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New Moon in Gemini: Connections & Negotiations

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

This next Moon cycle beginstomorrow, Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 1:45p MDT with both the Moon and the Sun sitting at the cosmic longitude of 04 degrees of Gemini 47'. As I write this post, we here in Calgary are experiencing extremely high winds and driving rain showers. I predict more high wind days to occur throughout this Moon cycle as Gemini is the mutable air sign of our Zodiac.

Gemini brings forth that need for chattiness, conversations, networking, connecting the dots between data, information and people through technology. Look to see where the coordinates for this New Moon reside in your chart - this is the House that will be activated for this Moon cycle's journey through your emotional / intuitional and mental aspects of your daily habits.

How connected are you to your brain/mind, ruled by Mercury who rules both Gemini and Virgo? And how often does your mind/Ego-brain over-ride your emotional needs, intuitional insights and physical body's needs? You will find out soon enough.

The Moon, in Gemini, this cycle, will remind you, often, that there truly is a need to 'see' BOTH sides now! Gemini's glyph are the Twins - mirror images of one another. Some say, "The little angel on one shoulder and the little devil on the other!" What will be mirrored back to you this time? More of the little devil (what your Ego wants) or more of the little angel (what your true Inner self/soul wants)?

Remember: we have all just walked up to the 2nd Gate of our descending journey into the Underworld via Venus as of the Balsamic Moon phase, at 16 degrees of Aries 41' that began on May 22nd. This Gate entry requested that we remove our Royal Staff via our Brow or 3rd Eye Chakra. Here we are relinquishing our PERCEPTION of our Inner and Outer worlds, as we have known them to be until now. Venus brings us closer to our truest heart's desires of our emotional natures. The Moon dovetails with Venus to bring us into contact, monthly, how we truly FEEL, how well we listen to and follow our INTUITION, and then how our DAILY HABITS of these interactions need to be updated to reflect where we are truly residing, Within, now. Is there distortion between your Inner You and what you're attracting from Without?

Gemini, ruled by Mercury (which resides at 10 degrees of Taurus 44' for this Moon cycle) brings forth more themes to be dealt with, quite sensuously/with ALL senses coming to the table to feast on any or all of the following:

  • Movement and Activity: locally, neighbourly, with those you live with, your siblings and local merchants you shop from. Here the interactions are more lively, chatty and information is passed on that is required. This also includes more local travel in and around where you live.

  • How You Learn: what is it that you wish to learn at this time? A new piece of software, or lessons you've been putting off taking/completing before now? How you learn and how much you wish to take in, and why, are part of this theme. Are a visual learner? Learn by doing? Learn by reading, or instruction? Or a combination of all?

  • Updating Communication Skills: especially these days of Social Media + Coffee Chats (aka information gathering interviews) for job-seekers and salespeople alike. How well do you interact with others? Do you need to upgrade these skills? What have you been meaning to say, and didn't quite have the proper delivery or words to communicate yourself as authentically as you wished? Perhaps it isn't how you speak - it could be more of how well you are listening to others, taking in their subtle meanings, in order to come to a consensus.

  • Logic and Cleverness/ Socially at Ease: being the life of the party isn't always what others want to hear. Do we use this tactic to overcome inward insecurity about being up close and personal with others? When do you use this cleverness - to manipulate, to over-power? If you are ill at ease, perhaps others are too. Intimidation doesn't mend fences - it electrifies them.

  • Daily Interactions: what are your motivations for speaking with others? When do you feel open and when do you feel closed-off? Ask yourself, why? What's going on INSIDE, Within yourself. How are you FEELING? What's your INTUITION telling you? Are you listening?

  • Stay Calm + Carry On! Have you seen these t-shirts with various slogans on them? Something brought forth in England during the World Wars of last century. Mental stress and anxiety go hand in hand with being social. More so these days - I wonder why? More people would rather chat with one another via their devices than face-to-face. Notice how The Twins of Gemini are face-to-face? Interesting, that. Makes me wonder if the upsurge in Coffee Chats is here to get the younger folk away from their devices and into the world of personal interactions? REAL conversations, in the moment, face-to-face. Who have you been avoiding, personally, not wanting to have that all important face-time with?

  • PHYSICALLY, Gemini Rules: the hands, wrists, arms and shoulders, hay fever, lungs and breathing, and the nervous system. Note that most of these body parts have TWO of each. Those Twins again! These will be the parts of your physical body that may 'speak' to you this Moon cycle if you aren't 'speaking your mind'! Be honest, sincere and heartfully / lovingly compassionate. Remember:Gemini rules conversation Outside of Self, and With Self - your Self-talk! How much Devil is there with yourself than Angel? Hhhmmm....

Looking at the chart I created for tomorrow's New Moon, I see a YOD or Finger of God formation.The Finger is pointing to Jupiter, Rx (Retrograde or inner motion) in Libra.Both Mercury, in Taurus, and Neptune, in Pisces, are learning to create a partnership this Moon cycle. Fixed earth + Mutable water - stubborn + going with the flow. Wanting to mentally deal with the tangible details vs. connecting with your Spiritual intuition and insights, and any feelings that go along with them. Taking time to mentally AND emotionally be present. Sussing out the illusions of the mind's desires from your Soul's true desires.

O right - there's that Drama Triangle again! I'm a Victim or Rescue Me/I'll Rescue Someone or I feel Persecuted/You're a Bully round-robin of trying to run away from those feelings at all costs. As we overcome and rise above that drama, we connect with the senses and tactile, hands-on creativity that assist us to deal with the details of life we most value and feel worthy of.

The more we do this, during this Moon cycle, the more energy is freed up to ignite Jupiter's energy to expand our worlds, to gobeyondwhere we've already been! Huh. Interesting. The more we let go of that anxiety and fear of meeting new folk, strangers in fact (perhaps your neighbours?) talking about yourselves, learning about others, opening up to new conversations, new avenues of conversation - who knows where this data and information sharing/gathering will take you? Huh. Who knew it could be so easy? And rewarding!



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