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New Moon in Scorpio: Initiate Destined/Fated Spiritual & Psychological Changes

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Today at 9:02 am MST the Moon (our Emotional Body) and Sun (our Vital/Soul Body) stood together in the sky to begin a new Moon cycle via the New Moon phase - at 15 degrees of Scorpio 11' celestial longitude.

The position of this Moon/Sun position in Scorpio connects with Neptune, Rx (retrograde) in Pisces (our Spiritual Body) and the Vertex - something Fated/Destined this way Cancer, creating a Grand Trine in the astrological Water signs - highly Emotional and Intuitive to receive the signs, symbols and INsights of Emotional/Spiritual Body changes. A trine connection is a loving one - helping all three positions to work together in unison.

Earlier today I wrote the post about the current Nodal Sign Change (North Node moved into Cancer - cardinal water - ruled by the Moon! South Node moved into Capricorn - cardinal earth - ruled by Saturn) - and this North Node (direction our Soul wishes us to move forward into) in Cancer is connected with Chiron (healing our energetic boundaries/wounds with one another) in Pisces (Spiritual Body) - significant HEALING of the Emotional/Spiritual Bodies coming up in this Moon cycle. Swim Up to your Spiritual Body whilst feeling/intuiting from your Emotional Body - connect the two to initiate timely and necessary change.

The Moon/Sun's position in Scorpio is also assisted by Pluto's position in Capricorn - Life, Death & Rebirth process - to EMPOWER Within ourselves, with Integrity, via practical hands-on earthly goals, despite deep-seated emotional fears (Scorpio) that have prevented us from moving forward before now.

The fixed water of Scorpio (most PRIVATE sign of the Zodiac, ruling the 8th House of Life Experience in the birth chart) brings forth the following themes to be worked with this Moon cycle (until December 6th, 2018) as per Jan Spiller's New Moon Astrology wisdom:

  • EMPOWERMENT: how we deal with secrets (our own and others); being aware of the needs and motives of others - and how you use your power with them; politics (interesting the half-way point elections were held last night in the US with the Moon in the Balsamic Moon phase - its citizens letting go of past fears and moved forward with gains/losses - especially the women in Congress!); Psychological Health - like I said, move through deeply seated fears/emotions (Scorpio) that block your way forward. And Charisma - what are you attracting to yourself, Emotionally?

  • Change/Transcendence: Transforming old emotional "baggage", creating much-needed Change, bringing Restoration and Forgiveness - Within and Without - if you so choose!

  • CRISIS SKILLS: here we learn to take those risks to gain power/empowerment; dealing with our compulsions to control/manipulate people/situations for our benefit alone (where's the Win-Win in that?); Obsessions - again, emotional sabotage, the need for power and control over others/situations; Intense emotional interactions; living on the edge - do you really need to go to extremes to FEEL alive?

  • SELF-MASTERY: how we do Good vs. Evil in our lives; bringing forth emotional Strength to keep on keeping on; having the Self-discipline to change current daily habits that support self-care/psychological well-being (mental health) and anything excessive (addictions); Committing to the success of something outside or Within self; our Depth of Character - what truly goes on Within you to the deepest levels of your Soul? Are you conscious of it? Do you allow others to see this part of you?

  • SEX/SOULMATES: here is where we do the intimate bonding - our sexual drives, how we absorb the deep emotional passionate connections; connecting to Soul Mates (not necessarily a sexual/romantic thing); showing mutual validation for BEing who we truly are - no longer HIDING from self, let alone a significant other.

  • FINANCIAL PARTNERSHIPS: here is the arena of loans, taxes, debts, grants, wills and inheritances, contracts and business. Shared money, values, and resources with significant others, government, banks, creditors etc. How are you honouring any or all of this?

  • MISUSE OF POWER: via revenge, jealousy, harsh judgments, destructive urges (self-flagellation/destructive habits), power struggles, abandonment issues, being suspicious of other's motives, and guilt. Forgiveness and Love with Compassion come into play here - to heal, let go, and move on. To create win-win outcomes for all involved - no matter how impossible it looks now, at New Moon - know that this too can pass and be healed. "I Love You, I'm sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You"

  • Restoring Physical Health in these areas of your body: rectum, colon, bladder and organs of elimination; PMS and menstruation/Menopause; Sexual dis-ease; Sexual organs, male and female. Any of these areas, ruled by Scorpio, can be revealed as healthy or otherwise during the timing of the Moon + Sun doing their dance together within Scorpio. That which was hidden may be be healed this Moon cycle.

The Sabian Symbolfor this New Moon (at 16 degrees of Scorpio, rounding up) using The Sabian Symbol as an Oracle by Lynda Hill & Richard Hill:

  • SYMBOL: A Girl's Face Breaking Into a Smile"

  • Key Info: You may feel the simple sense of your inner happiness shining through. But this is more than just an expression of pleasure or joy, it is the expression of your ability to choose between happiness and unhappiness and then choosing to express it.

  • Key Phrase: Drawing others to you through your willingness to relate.

  • Shadow aspect: False happiness to satisfy others' needs. Lack of sincerity. Breaking up rigidity of responses.

"Don't worry, BE happy!" in other words. Or drag yourself ever deeper into the abyss of pain, sadness, depression and so on...the choice is yours. Give yourself permission to FEEL the joy and happiness, the Inner Passion of YOU - despite what ever else is going on in your life. Yes, there is death and the dying. Within and Without - this doesn't mean you have to go down with it, to the "depths of despair" as Anne Shirley describes in the timeless book, Anne of Green Gables.

Allow the feelings to be felt, the power struggles to surface, the fears of the Ego-self to be seen and heard - and LET GO of that which no longer supports where you are at with self-love, self-acceptance, self-nurturance, self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence et al.

A perfect time to delve into counseling sessions with someone you trust, have an in-depth reading with a trusted astrologer/medium/psychic in your area - to look under the hood of what you've been hiding from, emotionally. Coupled with the current Nodal Sign Change into Cancer (cardinal water sign of initiating change Within the Emotional Body) whereby the North/South Nodes are creating a Cardinal Grand Square with Uranus Rx in Aries + Venus Rx in Libra - creating mucho stress and tension Within to CHANGE daily habits of HOW you deal with yourself, Emotionally!

Uranus brings Unexpected Change for independence (Aries), and Venus brings forth our true Desires for close one-on-one relationships/partnerships (aka marriage for some  Libra). All cardinal signs initiate change just as they initiate change of weather via the seasons. How are you weathering your Inner Emotional nature? What struggles are you undergoing with your Ego-self for power and control vs. empowerment? Let Go, surrender, and embrace the deep-seated feelings/emotions and thoughts and self-talk and whatever else is surfacing as the season of dying/death and darkness creeps along.

The ruler of this New Moon in Scorpio is PLUTO, who is sending mini love messages during this Moon cycle to EMPOWER yourself by trusting your own motives/intuition/feelings, moving forward through these current dark waters into the Unknown. You will 'see' yourself renewed on the other side as you surrender to all that needs to die Within self. Love yourself through this whilst creating NEW daily habits of self-love/nurturance/acceptance along the way!



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