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The Signs of Summer...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Continuing on with my seasonal tour around the Wheel of the Solar Year (we began with Spring as the Sun entered 00 degrees of Aries on March 21st - Vernal Equinox) we now immerse ourselves into the middle of Summer! The Sun will enter 00 degrees of Leo at 9:31p MDT today (and as I write this post there are marble-sized hailstones raining down upon us and tornado warnings in the SE of the city - yikes!).

The Zodiac signs that make up our season of Summer are:

  • Cancer- June 21 - July 22nd; cardinal water sign, most sensitive sign in the Zodiac pantheon, BEGINS our northern season of Summer (Winter for our Aussie et al folks down under) as the Summer Solstice - longest day of the Solar year. As with all water signs, we find ourselves more connected to our emotions (ALL of them!) and intuitive insights (aka 'bright ideas' and inner knowingness to DO and take action forward - no matter how illogical the strength of that action seems)! Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and is ruler of the 4th House of Home, Hearth, Mom/mothering, nurturance of Self and Others. All about the Family, and its emotional lineage passed on by the women from lifetimes ago. As a cardinal sign, Cancer INITIATES Change - within and between - self and Others. Here we learn Compassion and gentleness with Self and Others. Or possessiveness, jealousy and fear to share our loved ones (insecurity). Cancer rules the breasts/chest area, pancreas, stomach, stomach gas and ulcers, and tumors/cysts. How well we take notice, embrace and express our emotions and nurture ourselves THROUGH them (traumatic or not), in turn, brings either Joy (or NOT = pancreas health), Love of Self through Self-acceptance (or NOT = INdigestion - inability to digest the overwhelm of emotion, fear of being rejected for BEing emotional). Traumatic events we have been unable to take time to heal can reveal themselves months, or years later as cysts or tumors - holding the 'water' of that event within the physical body. Interesting, isn't it, what our Bodies do to keep Us safe? As in Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Etheric Bodies...what we aren't able to attend to in the moment, it is held for us to deal with in some other Body, and usually the end point will be our Physical Body...hence all the tumors and cysts and digestive aids out there in our world today.

  • LEO- July 22 - August 22nd; fixed fire sign where we tend to really have heated weather (and storms!) and is the middle of Summer where most of our Sun's heat is imbued into the grains, vegetables, and fruits/berries of our short growing seasons above the 49th parallel. [See the link for more information on August 2nd Lammas or Lughnasadh Feast Day]. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and rules the 5th House of the Zodiac Wheel - all about fun, play, Inner Child-like qualities, creativity, generosity and romance. Drama King/Queen, arrogance, dignity, leading by example within a team (not King of the Mountain). Leo rules the Heart - leading from our hearts means we are manifesting more of our Soul-self; leading from our heads shows more of the Ego-self (Drama et al). Back and spine, exhaustion/heat exhaustion, and inflammation within the Physical Body will be areas that talk to you if your life is devoid of fun, play, romance etc. Fixed signs tend to be focused and determined AND slow to change.

  • VIRGO- August 23 - September 22nd; mutable earth sign, will be the last month of our Summer season. All mutable signs show signs of the current season AND the next season - hence why we experience the odd early frosts, snowstorms etc at this time with Fall occurring the very next day (September 23rd this year for the Autumnal Equinox). As you read in my previous post, Virgo brings perfecting of our physical health, eating regimen, exercise, daily work we do, our organizational abilities, how we are of service to others, bringing order into chaotic situations (paperwork, closets etc). We learn the constant dance between BEing the newbie and BEing the teacher (aka learning curves) and to BE gentle with our Ego-self's need to BE PERFECT NOW! whew! Get it done and off my mental TO DO list, sooner than later! Kind of contrary to that mutable, going with the flow aspect of this sign, don't you agree? Relax Bublichka! Breathe, Time IS on your side, always and in all ways... Virgo is ruled by Mercury, and rules the 6th House of the Zodiac Wheel. This House is where I focus to 'see' which of my client's body organs and systems will be "talking to them" if they, the client, hasn't been caring for their physical body's health. Hence the bowels and intestines, constipation and diarrhea, digestion and assimilation and the Solar Plexus chakra come into play via Virgo!If we are unable to assimilate our emotions (Cancer) then take soulful creative action (Leo) and then deal with the intricacies of BEing hands-on and productive with the work we do daily (Virgo) - we can create havoc within our Physical Bodies...that we may not see immediately, but over time. A note about the 6th House: if we have our health, we are able to work; if we are not working, over time this plays havoc on our health. And the circle continues....

There you are folks! Another turn of the Wheel of the Solar Year. BE mindful (Mercury) BE soulful (Sun) and BE emotional (Moon)!

Blessed BE!


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