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Part III: Build Your Goals As You Let Go of What Was - This Eclipse Trilogy of 2020!

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Okay - here's the third instalment for this 2020 mid-year Eclipse season! Whew, eh?! LOL!

July 4th, 2020 at 10:44 pm MDT we experience our third Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon of 2020 (!!) at 13 degrees Capricorn 37' of Celestial Longitude. Here the Full Moon sits opposite the Sun's position at 13 degrees Cancer 37' Celestial Longitude. We will be riding the Emotional Waves of a FULL 28-Day MOON CYCLE Saturday night!!!! Hold onto your hats, emotionally & intuitively!

The Full Moon Illuminates the Unconscious Desires of the Sun - our Vital Soul self in Ego form - in a dynamic connection with BOTH Lunar Nodes still standing at that 29th degree of Gemini (North Node's Soul Direction) & Sagittarius (South Node's Resolving Past Life Issues & Using Skills from the Past in the Now). Yes, there's another HUGE bit going on here folks...Accelerated Change, Emotionally, Soulfully, with our Ego-self coming along for the ride?!

What's become CONSCIOUS for you this week in the area of Nurturance, Compassion, Family, Mom/mothering or fathering, self-care in Your life? To whom do you look for this? Are you able to do so for yourself from Within? This is the Cancer Cardinal Water Sun position. Initiating NEW change & awareness...with NEW information (Gemini) & networking/connecting in ways we've aligned ourselves with & by - at that 29th degree means this is fated/destined to END somehow - evolving into a BETTER way...

How are You climbing UP on your Capricorn Mountain of Ambition, Goals, & Responsibilities that come with BUILDING SOMETHING NEW in your life that leaves a legacy all of its own? Something that lasts - in your life - for You, Emotionally, that also lasts for the Collective around You? Here is the Capricorn Cardinal Earth Moon/Lunar Eclipse - initiating NEW change & awareness...with NEW hands-on BUILDING...of what exactly in Your life? At the same time as You LET GO of old intentions, prior Higher Purposes that no longer serve the You you are Now (Sagittarius). Clear out the OLD, Emotionally, to create room for the NEW to manifest, Within & Without.

It is Fated/Destined that we plant NEW SEEDS & ILLUMINATE our quest for better, clearer information/data that is timely, helpful & uplifting. What is/was Emotionally on your agenda board this past week? Have you been feeling "outside of yourself"? Not quite Your-Self? A lot of this change has been Unconscious, soon to become Conscious.

This Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon's South Node at 29 degrees Sagittarius is also connected with the Galactic Centre - so the downloads of Divine INSPIRation - Wisdom - Intentions & Next Steps are HUGE....ride the wave into CONSCIOUSNESS of whatever inspired ideas, changes & habits there are to be cleaned/cleared up & clarified as they come your way!

What is it that you TRULY want for YOUR life these next 3.5 years?!

The energies of each Eclipse we experience & the way we EMBRACE IT &/or sit in fear during them will enhance how we evolve Within over the next 3.5 years (a year for every hour of the Eclipse). Split the timing of this Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Capricorn in half with 2.5 hours prior & 2.5 hours after 10:44 pm MDT - approximately 8:30 pm to almost 1:00 am MDT - as the MOST intense part of what we've been moving towards this week! Watch your thoughts, your words, your feelings & follow that Inner Wisdom - Intuition - to be as POSITIVE & Mindfully Intent as you possibly can!

What IS Your True Purpose - NOW - ?

Where are you heading? What are you BUILDING in your life, Emotionally & hands-on that shows up physically in your daily routine/habits - what garners CHANGE that your Soul/Emotional body are so in sync now to embrace?

Look back to where You were mentally, emotionally, spiritually & physically at the first of these three Eclipses - June 5th - to where You are Now, July 4/5th. What have You noticed for yourself? Where are You headed? What Changes are You willing to make & take into ACTION 10 days later - mid-July?

Those of us who are also experiencing our 11th House timing (when the Sun moves through our 11th House of our Future Self's Wishes & Dreams for the coming year!) MUST ensure accelerated CLEAR INTENTIONS that will show fruition within the next 10 months! This combines BOTH Creativity Houses of the Birth Chart - My Creative Expression (Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn in our 5th House) & Our Creative Expression (Sun's position in Cancer in our 11th House of peers/colleagues, friends & the groups we belong to & those who SUPPORT the Evolving ME) - What WILL (Sun) you INTUIT (Moon) & feel your way forward into for Your Future?!

For Everyone: feel into this accelerated Emotional body's wave of clearer "seeing" "being" "intending" "feeling" & "intuiting"! Sit with it all; allow it to unfold; walk through it; BE IT! Use your Meditation/channeling, Tarot/Oracle cards, Pendulum, Crystals, Essential Oils - whatever YOU use as Guidance Tools to further deepen the experience of what has been this Eclipse Trilogy of 2020! Namaste

Photo Credits: UNSPLASH awesome artists - THANK YOU! You all Rock!


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