Tonight, November 14, 2020, at 10:07 pm MST the Moon & Sun come together at 23 degrees Scorpio 17’ of Celestial Longitude (for those of you following along with your Birth charts!) creating the New Moon – a new beginning, Emotionally, for all of us!
Mercury is also here in Scorpio – 05 degrees & 06’ – almost out of his Post Rx/retrograde Shadow timing (November 19/20) - this third & last Mercury Rx period began back on September 25th. What mental/emotional journey have you been on since then? Seems like years have gone by! Mercury began this Logic Vacation in the late degrees of Libra then headed to 11 degrees Scorpio before travelling back over these degrees – taking its vacation,

– what exactly, in YOUR life? Then he turned Direct again, the day of the US Election – November 3rd! To come back over these same degrees a third time!
Scorpio has deep hidden depths, is the most private sign of the Zodiac, can be full of fear mixed with passion mixed with mystery. Scorpio likes to dig deeply for the TRUTH, find the root cause, of any deeply-held mental/emotional issue we may hide from ourselves! Here lies our psychic gifts & abilities – if only we could put our TRUST in them/ourselves to honour the Wisdom that lies below/Within!
Scorpio definitely has TRUST ISSUES! The first time trust is broken, it hits deeply. The second time, caution & suspicion can arise. After that – watch out! That Scorpion Stinger will have a trigger finger – aimed at any person breaking the bond of trust faster than a speeding bullet! Forgiveness is KEY – with Self & with Others. To clear this into compassion & acceptance. And to allow yourself to Love again.

There are four levels of Scorpio we all undergo, over & over & over. Ruled by Pluto, over time, we transform ourselves by allowing our hidden SECRETS to be revealed by:
· Evolving from the lowly distrustful stinging Scorpion (It’s Just My Nature!),
· We morph into the Snake, shedding the skin of who we used to be as we ask WHY DO I NOT TRUST?! And this Trust is about Self & Others in our lives, who act as mirrors to our behaviours, our actions/inactions. Our deeply-held darker emotions we may not want to feel, let alone talk about or heal!
· Eventually we spread out & up as the Eagle, rising above ourselves to see the Bigger Picture of the patterns of self-sabotage &/or hurting others we’ve developed over time. Here we “see” the mystery, revealed, from Within!
· Finally, rising up as the Phoenix from the ashes of whatever Within us needed to die, we are renewed in some way. Rebirthing ourselves. Becoming more whole – accepting those shards of “frozen in Time” pieces of ourselves that were either created due to trauma or we actually rejected these parts of ourselves due to distrust in Self &/or Others, so often before now. Love this aspect of Self, retrieve a piece of your Soul that is dearly missed!
· Then, we do this process all over again! And Inner Human Evolution ensues…
With the Moon, Sun & Mercury all in Scorpio this Moon cycle, we’re unearthing depths of trust issues, fears & hidden secrets & passions Emotionally, Soulfully & Mentally! As the days become darker & COVID lockdowns return due to surges in affected people – know that there is help this Moon cycle!
Neptune, also Rx/retrograde, within our Spiritual sign of Pisces, is sending a love line to the Moon/Sun within Scorpio. Water to water – Spiritual heights to Emotional Depths – a Star of Hope & Promise that say yes! We will live to see ourselves on the other side of this Pandemic, & these massive societal changes we’re undergoing here in 2020. There IS a Higher Perspective to connect with – Within – as we navigate the deeper waters of fears, distrust & whatever our secrets & passions are that we’ve been bypassing all this time.

Neptune is our Cosmic Guide, like a window looking up into the Bigger Picture of the WHY ARE WE HERE? WHAT IS GOING ON, truly? Here, if you choose to look, you can connect with your Higher Self/Future Self, your expansive eternal Self, to “see” more clearly the Mysteries we hold Within! To see the Magic of transformative life as we LIVE IT RIGHT NOW! We are living in a truly historic time – making history as we live it! Marking history as we choose to relate Within & Without with kinder, warmer & calmer attitudes about what we have NO CONTROL OVER at this time!
Here’s the other issue with Scorpio: the NEED for control! To keep it all the same! No change please! I NEED TO HOLD ON AS TIGHTLY AS I CAN! I will NOT LET GO…do you see the life raft? That’s Neptune shining a huge Light down, showing the way forward during these dark times of the Soul.
The Lunar Nodes of the Moon – North Node in Gemini & South Node in Sagittarius – sit in a square angle to Neptune, creating what we Astrologers call a T-Square whereby in this instance Neptune is the focal point. We MUST be curious to look further, to talk about what’s INSIDE more out loud, to connect with our peeps (North Node) while at the same time RESOLVE that which we’ve been hanging onto far too long from our past – that which is dying. The Higher Purpose of what was, is dying. LOOK FOR THE NEW HIGHER PURPOSE! And choose to connect Within, Spiritually, & you WILL find the gems that bring you up & out of those darker depths! Meditation, oracle cards, journaling, working with crystals – chatting with close friends & family – whatever works for you – DO IT!
Grounding in Nature, connecting with your close friends & family – yes, even during a lockdown we luckily have this virtual technology that is quite frankly SAVING OUR SANITY! USE IT! Even the phone is our friend & GEMINI is the Social Butterfly of the Zodiac – connect with that North Node of Soul Direction. TALK IT OUT!

The other helpers here, surprisingly, are Pluto & Jupiter & Saturn, that Capricorn Trio I keep writing about, who are teaching us how to transform our fears by revealing our secrets (Pluto) & allowing in Change by taking Risks (Jupiter) as NEW OPPORTUNITIES show themselves for NEW DIRECTIONS which in turn bring RESTRUCTURED GOALS (Saturn) & responsibilities & direction! Here the Scorpio New Moon cycle will help all of us to create SOMETHING NEW IN OUR LIVES by December 13th, by the end of this Moon cycle.
We’ll be honing NEW TALENTS & SKILLS to begin something NEW between now the upcoming Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse! Jump on that train when it shows itself in your life! Capricorn is the Goat climbing up his mountain, up along the pathway as it reveals itself, step by step! Find YOUR NEW DIRECTION! We are ALL right on time here! The November 30th & December 14th Eclipses bring ACCELERATED CHANGE our way. Keep up with it! Ride the wave. There’s MORE to come before Christmas & I’ll chat about it in upcoming posts!
Know this: we are definitely at a CROSSROADS HERE across the globe! Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually & Physically. We MUST CHOOSE WISELY our next steps. We are moving through a massive evolutionary shift for humanity. Know this to be true. We are the architects of our own Future. What NEW do you want for your life, your children & family & friends as 2020 draws to an end? Connect relationally, heartfully, soulfully.
Neptune asks us to IMAGINE a new Garden of Eden life here on Earth. Believe in the MAGIC of TRANSFORMATION. Feel your way forward. Trust your Intuitive Wisdom & KNOW that You Are Making History, with every breath & choice you take & make! Namaste
Photo Credits: UNSPLASH photo artists – Sending Hugs & Thanks!