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New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Virgo...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

This morning at 3:03a MDT the Moon + Sun began the New Moon phase together at 09 degrees Virgo 21' AND also signalled the Solar (Sun) Eclipseenergies to pour forth! Solar represents Taking Action, BEing Active, Act Upon..something Virgo...wonder what you'll do with this? Read on...

Looking at this New Moon's chart, I see that Water Grand Trineis still in play (how emotional were you last Moon cycle?) bringing together Vesta in Cancer(focus on family/roots) + Juno in Scorpio(deeply passionate about EQUALITY in relationships, especially those intimate ones) + the South Node/Dragon's Tail in Pisces WITH Neptune both Rx (retrograde) too - hence pointing to where this inner emotional watershedding is coming from! Letting Go (via that Dragon's Tail swishing it all out like a broom). Of Old Past emotional trauma/turmoil from Within re: family + intimate relationships - from this lifetime and perhaps stemming from way way way back there life times that are still impacting us today! Whew!

I find it fascinating that we are experiencing all of this during this year's Virgo Pantheon! Virgo rules the 6th House of the Health of the Physical Body + BEing of Service (to self and others) in some regard. What will we collectively HEAL this Moon cycle? And far into the near future (3.5 years) due to this Eclipse today, due to the Action we decide to take?

Here's the current Virgo Pantheon lineup:

  • Moon + Sun at 09 degrees Virgo 21': Emotional Body + Spiritual/Soul Body come together to feel/intuit/receive insights AND take action accordingly, about the health regimens we do for ourselves (or not!) and how we work/volunteer our time out in the world, beyond our home.

  • North Node at 12 degrees Virgo 43', Rx: The direction our collective Soul wishes us to navigate (it entered the back end of Virgo November 13, 2015) re: the recurring themes of health + service. Where are you NOW compared to nearly 10 months ago? How have both of these areas IMPROVED in your life? Do you 'see' there  are still issues to address here? No worries! We all have until May 10, 2017 to sort it all out before the North Node/Dragon's Head enters Leo.

  • Jupiter at 28 degrees Virgo 17' conjunct Mercury Rx at 28 degrees Virgo 55': Talk about EXPANDING/Amplifying the need for our logical brains to CHANGE its Mind, eh? How much LOUDER does it have to get for each of us to MAKE the heartfelt changes our physical bodies require for better nurturance, energy, being taken care of equally well as the rest of us? Hhhhmmmm....I love the timing of this duo - Mercury returns to where we were at back in mid-August or so with plans, ideas for changing things up - where are YOU at with it NOW? And where, once this Mercury Rx period completes (September 21st - Autumnal Equinox) and we navigate the post-Rx Shadow period (comes to a close as of October 6th), will our MINDS be re: health / work / service? We can change the plans/ideas at any point along the way, tweaking our processes - the KEY here is to MAKE some plans to start off from!Gentle Reminder about VIRGO:the Shadow side here is one of Perfectionism, Procrastination, Delay Tactics, Excuses (as in WORK needs more of my attention than my PHYSICAL BODY does)....need I go on? To Set a PLAN in motion is MORE than what you had going previously, correct? So why wait to perfect it now? It can be perfected at any time along the way as you DO the Action of whatever that initial plan started you on! Get out and DO IT and ENJOY the DOing of it...please....

There's a couple of interesting planetary formations this Moon cycle too that create even MORE fun for all of us! They are:

  • T-Square focal point with Saturn + Mars + Vertex in Sagittarius From the New Moon pair (Moon + Sun) + North Node Rx in Virgo opposing the South Node Rx + Neptune Rx in Pisces! Whew! Just in case the actual New Moon portion of this programme doesn't get you Up and Going (!) THIS formation will create MUCHO tension and stress Within to a) LET GO of/dissolve the Past Victim/Drama Triangle leftovers of the Old Age of Pisces, b) while creating an AND to move TOWARDS your Soul's current PLAN via this New Moon cycle AND Solar Eclipse (did I mention these energies will be in play for the next 3.5 years?) into healthier ways of treating your physical body AND how you work.... the MORE we are able to create this as an AND (it can be a walk in the park if the logical mind/brain joins in!) then c) more positive energy will be senttowards being responsible for your personal goals (Saturn) and take even MORE Assertive Action (Mars) to see those long-term goals come into fruition (!) AND then something this way Fateful/Destined comes as a result! Cool. Wonder what that will be?

  • Mystic Rectangle in Earth/Water signs (Feminine Energies): here again the New Moon/Solar Eclipse players are involved. Here we are being asked to combine and experience MORE of how we DO health/work WITH our Spiritual natures (Neptune); at the same time nurturing ourselves via ALL our senses/with value/being hands-on AND create EQUAL opportunities for deep passion/emotions to arise to meet us. These two polarities I just mentioned will show how we push/pull against ourselves (Ego-self resisting change vs. Soul-self seeking change) re: health/work/relationships to Self and body AND others! The KEY here is to create some NEW talents/skill sets that will assist you to move INTO change: nurture yourself emotionally, physically actively in a way you've not allowed to occur before now. AND, Connect Above via meditation, walks in Nature, to CONNECT Within to tap into your hidden depths of passionate life/living! Create yet another AND here - active time AND quiet time - with YOU - out in the world, and IN your Inner World.

  • The Sacred Feminine Wisdom Principles do apply here - Allow yourself to RECEIVE those messages from Above/Within via intuition, feelings, insights, signs/symbols (via my friend Diana's "Sidewalk Tarot"! ask for those signs to be shown to you during your day), BE with the emotions/feelings/intuition (as in WALK with/through them, vs. running away, making excuses, hiding, escaping etc.) AND then take Action accordingly. It can be that your Ego-Self/mind INVITED to come along for the adventure? Might be an idea to ask...

That's it! Go for it! BE it! FEEL it! Allow whatever OLD outmoded habits you've been clinging to BE released, gently, lovingly and heartfully! What seeds of the NOW do you wish to plant that will be growing along with you these next 3.5 years, let alone this Moon cycle?

And before I leave this post, for those of you interested to know the NEW vestment we are picking up this Moon cycle/Solar Eclipse via Venus/Inanna- as of September 3rd still within this New Moon/Solar Eclipse phase (!) we are taking back our CREATIVITY piece that we let go of back on February 5th. Here Inanna regains her ankle bracelets via the Sacral Chakra.

What do YOU wish to CREATE More of, via Virgo (Venus at 5 degrees of Virgo) within your life moving forward, that you let go of in February? How is it different NOW for you compared to then? Here is yet another Sacred Feminine Wisdom Principle piece to add with the Mystic Rectangle formation you'll be dealing with. Create! Create! Create! Tap into your Sacral Chakra area whilst meditating, connect with your Creative Higher Self therein and listen to what she/he has to say!

Blessed Be

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