Saturday January 5th, 2019 at 6:28 pm MSTwe experienced the New Moon/Solar Eclipse within the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn - Taking Care of Business - be it your business of the work you do, of home and hearth, family or relationships or self needs.
The days leading up to January 5th told you which area of life was about to be "...refueled, having new seeds planted within it, creating new foundations for new projects, reaching outward and striving toward new experiences...."(Celeste Teal's Eclipses Predicting World Events & Personal Transformation, 2009).
Each New Moon phase brings its own NEWNESS - something your Emotional Body has been holding onto, perhaps a daily habit that is now blocking your way forward, a decision made many moons ago that shows itself, now, to be not you at all - whatever the NEW is to be - this Moon cycle will show you how well you are, need to, must, take care of its business.
Astrologically, Saturn rules Capricorn, and is therefore the Lord of this Eclipse. Saturn will try to constrict, limit, discipline, and need to conserve (tighten those belts?). There can be an air of KARMIC occurrences in your life this week too. Please be aware of all interactions, transactions, and circumstances that showed up - can be as simple as signing a contract or waiver - what do you FEEL about what occurred? Is it haunting you? Is it empowering you?
A Solar Eclipse brings forth processing our Self-Identity and Ego - who am I and how am I mastering my Ego-self needs/choices/desires to allow more room for my Soul-self needs/choices/desires? The energy of this eclipse continues onward, within our lives, for the next 3.5 years!
Capricorn is the mountain goat climbing up and down and across mountain paths, seeking its goal. Have you plateaued out? Are you catching your breath? Or is your Ego-self afraid of success, hiding away from new opportunities, life changes that will open you up to even greater potential and reward? Some mountain goats continue to climb despite their Ego-self fears/denials/resistance, some return to home base and wonder "What was I thinking?!" while others stay put - keep the status quo - don't rock the boat, eh?
Capricorn, as a cardinal sign, MUST create change. This earth sign begins a new season - Winter - and all the change this season brings, weather-wise. Having an Eclipse in an Earth sign denotes drought, recessions, financial problems, scarcity, famine, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or avalanches. Earth signs are motivated by practical concerns.
Here in Alberta our winter has yet to begin - barely any snowfall thus far, temperatures are still mild (considering we're used to more -20 to -30 C temperatures) - so yes, I'd say we're experiencing a bit of drought.
Apple shares plummeted, causing the stock markets to drastically decline, then rallied back within the first few days of January. Canada/Alberta have indeed been in a recession, especially with the oil and gas industry changes and challenges since 2014, made worse due to provincial and federal shenanigans.
2019 will find Albertans and Canadians returning to the polls to elect NEW government leaders - time will tell all soon enough. Capricorn rules all traditional institutions such as government, economics, trade, health, education, taxes, law and corporations. Any more cut-backs coming our way?
As always, people decide to leave us just prior to or with an Eclipse. Their passing brings change and the Emotional Body, Physical Body and Mental Body are in a state of shock, flux and sorrow - no matter if it was a sudden death or one long-expected. The process of Letting Go that loved one is our grief process - totally unique for each of us. And here constriction, stability and security issues come to the fore like no other.
Within the Physical Body, via the energetic Chakra system, the Root Chakra is ruled by Saturn and Capricorn- our connection to Earth. Interesting how, with this Solar Eclipse, we all can be experiencing any of the following:
Main Issues: of Survival, Stability or physical needs and sense of safety
When Imbalanced, May Experience: anxiety disorders, unfounded fears, nightmares, issues with colon, bladder, elimination; lower back, leg or feet issues. For men, prostrate issues. Eating disorders may also signify imbalance.
When Blocked: anxiety, lack of physical energy, as sense of being ungrounded (or perhaps NOT being in your body?)
To rebalance/unblock this Root Chakra, try:
Using the Mantra: LAM over and over...observe where the Ego is stuck on security, stability or financial issues...what changes need to be made?
Affirmation:"I am safe, protected and secure. All is as it should be."
An eclipse will occur during a New Moon or Full Moon only if one of the Moon's Nodes (North Node or South Node) is nearby. For this Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, the South Node is here - bringing forth Unresolved Issues from Past Lives/earlier this lifetime - all with the theme of security, stability and survival. Take advantage of this Dragon's Tail to sweep away the blockages/imbalances of old - are they still part of your belief system, now? "I cannot retire without knowing how long I will live, so do I have enough money to survive?!" is one for your life now...AND trust you will bring forth new sources of income along the way. We are, after all, reinventing retirement, being a senior/elder, and old age.
Saturn is Father Time - and guides us to our goals, the responsibilities we take on, and that which we want to BUILD, successfully, for posterity. No matter what age you are, dream and build using current resources at hand to transform them into something NEW that is required by the collective, now. Only YOU have the ability to create YOUR creation - hands-on, with practicality and being connected with Mother Earth.
Namaste & in Loving Memory of Uncle Dan...Love You!