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New Moon in Capricorn...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

BREATHE in and out, whilst setting your Upward path via goals to the next summit/dream of your choosing. BREATHE in the Magic.

BELIEVE in yourself, your goals and dreams. Always and in all ways. With Love in your heart and mind and soul. BELIEVE in Magic. There IS more than enough, always, and in all ways, for EVERYONE here on Earth.

BECOME your Future Self via those dreams and goals. Only YOU know what these dreams and wishes and goals are. No one else. BECOME the Magic.

Today at 6:30p MST the Moon and Sun stand together at 19 degrees of Capricorn 13' along with Pluto at 15 degrees, Pallas at 25 degrees holding hands with Mercury Rx at 29 degrees! Quite the party we have going on here re: our respective goal-setting, BEing responsible for our own lives, with integrity, toward building new foundations of material gain without greed, lack or impoverishment. Cardinal earth wants to build something NEW with current resources at hand. Something that lasts, is practical and useful for the rest of us to enjoy. What is it you wish to build?

At the same time both Jupiter (who just stationed Rx as of January 7th) and the North Node Rx are sitting at 23 degrees of Virgo - sending a love line connection to everyone in Capricorn sans Pluto. Jupiter usually brings in jovial moods, BEing optimistic, expanding our inner vision beyond usual boundaries, amplifying all we see, feel and hear along the way. The North Node, or Dragon's Head, beckons us on into this direction.

Jupiter entered the mutable earth sign of Virgo back in August 2015 and now is turning Rx (retrograde) sending its usual Direct energy INward until May 10th. Here we begin to experience just how much we truly DO want to BE of service (Virgo) and How and Where by BEing honest with ourselves, truly honest. Faith and our belief systems will connect and BE tested with our Ego-Shadow fears of not wanting to go the distance, especially for those long-term goals beckoning to us from the Capricorn faction.

Look back to August 11th, and since then. What was SO important back then to drive you further Upward along your path TO something? Is that something still your goal? Has it changed? Why? Are you listening to your heart's desire? Do you need to take a DIFFERENT path now to find it?

Both Venus (our Desire Body) and Saturn, ruler of Capricorn and this Moon cycle, are at 12 and 13 degrees of Sagittarius - asking us to Seek our Higher Truth as to WHERE we wish to BE going. Sagittarius sits just before Capricorn. How can the mountain goat climb Higher if we have yet to point our arrow of intention upward and forward into the distance? WHERE are YOU going? And HOW are you getting there? Saturn asks us to BE responsible for our own Destiny (as far as we are able).

A poem I ran across just yesterday reminds me of all this talk of goals. Enjoy!

Your Canvas The day stretches before you like a canvas. Your choices are the brushes - some small, like what to wear others broad; where to put your focus. Actions taken become the strokes, some elegant, others abrupt, on closer examination, a few barely visible. Colored by emotions, that human quality which adds life to the expression. The art is in discerning the picture of life being painted and the effects of the strokes, the impact of the brushes. Do you like what you see as you step back and reflect? Each day a new canvas stretches on the frame a fresh image awaiting your artistry.

- David Emerald Womeldorff

Keep this timely poem in mind as you brush your strokes across your canvas of goal-setting this Moon cycle. There is yet another YOD or Finger of God formation amongst the planets for this cycle, pointing directly at Jupiter Rx and the North Node! I will blog about this next in a few days' time.

In the meantime, enjoy creating your Dreams, Wishes and Goals into reality, no matter how far out into the Future they seem to reside. BREATHE, BELIEVE in the Magic of the Cosmos, and BECOME your truer self along the way!

Blessed BE!


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