I thought I'd write my first post for my new blog on this action-oriented, taking New Steps, day - the New Moon in Aries - today!
The Sun entered Aries on March 20th at 4:37a MDT creating the Vernal Equinox timing- the start of Spring (yay!) We here in Canada have had quite the winter and seeing the shoots of tulips, crocuses, daffodils and other Spring flowers is heartening! The Vernal Equinox brought equal hours of day and night / light and dark. Between now and June 20th (Summer Solstice) the Sun brings 3' more of light to us each day - yay!
Today's New Moon begins at 8:57p MDT at the celestial longitude of 07 degrees of Aries 37' - which tells us WHERE in our birth charts this New Moon cycle will activate and energize within our respective lives.
Each New Moon signals a brand new Moon cycle with both the Sun and Moon sitting in the same location in the sky. The New Moon phase signals new action, initiating something new in your life and you may not be fully conscious of what this is until the Full Moon phase (occurs April 11th).
Each Moon cycle lasts approximately 28 - 29 days, ending with the Balsamic Moon phase where we let go of something our Ego-self has held onto up until now, to be followed with another New Moon and Moon cycle.
Today's New Moon in Aries brings forth the following themes we'll be working with until the end of April 25th:
Action! Assertively or aggressively - standing up for yourself in some regard, or deciding to DO those tasks you've only thought about before now - what is it you've been putting off DOing?
Courage! Gulp...do I truly have what it takes to make this giant leap into something NEW and SHINY that I've dreamed of doing "sometime"? Has "sometime" caught up with you, and NOW is the time to take action? Take a sip from your Cup of Courage and step out into the world the way you need to for you!
Pioneering! Some new aspect of YOU, your true inner you, wants to burst forth like those Spring flowers I already wrote of! Aries helps all of us to reveal yet another aspect of Self, in some regard, and will show itself at some point this Moon cycle. What part of yourself have you been holding back, afraid to share with the rest of the world before now?
Self - All About ME! This Moon cycle it's all about ME - taking care of my own business - personally, professionally - however that looks for you. What is it YOU want in your life? Take action steps toward it NOW! Perhaps this Moon cycle will help you discover what that "ants in your pants" pent-up energy is truly telling you - to DO! Take time to figure it out this Moon cycle.
Independence! Here we see how we need to rely on Self rather than Others more. Go out with yourself, by yourself, and feel that incredible feeling of freedom - just BEing with Me, Myself and I. What are your thoughts? How do you feel? What do you want to do - by yourself? Does it scare you to be alone? With yourself and your own thoughts/feelings? Why? Use this Moon cycle to discover/uncover the 'why' of this. Let go of those fears of stepping out on your own.
Self-Absorption to the Max! Here's a wee bit of the Shadow side of Aries coming forth - way too MUCH of 'Me, Myself and I' whereby it's All About Me vs. inter-relating and inter-acting with Others! We are not an Island - we are social beings who learn more about ourselves because of other people in our lives. AND we also need our alone time to think our own thoughts, feel our own feelings, know what WE want. Create an 'AND' here - balance it out.
Physical Body Rulership! Aries rules the head, face, scalp, acne, eyes, headaches and dizziness. If any of these areas of your body come into play this Moon cycle - what are they telling you? Aries is cardinal fire - needing to create something NEW AND Take Action on it! If you don't allow this new fountain of energy to have positive release you may create headaches or acne or feel your eyes are inflamed or have that itchy scalp that isn't dandruff - all ways the physical body tries to get our attention that we're not DOing enough of what our true Inner Self needs!
The Aries ACTION can be any or all of the following: Physical exercise - walk, run, climb, cycle, drive - DO something physical - the energy of Aries needs to be expressed - DO it - rather than think about it! DOing something - this can be any ACTION - making those calls you've been putting off, networking, taking a class, changing jobs, ending a relationship that no longer supports who you truly are now - something NEW is emerging from Within you - what is it telling you to DO, change, or become? Know Thyself - here Aries via the Inner Warrior and Pioneer archetypes brings forth inner knowingness that confirms "THIS is who I am! THIS is what I need! THIS is what I want!" For now...take advantage of this forward moving energy - launch yourself up and out of the Winter hibernation - get physical, get out of the house, get onto social media, get face-to-face with what YOU desire and need for you, then look for others who can assist you with Next Steps!
The other items of note for this Moon cycle will be: Mercury turns Retrograde (!) as of April 10th at 04 degrees of Taurus 50' and will go back into Aries April 21st and turns Direct again May 4th at 24 degrees of Aries 17'. I will write my next post in more detail about this second round of our annual journey with Mercury giving us a chance to turn OFF the logical brain in order to use our creative, 'think outside the box' brain for 3 weeks! Stay tuned!
Venus stations Direct again April 15th after being Retrograde since March 4th (in Aries and a bit of Pisces!) creating Inner Desires that have been simmering on the back burner all this time. All those bright ideas of what you truly desire will bubble up and out as of April 15th, joining this New Moon energy of DOing something New!
Saturn, who's been in Sagittarius since September 19, 2015, will turn Retrograde too on April 6th at 27 degrees Sagittarius 48' AND this is also where the Galactic Centre resides! So expect some Cosmic help here re: the ACTION you need to take within the INNER world of you! Sagittarius is all about expanding your usual boundaries, seeking your higher truth as to the WHY of your life, now, and where you wish to head in the near future. Exploration. Philosophical moments. Taking courses, go back to school in some regard (literally or figuratively). Saturn asks us to take responsibility for our actions/non-actions, set goals to move forward with.
Pluto turns Retrograde too April 21st at 19 degrees Capricorn 24'. Since 2008 Pluto's been transforming the integrity of our collective economies, money / debt issues, greed and power and control issues. How's your integrity when it comes to money? What lengths will you go to, when money is tight, to keep food on the table? Will you keep your integrity? How far will you go to have money in your pocket? Most of us have seen major shifts and changes in how we manifest money from work, jobs, becoming self-employed - or unemployed - since 2008. Where are you at with all of this? What are your next steps? Pluto's transformative energy now turns Inward for each of us - making things personal, close to home. Will you take what comes personally, or in stride to create much-needed change in your life? Have you been sitting on the fence, refusing to change your actions? Pluto can be a wake-up call to TAKE action, deep Within, to change habits and deeds for the better. Letting go is change too! Capricorn represents our material gain in our life - how we gain materially from the world. What does this mean to you in your life?
That's enough for now, eh? Stay tuned for more lively posts re: the wonderful world of Astrology and how it can assist in making sense of the WHY of what's occurring in our respective lives!
If your curiousity comes forth, desiring to know MORE about Astrology and your own birth chart, I invite you to contact me for a reading:
Email Laurie Rae - myhouseofastrology 'at' shaw.ca (you know what to do with the 'at'!).
Thanks for joining me today, in My House of Astrology! I've enjoyed sitting with you chatting about this New Moon cycle. I invite you to stayed tuned to more discussion about how the current planetary cycles are sending us opportunities and energy to keep us going onward and upward! Sign up for my posts via your email address here on my blogsite!
Blessed Be and Namaste