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Super Charge Me! Full Moon in Taurus

Writer:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

The Moon will be exactly Full @ 2:28pm MST today conjunct Uranus Rx and the fixed star Algol bringing the Unexpected erratic energy through normally stable, steady, grounded Taurus @ 24 degrees.

Both the Moon and Uranus are at their closest in orbit with the Earth - so everything's on a Super Charged level!

Highs / lows of Emotion. The need to Speak Your Truth / Know Your Own Worth.

Interestingly, Taurus rules the Neck, Throat, Tonsils, and Respiratory Organs. How many of you are experiencing sore throats, laryngitis, strep throat issues right now? Or a stiff neck? Or inflamed tonsils?

This is the physical body’s way of “talking to you” if you’ve been “biting your tongue” aka not Speaking Your Truth!

There’s a lot of deepset Emotion long suppressed / repressed coming to Light / up to the surface now, to be expressed!

Grief, unknown feelings need to be released, Illuminated, Fulfilled. Same with your Value system - on this 15th day of NOV as our Postal System begins a National Strike!

What are the Values you hold, and are you Standing Up for them? Or stubbornly going against your own grain? Hence the stiff necks / laryngitis issues.

Uranus Rx brings deep processing through the need to BE truly Authentically You! You MUST show up now. To be Seen and Heard!

Meanwhile Mercury in his Pre-Rx Shadow timing is OOB / out of bounds!!! In Sagittarius as we Quest to “boldly go where we’ve not gone before” mentally, into the Unknown envisioning new horizons - to bring back new Consciousness.

Mercury opposes Jupiter Rx in Gemini too - interestingly Mutually Receptive - as Mercury rules Gemini and Jupiter rules Sagittarius! So we’re Questing in double time, in two places in our Birth Charts! Look for 16 degrees SAG where Mercury is and 19 degrees GEM where Jupiter is. What Houses of Life Experience are being activated in your chart w/ this Questing energy?

Then check for the same re this Super Full Moon @ 24 Taurus / Sun @ 24 Scorpio opposition - where’s this occurring in your Chart? These are supercharged areas of Illumination / AHA moments coming your way anytime between now and 11:16pm NOV 18 - the full length of this Full Moon phase!

Speak Your Truth, Feel Your Feelings, Quest the Visions for Unknown Info / Knowledge you need right now.

Uranus rules long-term memory - so we’re all “remembering” something vital - possible Past Life info - that needs our attention now. AHA moments.

And Pluto @ 29 degrees Capricorn opposes Mars in early Leo - Fated / Destined to End / Release / Complete something that no longer holds the Integrity it once seemed to. Mars wants to take assertive action by following your Heart’s True Desires. Note that Pluto rules Scorpio and where the Sun is now.

Venus rules this Super Full Moon in Taurus - she's sitting @ almost 05 degrees Capricorn - our Divine Inner Feminine reminding us at this time to "responsibly administer our domain" wherever she's showing up in your Birth Chart - and for this Illuminating "Super Charge Me!" time! And Venus is within the Heart Chakra gate of her Evening Star journey. Open your Heart to the Integrity of what you're building in your life! Are you still addicted to DOING DOING DOING? Why on earth for? How's it working FOR you?

All these Oppositions mean an opportunity to create an AND vs either/or scenario in these areas of your life. How can I Do BOTH and stand in the middle of my chart, solidly centred, grounded, and, well, ME?!

Enjoy the good things in life, eat, drink and be merry while wisely following your true value system, speaking up with clarity and unexpectedness! We’re all Seeking a Higher Truth right now!


PHOTO Credit: UNSPLASH artist - thank you! Full Moon Chart by LRR via AstroGold


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