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New Moon in Aquarius: Innovating

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Hi All! The last Moon cycle was quite a ride with Mercury Rx (Retrograde) bringing forth much-needed goal-setting changes of mindsets! Talk about having a month's worth of New Year's Resolutions to sort through! LOL!

The current Moon cycle began with the New Moon phase on January 27th at 5:08pm MST at the following astrological coordinates: 08 degrees of Aquarius 15'(think of these coordinates as cosmic longitude to navigate within your Birth Chart!). Here BOTH the Moon and Sun sat together at the same place in time, initiating yet another new cycle of something NEW this way comes!

Aquarius is the fixed air sign, signifying originality, innovation, community, and truly standing IN your True Self orientation! And if you're not quite sure what your True Self is all about, keep watching, listening, feeling and intuiting yourself this full Moon cycle to gain insights about yourself!

Aquarius brings forth our Future Self into the NOW, with all her/his bright and original ideas! So if you're inspired to explore, talk and/or write about some aspect of you, your life, or how you'd like your life to now BE, this is the Moon cycle to share it within your community of peeps.

Each Moon cycle brings forth inner awareness, consciously, to the surface. What is hidden within the dark moments of the New Moon is some aspect of your Ego-mind Self that doesn't want to BE in the Light (conscious) before now. Each Moon cycle brings themes, via the astrological sign it is in, and the connections the Moon/Sun make to the other planets in our solar system, at the moment of the New Moon phase - always the new beginning after the ending of the previous Moon cycle.

Aquarius, within the natural wheel of Astrology, rules the 11th House - what wishes and dreams do you have for your near future? Who are the people in your life supporting those dreams and who are not? What 'community' are you joining to those ends? As in groups, memberships, circle of friends and colleagues? Look around you to 'see' the outer mirror reflected back to you - namely the people in your life. They represent YOU in the outer world, a reflection of YOUR inner world/connection of your True Self. Cool!

Looking at this New Moon cycle's chart I see the following connections between the Moon/Sun and:

  • The North Node in the mutable earth sign of Virgo, Rx: here we have some old patterns of conditioning that need to be let go of at some point this Moon cycle in order to embrace the forward-moving direction our Souls wish us to move into re: being of service (aka work, volunteering, hobbies) out in our respective worlds. Watch out for that perfectionism/procrastination distraction that the Ego-mind Self can get caught up in to avoid change in your life! The Rx (Retrograde) signifies something deeply personal - we take it personally - until the charge of whatever it is we need to let go of is healed and let go of.

  • The Part of Fortune - our Joy: this sensitive point is in the fixed fire sign of Leo. Here our Joy is about the fun and play of Creativity, being that innocent nature child, creating just for the fun of it! Leo also rules the heart and back - heartfully, do you have your back? As in are you supporting yourself in your Joy? Do you know what Joy feels like? The connection with the Moon/Sun this cycle is an opposition whereby we can continue to be polarized between being fixed on MY innovations OR being fixed in creating what I WANT! How about creating an 'AND' here? BE innovative and original (Aquarius) AND creative WITH others? As in your community. And this goes way beyond art folks! How are you creating community, with laughter, fun and play, in your world?

Interestingly, this New Moon doesn't make any other direct connections with any of the other planets. The Cardinal Grand Square formation of planets within the 4 cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) is still in play! Here are the characters initiating much-needed CHANGE in your life:

  • Uranus + Eris in the cardinal fire sign of Aries: at 20 and 22 degrees of Aries - Unexpected Change to typical gender roles continues. Our inner Warrior and Pioneer selves are still undergoing major transformation - drinking from that cup of Courage (Aries) to BE authentic within your own body! As in being comfortable in your own skin! BE YOU! No matter the gender - be YOU! Uniqueness in this world IS the goal. Not to be feared or hidden away. Doing so brings forth the need for addictions, distractions and such from our Ego-mind Self to keep it all in the fear frame, to be hidden away. Why? What's so scary about BEing You anyway? Truly. And being in a woman's body or man's body doesn't mean either gender is Less Than...and it never has. Yet another myth to be dispelled, which both Eris and Uranus have been dancing together about since 2012 especially!

  • Vesta in the cardinal water sign of Cancer, Rx: at 25 degrees of Cancer - here the feeling body (ruled by the Moon!) brings forth a concentrated focus on how you feel those emotions, take notice of your intuition, and whatever symbolism and insights that complete the picture of your Inner Life. Live from the Inside-Out! BE the feeling body you truly are - stop running away from feeling those feelings! Make peace with your Ego-mind Self's need to do that Flight or Fight regimen that no longer gains us anything (unless of course we are in the middle of some real danger, then yes please - run!). Perceived danger is different from real danger. If your physical life isn't about to be taken - then what are you running away from? Ask that Ego-mind Self, "What ARE you afraid of here? How can I help? What do you need to feel safe?" Cancer also brings forth issues of our family of origin, Mom, mothering and nurturance. How well have you been nurturing/loving You? Hhhhmmm....

  • Jupiter in the cardinal air sign of Libra: t 23 degrees of Libra - here we are being called to EXPAND our realm of relationships and partnerships beyond current boundaries we've set up since who knows how long. Could be you decide to end some relationships - or at least change them - because they haven't been working for you or with you for some time now. Could be some are co-dependency rather than inter-dependent or intra-dependent? Interesting to delve into and 'see' the reality of them now. Libra is an air sign - so journal, chat and think about it all.

  • Pluto + Mercury in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn: at 17 and 15 degrees of Capricorn - we are still undergoing a HUGE transformation, mindfully, of how we set goals towards our respective material gain in the world. Via career, work, volunteering - whatever it is that has you out and about in the world to gain materially, literally, physically. Any earth sign means being tactile, hands-on and wanting to SEE the fruits of our labours! In current society, "Money, Money, Money!" For those of us struggling with continued unemployment, what used to be very important is not anymore. Keeping up with the Jones's (who were they again?) or what others think (!) isn't necessary, and never was. BEing unemployed for long periods of time is humbling, bringing forth resourcefulness and thinking outside the box in order to survive and thrive despite money hardships (aka debt). Allow this transformation to continue - you will see changes in mindsets here, continuing this Moon cycle (we started it around the last Full Moon). And when the Ego-mind Self gets in the way, you'll see power and control issues coming forth! The best outcome is EMPOWERMENT - self and others create a 'win-win' for all! Which is what Capricorn wants!

Check out these cosmic longitude coordinates within your birth chart to see what 4 areas of your life are being renewed with NEW initiatives since the last Full Moon! Interesting how we continue to work out strategies for ourselves from one Moon cycle to the next.

Saturn + Vertex + Juno are all together in the late degrees of Sagittarius (24, 25 and 28, respectively).Here we are seeking our Higher Truth via how our lives are structured (Saturn), fateful/destined events/people in our lives (Vertex) and truly envisioning relationships / partnerships of equality (Juno). Sagittarius beckons us to stand on our Hill of Now, look back to where we've been, contemplate how we've arrived into the NOW, then turn to face our Future Hills of Now - which Hill or Hills are beckoning you forward into new territory and journeys? What IS True for You? Truly. Authentic. Original. Innovative. Bring ALL of these aspects of You to the table this Moon cycle. BE all that you can BE!

Today, the Crescent Moon cycle begins at 9:30a MST at 27 degrees of Pisces 00'- mutable water - showing a wee bit of Light shining into that unconscious Darkness I spoke of earlier. What is it that your Ego-mind Self is afraid to have uncovered this Moon cycle? The Crescent Moon phase means there will be a struggle between the OLD and the NEW. Something old is dying, emotionally, Within you. Will you allow it to or will you hold onto it a while longer?

Pisces brings forth any issues of that Drama Triangle (victim or rescuer or persecution) that we may be hanging onto. Find the House where Pisces resides in your birth chart to know where this "victimhood, I want to be rescued! And I feel persecuted / bullied"mindset of the Ego comes into play in your world. That "o woe is me" tape.

Also today (!) Venus regains her Crown of Authority at 28 degrees of Pisces too!The Crown chakra indicates our connection to the Divine, our Spiritual self or Higher Self, angels, God - whatever your spiritual beliefs are - here we regain that connection in a totally renewed way! Venus represents our Desire Body - what do you truly desire, spiritually, for yourself now?

Blesssed Be and Namaste

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