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Shadow Sides of Pisces, Aries, Libra and Capricorn...

Why am I speaking of the Shadow side of Pisces, Aries, Libra and Capricorn today? Because Saturday's Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse brought UP and OUT (aka 'outed' us all) key Shadow work still to 'see' and heal. This was facilitated by Pluto's movement through Capricorn.

During the latest Full Moon phase the SUN sat at 14 degrees of ARIES (interestingly, Fire + Fire elements), the MOON sat at 14 degrees of LIBRA (Water + Air elements) in opposition to each other, exactly. The other character, PLUTO, was sitting at 14 degrees of CAPRICORN (Earth element). What they all have in common is this: they each represent one of the 4 CARDINAL points or signs of Astrology - heralding the BEGINNING of a new season (hence why Cardinal signs signify CHANGE, New Initiatives, New Starts in our lives).

Aries begins Spring; Libra begins Fall; and Capricorn begins Winter. Two Equinoxes and one Solstice. Two areas that required BALANCING/EQUALITY to create an AND in our lives, in order to allow us to dig DEEPER into that long-winter's NIGHT of how we reach Material Gain in this New World!

In order to REACH this T-Square connection (visualize the Sun in Aries in opposition to the Moon in Libra, BOTH squaring up to Pluto in Capricorn - the apex of this triangle or T-Square formation) all of us, respectively, needed to somehow LIVE in the shadow of some aspect of ourself this past weekend - and I mean really LIVE in it. Got cozy with it, allowed it to become LOUD enough to catch our attention. So whatever you found yourself doing (or not doing) Saturday during the 28-days-worth of Moon energies via the Total Lunar Eclipse, THAT was EXACTLY what you were MEANT to be DOing to keep your Ego Mind distracted from the real work going on behind the scenes....

The fire of the Sun within the Fire of Aries - the Sun rules Leo, which represents SUSTAINED Fire, and the Aries Fire is QUICK, INSTINCTUAL, not lasting very long. Aries wants to take action via leaping before thinking; Leo wishes to take long action in order to CREATE something New....and to me the Sun in our birth chart represents our SOUL self. This Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse with the Sun IN Aries brought forth that which we only 'see' within ourselves for a short time, yet is required to CREATE something NEW our Soul self needs now and in the future.

The air of the Moon portion of the Full Moon phase lay in Libra which brings in BALANCE and EQUALITY through Thought, Conversation, Interaction with someone significant in our life. Remember the Moon represents our Emotional Body via feelings and intuition and those hits of Insights from our Higher Self/BEings/people mirroring that which we need to see about Self.

Emotionally, where were you in your head? What triggers occurred for YOU this past weekend that perhaps totally freaked you out? Perhaps wanted you to ESCAPE (Pisces Shadow) BACK to where you WERE before this MOON CYCLE began March 20th @ 29 degrees of Pisces? Remember: 29th degree = LET GO OF SOMETHING this month....

Okay - so we have something INSTINCTUAL (Aries) that wants to assist our Soul (Sun) self to CREATE over the next 6 months to 3.5 years (due to the Eclipse energy). We also have the NEED to communicate (self-talk and with others) in an EQUAL face-time way (Libra) that somehow rebalances the beauty of our Emotional Body (Moon, at the Full Moon stage) - via the SHADOW of the Total Eclipse - bringing forth OUR SHADOW SELF - that which we usually reject out of hand in a blink of an eye....sound familiar?

Post-2012 we are are ALL learning to CREATE an "AND" world - no longer this or that, black or white, male or female, light or dark. 'Tis this AND that, black AND white, male AND female, light AND dark - do you see what I am saying here? IT IS BOTH - AT THE SAME TIME.

The KEY transformation (PLUTO) is for us to SEE and EMBRACE our Shadow Self (Moon) AND our Divine Self (Sun)- see both/all sides of our selves - with Integrity, Responsibility, building a NEW solid FOUNDATION down here on EARTH (Capricorn). Once we begin to understand the 'AND' portion of living post-2012, we also begin to EMBRACE all of ourselves, all of the time.

The Shadow of Pisces brought our attention to WHERE the DRAMA of the Ego self is still in play within us and our lives. How does YOUR life look on the outside when it comes to drama? This is the reflection (Full Moon Illumination) of what we hold true as an Ego belief on the inside!

Knowing WHERE Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces are in your birth chart shows where this heavy-duty SHADOW work resides, what we have been "outed" into between the New Moon / Full Moon (Total Solar Eclipse / Total Lunar Eclipse) phases this Moon cycle. Very cool and very timely AND very scary for the Ego self.

As an example: I have both the end of Pisces (29th degree aka New Moon placement) and most of Aries (includes the 14th degree aka Sun at Full Moon placement) within my 8th House of:

  • Shared $$$, resources, and experiences with Other Partners (be they business-related, personal, taxes owed to the government, paycheque from an employer, etc) one of the Money Houses....

  • Trust issues - emotionally, physically, psychically - in exchange of money, things, work, intimacy...

  • and the EXCHANGE includes Giving / Receiving...

  • Sexuality - 8th House moves us past the 7th House of the "getting to know you" phase into the really GETTING TO KNOW you intimacy of all the dark secrets we hide from others....and self if we weren't aware of it BEFORE we hooked up with a significant Other

  • Life-Death-Rebirth - all the questions we have around DEATH and is where both Scorpio AND Pluto naturally live - so how am I allowing myself to TRANSFORM and die off, via Shadow work healing, some Ego aspect of myself each Moon cycle (and especially this cycle due to all the Eclipse energies)? Or am I just paying lip service to it?

  • Ego Self Shadow fears.....related to ALL of these 8th House themes....and am I allowing them to die off or am I still holding onto them, tightly, dearly?

Then I have the opposite sign, Libra within my 2nd House of:

  • All the ways I allow myself to bring in INCOME, via all my senses, personal resources and skills and there just ONE way of working all my life or many ways? Am I utilizing ALL my talents and gifts or overlooking my best assets?

  • How all of this relates to my Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, and VALUES - what do I value about work and working to make $$$ to pay my bills? How are MY Values mirrored by the people I work FOR/WITH? As well as the business itself - what do they DO that I value in my world, within this world?

  • What do I VALUE materially for MY life? What is the balance between earthly material needs vs. spiritual needs? What is my attachment to material things? And how do I honour the energy exchange, materially?

  • This House of $$ deals with our daily needs, how harmoniously I deal with them and allow others in to my life to gain what I NEED to live.

  • Creature comforts, benefits of services given and received. Owning, lending, borrowing. Identifying SELF and SUCCESS via THINGS vs. I of VALUE or am I only of value due to WHAT I HAVE or OWN or have BORROWED?

Then there is Capricorn - in my 5th House - currently on top of my natal MARS (taking Action, BEing Assertive, Instinctual Warrior energy and Pioneering NEW paths within myself):

  • The 5th House is ruled by the Sun and Leo in the natural wheel of the Zodiac. Here we want to SHINE somehow, CREATE something not seen before, via FUN & PLAY and ROMANCE. Our Inner Child comes out here to show us the well as all children.

  • Pleasure and inner satisfaction, those inner yearning's to BE SEEN and CREATE - to have MY Creations SEEN by Others...

  • Games, entertainment, gambling, sports, how we win or lose, how we DRAMATIZE our lives.

  • Popularity vs. hero worship vs. inner happiness. King or Queen of the Mountain; Drama Queen or Drama King.

So for me, in my life, I have SEEN the tapes and OLD messages of the traditional institutional world (Capricorn) that were still running in my Ego mind (beliefs) about what I could or shouldn't create on my own (Aries) as a WOMAN towards material gain (Capricorn) because I wasn't EQUAL (Libra) with my personal collection of talents and skills to BE materially wealthy (2nd House) through Others (8th House).

I was holding into, unconsciously, past life ideas and beliefs (Pisces), that BEing an independent woman in this day and age also means being LESS THAN with or without a significant partner/Other in my life. BEing successful meant LOSING something of myself in the mix (Death and dying - Pluto/Scorpio/8th House). Who knew?

I am currently going through a process of ENVISIONING a NEW reality and future for myself - and hit the wall about it all over the weekend - my Ego said STOP! I'm going no further - you cannot make me! I want to GO BACK, STAY PUT, do NOT pass GO....etc etc etc.

Most of us have ERIS in Aries (her orbit takes almost 600 years to move through one Astrological sign) and my Eris is at 8 degrees of Aries. Eris throws the apple of discord into the mix to see how we regain more harmony and balance in our lives, especially our gender-roles as females and males since 2006/07.

Bottom line here: ALL of us are rebalancing (Libra) some aspect of ourself via Ego Beliefs that no longer work in THIS world of THIS lifetime (Pisces) that in turn have prevented us from BEing our instinctual self (Aries) that takes Action for ME, 'AND' WITH Others (Libra) so that yes! We can HAVE successful Material GAIN and goals and responsibility (Capricorn) in our lives, as long as we EMPOWER (Pluto) ourselves to EMBRACE the Ego Shadow values, beliefs, emotions (Moon) AND the Soul Self values, beliefs, actions (Sun)...creating a more balanced (Libra) ME (Aries) in the process. Create an AND World - WITHIN - first, so that we Manifest WITHOUT.

What have YOU been DISowning so far as YOU? What Shadow parts of Self do you reject? Toss away as nonessential aspects of You? That which we reject we project AND attract to ourselves...

As Within, So Without; As Above, So Below - ah yes... we keep coming back to this simple yet deeply resonating Hermetic saying...


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