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Ride the New Moon Solar Eclipse Wave of Balance!

Today’s the last day of SEPT 2024 - already?!! Sun’s at 08 LIBRA EXACTLY conjunct Mercury, with that South Lunar Node @ 06 LIBRA - as I write this post close to 2:00 pm MDT.

Shining a Light on the House of Life Experience where you have LIBRA in your Birth chart - this is where a major mental rebalancing will occur - especially come WED OCT 2nd at 12:49 pm MDT when the last Eclipse of 2024 occurs w/ the New Moon as a Solar Eclipse - it has the South Lunar Node that brings the Past into focus through your Relationships / Partnerships somehow, to resolve issues not attended to before now, within them. Time to Speak Up! Have your say, listen, and share what's not been shared/listened to before now.

This New Moon / Solar Eclipse is at 10 LIBRA 03’ w/ Mercury at 11 LIBRA 03’ nearby and the South Lunar Node at 06 LIBRA - hence why it’s an Eclipse as the Sun - Moon - Earth are crossing paths w/ one another!

Accelerating Change from the Past…what’s been imbalanced, in disharmony, unpeaceful or unloving in your world? Time to CHANGE things up! Libra is a Cardinal Air sign that Initiates Change when it comes to HOW we relate with one another.

Emotionally / Soulfully / Mindfully - Whew!

This Solar Eclipse (to take Inspired Action) lasts 6 hours 03’ (!!). I usually split the Time in half - 3 hours prior to 12:49 pm = 9:49 am until 3 hours after 12:49 pm = 3:49 pm MDT - that’s the Timeframe for Wednesday's Eclipse Energies at their maximum to intentionally heal with, if you so choose. Bring your Crystals out for a good bath/cleansing/clearing in the Sunlight of this balancing/rebalancing New Moon/Solar Eclipse energy.

Honour the Intentions of what you wish to bring in through much-needed balanced Change in this area of your life - such as equal Giving AND Receiving - with key Others in your life. How are YOU showing up in your Relationships/Partnerships? If you're not, why not? What's this telling you? Time to move on, let go, look for a more equal face-time connection?

This Solar Eclipse / New Moon cycle contains 2 Grand Trines of ease and flow energies -

1) Earth / Air Grand Trine tying PLUTO Rx/retrograde at 29 degrees Capricorn / Fated, Destined to End/Release/Complete something no longer serving you that disempowers you somehow - lacks true Integrity - w/ both URANUS Rx at 26 TAURUS conjunct SEDNA Rx at 01 GEMINI 06’ - Unexpected Change of Values / Money Issues / Worth whereby you CAN move from Victim to Victor by telling a whole new story - with that South Lunar Node of Past Life Issues to resolve within close Relationships / Partnerships. Physically and Mentally DOING.

2) Water Grand Trine tying VENUS at 11 SCORPIO 46’ still in her Sacral Chakra Gate of Creativity (deeply passionate, aware of Unconscious Desires / Fears / Traumas) with SATURN Rx at 14 PISCES 14’ where possible Spiritual Restructuring / goal-setting ensues, to bring about MORE Soul-self desired connection vs Ego-self Drama / Addiction desires, with MARS at 15 CANCER conjunct the VERTEX / Something Fated/Destined this way comes through active care / caring / self-care. Emotional/feeling the feelings, tuning into your Intuitive Insights. What's coming up for you? Both the Divine Inner Feminine/Venus and Divine Inner Masculine/Mars are at play here, while your Spiritual Self sets the stage from Within for Magic to manifest.

I’m currently undergoing my MARS Opposition whereby I’m consciously choosing to NOT be so Active for others while Taking Care of my physical / emotional needs for about 5 days while this Opposition is in play in my Birth Chart - MARS governs our Vitality / Immune System - which can be at its lowest ebb when at its Opposition Timing. Stay-cation to Rest, Rejuvenate, Relax. Self-care to be sure!

Take good care of yourselves this week! Hydrate, balance your Life into MORE Peace / Harmony / Love / Equality / Equilibrium - be Mindful of how you go forward - Eclipse energies like this one will impact us for the next SIX years!

Be aware of HOW you're taking care of yourself, your key Relationships / Partnerships right now. BE in the moment with all of it, Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually and Physically. We must be ALL in right now.

Blessed BE!

PHOTO CREDIT: Unsplash Photo Artists - thank you!


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