of this.
Dive deep. Be truthful with yourself in order to be truthful with others. Let go. Allow room and space for your True Passions to pop on up, having been deeply buried under all that fear and need to control life/others etc., before now. We are only aware of what we're aware of at any given moment. Breathe. Love your Self (Venus = self love) and give yourself at least one hug a day. See you on the other side.
Blessed BE and Namaste