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New Moon in Cancer: Empower as You Build AND Nurture Your Independence

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Tonight - July 9, 2021 - at 7:17 pm MDT - the Sun and Moon come together as the New Moon at 18 degrees Cancer 01' Celestial Longitude for folks following along in your Birth charts.

This Cardinal Water sign brings this next Moon cycle into initiating new ways of being sensitive to others, using compassion, connecting with family, how you nurture yourself, then others while feeling your feelings and listening to, trusting and following your Intuition.

The Moon rules Cancer and the 4th House of Life Experience in the Birth Chart. Wherever Cancer resides in YOUR Birth chart is where all of the above themes are showing themselves in your life this next month.

This New Moon (Moon + Sun) sits in opposition to Pluto Rx/retrograde in Capricorn - here's where we all have an opportunity to create an AND between nurturing our lives and empowering what it is we're building through our career/work/business goals. With Integrity. Feeling our way forward, while listening to that Intuitive Inner guidance system.

Pluto's been transforming the way we do business since 2007, moving away from power and control through greed, into empowering everyone involved to create win-win scenarios. With Integrity. Right now, as Pluto journeys through its last couple of years in Capricorn, it's really loud how all levels of government and some businesses are working/not working with integrity. Always interesting to watch what's going on out in the world, then see how it translates into our own.

How are you doing the business of long-term goal-setting, building from solid foundations of integrity? While also nurturing your Self, taking time out in your private life to enjoy family, your home, your town, province/state and country? Capricorn rules our 10th House of our public life; Cancer rules our 4th House of our private life. What's the balance here in your life?

The independence comes in through a square connection from Pluto Rx and this New Moon to Eris in Aries. Note that all three signs are Cardinal - meaning we're not only initiating something NEW in three areas of our lives, the New Moon itself brings in something NEW to be revealed to each of us by Full Moon July 23rd.

A square formation always brings stress and tension Within us to create CHANGE - not stay static or in a rut - to be renewed in some way. Eris, in Aries, has been working on us to be LIBERATED in some way, through balancing out how we each connect Within with our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine natures/energies. Aries brings the archetypes of the Warrior, Explorer and Pioneer. Eris is the focal point in this T-square formation - therefore as we create that AND between empowering ourselves as we transform the need for power and control while also nurturing ourselves by feeling, intuiting, caring, with compassion and sensitivity.

No longer are we in a world that is all about work and no downtime. No longer can we disregard the need to take care of ourselves - on a regular basis. The world has changed. We must heed the call, going forward. Here we hone our respective need to BE independent, to act on our instinctual natures. Eris always reminds us what we're neglecting in our lives. How do you stand separate from everyone else in your family, community, business/work world? Taking ME time? Doing something that is only for you?

We're also creating a new talent between nurturing/being compassionate with self and others while also speaking our truth as we allow our true authentic self to be seen and heard. To know our worth and values, stand up for them, and find those who dovetail with them along the way. Innovate. Invent. Hands-on creative. Using all our senses. Follow your Intuition. Feel your feelings. Use integrity. Every step of the way. Namaste

Photo Credits: UNSPLASH photo artists - thank you so much!

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