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So Many Changes....Where to Begin?

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

I'll begin with today and move backward from here!

We entered the Last QTR Moon cycle as of 3:57a MDT this morning - with the Moon at 00 degrees of Cancer 48'! Hence yet another nod in the direction of NEW Cycles! This cardinal water sign beckons us all to be sensitive to our respective needs AND to be aware of how tetchy the Ego-self can/will be over the next several days. The Last QTR Moon phase brings forth some sort of Crisis in Re-Orientation- due to what we now know about our Self since September 1st's New Moon/Solar Eclipse (and that Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse + Mercury Rx in Virgo plus plus plus...) that we didn't know BEFORE then.

Between today and the Balsamic Moon phase September 26th, what ACTION, despite Ego-self denials, resistances, stubbornness et al, are you being called upon to take? And if you've been feeling overly emotional of are not alone! Crying is a chemical reaction to letting go energetically of something. There are times we KNOW what we're releasing and times when we don't. All good!

BE aware of your feelings, intuition, and emotional needs! End of. Intuition will show you the way forward of what Action to take next. Cancer is all about self-nurturance - how are you doing this for YOU? I repeat - a NEW cycle - of letting go of Ego's desire to IGNORE and perhaps hug yourself daily, look yourself in the mirror, in your eyes and tell yourself, "I LOVE YOU!" Now wouldn't that feel warm and fuzzy all over? For a change, Self-Love, Self-Acceptance, Self-Nurturance, Self-Respect, Self-Worth....

Yesterday (Thursday) the Sun entered 00 degrees Libra 00' as of 8:22a MDT- and wow did we feel it! Here in Calgary it was cloudy, misty, rainy, and a bit cool but not as cool as I thought it would be. Enjoy the pictures herein - all taken yesterday in my 'hood. I LOVE this time of year - Autumnal Equinox aka First Day of Fall- because the Sun entered yet another Cardinal Sign - Libra - cardinal air. Yet another NEW step - this one on the Mental Body level (air = mental). What NEW ideas, thoughts, conversations did you have yesterday?

Libra brings forth BALANCE, EQUALITY, PEACE, HARMONY, EQUILIBRIUM- or at least the inner tug to have more of any / all of the above! Libra rules the 7th House of marriage, partnerships, close one-on-one relationships- where is Libra in your natal chart? THIS is where you yearn for balance, equality etc. How well are you doing with all these themes of Libra, compared to where you were this time last year?

For instance, most of Libra is within my 2nd House of Values, Worthiness, Self-Esteem, Money, and what I bring to the table of personal skills, talents and experience that assist me to attract abundance, bounty and prosperity. Interestingly, the 2nd House is the natural home of Taurus - how to DO it on my own - yet having Libra here, I want to PARTNER with someone in some regard - be it business or otherwise - to help me bring home the bacon! Libra wants partnership and balance - an equal give and take. If I've been giving too much and not receiving much to balance it out, then there's something wrong!

Speaking of Libra, Jupiter entered 00 degrees of Libra 00' as of September 9th at 5:19a MDT, just before the 1st QTR Moon phase began in Sagittarius. Jupiter spends roughly one year in each sign. It takes Jupiter 12 years to travel around our charts. Think back to September 26, 2004 (the last time Jupiter began to travel through Libra) - what were you doing then? Where did you work? What partnerships did you have professionally, personally, romantically?Remember, Venus rules both Taurus and Libra. All about LOVE, Beauty, the Arts, and Music! Hence why romance is surrounded by all of this! How is your life different now compared to 2004/05?

What NEW changes do you wish to bring into your life this round? Remember, LIBRA is all about initiating something NEW, mentally/socially within the realm of close relationships/partnerships. Shake it up baby! And Jupiter LOVES to amplify and EXPAND our boundaries about it all too - go beyond those limitations we may have gravitated into over the last 12 years....that kept us safe, away from harm heart-wise...

Mercury Stationed Direct as of September 21st at 11:31p MDT at 14 degrees of Virgo 50'. Yay! Whew! That was quite a heady time for all  of us, considering Mercury RULES Virgo - yep! There was a LOT of thinking, processing, conversations, inner talk, rethinking, redoing, repositioning along the way! So if your head hurt from time to wonder. We are now in the post-Rx (retrograde) Shadow period until October 6th- not 100% out of the woods quite yet. Could be more decisions to discuss, change your mind (!) on, etc.

This is why I LOVE Mercury Rx timings! Gives us all a chance to S-L-O-W down mentally, allow that creative/out-of-the-box thinking cap that bring forth new ideas and ways to cope with current issues/problems in our respective lives. How did YOU do by the way? I'd like to hear about it. Any good Perfectionistic aka procrastination stories to share? Shadow of Virgo...and with the North Node meeting up with Mercury in Virgo over the past week or so- the Direction your Soul wants you to head into - via perfecting HOW you wish to BE of service out in the world AND to your own physical body's health - how did you do with all that too? Think back and give yourself pats on the back - it is as important to KNOW what you want as it is of what you DON'T WANT!

Then there was that wee thing called the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees PISCES 20' on September 16th at 1:05p MDT (mutable water sign) along with that continuing Water Grand Trine that included the Ruler of Pisces, Neptune AND that South Node - BOTH in Pisces- I ask you: how emotional of a time has it been for all of you? Each Lunar Eclipse, especially in a water sign, means we undergo a FULL 28-day Moon cycle within 24 hours! Think about that for a moment -  if you felt underwater at that time, you were!

Watershed times to be sure! Yay! Let go of those toxic thoughts, ideas, beliefs, of the PAST (this and other lifetimes) etc and move forward with your Life NOW! Pisces, as the mutable water sign, can seemingly allow us to "go WITH the flow" but whose flow did you go with? Yours or someone else's? Hhhhmmmm.....any regrets? Still time to get on board WITH your Life/Soul Path of the NOW to reorient yourself (!!) just saying...Listen to YOUR own intuition - not someone else! Listen to YOUR feelings! They are YOURS - no one else around to feel what YOU feel! Are you feeling me here? LOL!

Remember - these three Eclipses we've experienced since August 18th will propel all of us forward, one way or another, for the next 3.5 years....HOW do you want to move forward in YOUR life? And remember, VIRGO is Pisces' opposite sign,so if you think you ducked out on the watershed - think again! Mercury and the North Node in Virgo will PULL from Pisces that which you didn't deal with aware...the Universe is sneaky this way - if at first you don't go with the flow, there's always another way coming round the corner...

And, last but not least, Venus, Ruler of Libra and Taurus, moved into Taurus' opposite sign of SCORPIO today too!Yay! LOL! As of 8:51a MDT at 00 degrees Scorpio 00'- and where's this sign in your charts? Venus is our DESIRE BODY - what is it you DESIRE for yourself, deeply, emotionally, sexually, passionately?Bring out that inner emotional fire you've been hiding under a bushel, from yourself, let alone others! What are YOU passionate about? The House(s) Scorpio is located within in your chart gives you clues as to WHERE or HOW you find that passion!And again, Scorpio rules the Ego-Self FEARS of CHANGE, moving forward from the status quo of the same-old, same-old habits, desires, life. If your passion's pilot light went out, get it back!

The last time Venus was in Scorpio was October 24, 2014 - January 3, 2015. Where were you at, emotionally, back then? What was missing then, and have you re-ignited your passion since? If not, why not? And why not do it now? Venus will travel through Scorpio until October 19th when it enters Sagittarius.Bring forth your TRUE Desires, deeply emotional they may be, and yes, your Ego-Self may be afraid of the depth of those feelings! Dive down as deeply as you can, get to the ROOT of your issue(s) (and if you require assistance, I'm here to help!) because the Universe is supporting ALL of us to do this deep work almost effortlessly! Look at all the planets hanging around in water signs! Hello! How much louder does it need to get, and how many more players do you need? LOL!

Getting back to the Water Grand Trine for this Moon cycle we begin September 1st: we experienced Juno's part in Scorpio within the Crescent Moon phase(September 5-8th), then the Neptune Rx + South Node Rx both in Pisces within the Gibbous Moon phase (September 13-16 - talk about Past Age/Life stuff!) and now, within this Last QTR Moon phase, until September 26th, Vesta in Cancer will help us with FOCUSED CONCENTRATION to delve into whatever it is our Ego-Self may be fighting tooth and nail to avoid letting go of that it holds onto for dear life!Just a heads-up for all of us. The MORE we Let Go now, the better our Balsamic Moon phase (typically the emotional 'letting go' phase of each Moon cycle) will be.

Remember: each Moon cycle brings all of us opportunities for further Self/Soul Growth, changing our daily habits, evolving our Emotional Body to BE as mature as it can possibly be each Moon cycle. And no, if you think you've missed the Emotional Boat this Moon cycle - you haven't. Because there's always another Moon cycle beginning every 28-29 days....

Blessed Be

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