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'Neptunian' November 2016...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

As the Canadian Thanksgiving and Halloween came and went in October, I kept wondering what November would offer as both Neptune and the South Node, both in Pisces, have been slowly coming together.

All Hallow's Eve or Halloween is the day of the year when the veil between the Worlds is thin, creating a time of easily accessing past life insights, clearing out old energies, and connecting with our Light BEings (aka Higher Self, Angels, God, Source, Great Spirit, Guides etc.) more clearly.

With the South Node and Neptune, Rx (retrograde) within Pisces, the mutable water sign Neptune rules, ALL of November is like All Hallow's Eve!

Easy access/clarity/clearing the decks of whatever OLD stuff needs to be accessed/cleared to make room for our respective NEW connections/directions/insights.

Neptune has been Stationing Direct all month, so far, as it slows down to seemingly turn Direct as of November 20th (it's been Rx since June 14th). All the slow-moving outer planets slow down and either turn retrograde (Rx) or direct (D) every half year or so. These moments of standstill are called Stations. Astrologically, when a planet is stationery, the energy of that planet is amplified (similar to how Jupiter amplifies or "makes it all louder" energetically, the sign it travels through for roughly a year) and is more focused, in your face. No matter what you do to escape it, it shows up!

All of November is like a lead-up to a Full Moon energy - it peaks, then falls off - amplifying within the realm of themes of what Neptune/Pisces rules. Neptune is basically 'stopped' all month AND the South Node, in Pisces, has caught up to Neptune - both at 9 degrees of Pisces. This is a RARE event - FYI - due to the fact that Neptune returns to Pisces once every 165 years AND the South Node moves through Pisces every 18.6 years. Having BOTH happening in the same month is rare.

These two players are conjunct one another all month. Neptune entered Pisces in early 2011 and will leave Pisces in 2026. Roughly 15 years for all of us to reconnect with our subtle Spiritual/Divine selves (and learn what this truly means to each of us).

The South Node of the Moon brings in our Karma. Within Pisces, any or all of the following themes can be really "loud" or in your face this month especially, to heal:

  • Addictions/Escapism - how our respective Ego-Self/brain tries to escape current reality, usually diving as deeply as it can, to distract us, via our respective addictions! Now addictions can take forms other than drugs, alcoholism, over-eating etc that we usually associate Addiction to. There is shopping/spending money, over-exercising, marathon TV-watching or reading, computer games, internet surfing - anything that takes our attention away from the NOW in order to divert ourselves away from what the NOW holds that our Ego-Self isn't interested in dealing with. In other words, scared to death of, in denial of, resistant to change....

  • Mysticism - what you believe this to be, and how it shows up in your life. Some call it spiritual, some religion. It is Beyond the Real or earthly realms. The Unknown, Untouchable (not concrete or 'seen'). Some may call it Magic. What do you believe mysticism to be in your life experience? And how are you connecting with it?

  • Spiritual Sensitivities - here we can become, energetically, able to sense/hear/'see' how others feel - without asking or talking about it. We just KNOW. Those of us born with our Sun or Moon or Rising Sign in Pisces understand how this works. It is like breathing - we take in what others feel (somewhat like a sponge in the ocean) clearing their toxic 'stuff' leaving them feeling better - but then we, the sponges, feel like crap! Toxic people, toxic environments, toxic relationships, toxic conversations - they will become louder this month. This includes chemicals used in cleaning the home, clothes, car etc too. How loud does it have to get before you say, "Enough! NO thank you!"? Walk away from the toxicity. Stop taking on other's stuff. Breathe your own fresh air. Clear your aura/etheric bodies + Emotional body/Mental bodies with showers/baths, and ask your Angels to clear all toxicity out of these subtle bodies for you and replace it all with what YOU require/need at the time. I've been doing this cleansing/clearing for years to keep my emotions MINE, and not hold onto others'. And it works! Along with showers and baths - they clear the subtle bodies surrounding our physical body too! Walking along a river or ocean or lake too.

  • Illusions/Delusions - "Magic, Movies and Illusion"is what I learned 16+ years ago as a key phrase for Neptune/Pisces. Neptune, ruling Pisces - the water sign that represents fog or mist - comes through our birth chart, through whatever House it is in, to DISSOLVE illusions and delusions our Ego-Self/brain may have concocted years ago (past lives too!) to help us survive whatever reality we were in. In the NOW that is 2016, and November, what former Illusion/Delusion are you 'seeing' this month? To be let go of? With the South Node in our faces - past life stuff is coming up the pipeline to be 'seen', 'heard' and healed and let go of. Especially this month, November, whilst the thin veils between the Worlds continues! Take advantage of this opportunity/Gift from Neptune + South Node! LET GO. BE in the MOMENT. BE NOW. Let go of anything that looks/sounds/tastes like that Drama Triangle - victim or rescuers or persecution/bullying. How are your buttons being pushed this month? Do you FEEL invisible in some capacity?Remember, Pisces' water = fog/mists. One can disappear from the real into the surreal...Change this Illusion/Delusion. It's somehow created by your Ego-Self/brain to KEEP you in a victim-oriented stance. Look into the Mirror and ask yourself, "WHY do I want this in my life?"

  • Deception - now this is different from Illusion/Delusion. Here, there may be someone deceiving you. (Emphasis is on MAY BE) What is their true intention? How do you trust what you are hearing, feeling, receiving? Intuition! You already KNOW what is true and what is deception. You've had some red flags on the play, niggling you, correct? Tune in, and confirm WITHIN what is REAL for you. Also know this: our Ego-Self/brain can be deceptive too- one of the tricks for distracting/denying and not wanting to change the status quo of your current reality. Your INTUITIVE KNOWING never lies! Know this to be the absolute truth! Feel it. Trust it. Always and in all ways. For those of you born with Chiron in Pisces - your sensitive energy antennas will tell you (similar to those with Sun/Moon/Rising Sign in Scorpio) via the body language - the lips say one thing yet the physical body tells a whole other story! LISTEN with more than your ears...TRUST you know your Inner Truth. And act accordingly, lovingly with compassion and forgiveness.

  • Spiritual Strength - here is where FAITH comes into play. Put your trust into that Higher Power when the going gets rough! That Inner/Upper Wisdom that works hand in hand with your Intuition. Meditation, prayer, mantras, affirmations - whatever works for you - bring your Spiritual Practice into the every day. If you've been avoiding this before now, know that it will seem effortless now to begin. Whatever that feels/looks like for you. Could be a new tarot deck you use to connect with your Inner Wisdom until you get used to tuning in on your own. Or seeing your Astrologer, or minister/priest - someone you trust to help YOU 'see' your own Inner Wisdom - that you already have, but may have not had the courage to connect with before now. Or trust!

  • Increased Compassion, Spiritual Guidance, Intuition, Imagination, Creativity: any and all of these aspects of Neptune/Pisces will be enhanced - including your Dreams! I've had plenty of clear ones, especially this month so far, having both Neptune and the South Node so close to my Pisces Sun. Dreams are messages from the Higher Self/Angels etc. to give you answers to whatever you've been asking about, or just as a heads-up of what may be leaving you/what you're allowing to LET GO OF. Whenever our Mom dreams of babies, we all know someone in the extended family is pregnant. We wait to hear the news - and usually do within days of her dream. BELIEVE what you 'see' in your dreams. Know that they aren't literal - they are symbolic. Death can mean some aspect of your INNER Self is dying, making room for more of your True Self to show up. When I dream of snakes, I know I am casting off yet another layer of the OLD - there is a transmutation of some sort I am undergoing via Soul/Inner Growth.

Pisces brings forth strong emotions/feelings. Watershed moments. Also why we feel we need time to be alone, away from others. Hence 'feeling' overwhelmed by other's emotions and/or drama! Take time to BE in Nature - walks, runs, sitting on a bench and just look around, hear the birds chirp, the squirrels chase one another for that next bit of nut or seed. Allow Mother Nature to heal your subtle bodies. Breathe in her healing energy - no matter the time of year! There is no logic to Pisces or Neptune. Nebulous - both of them. Water flows, ebbs and flows, moves anywhere. Allow yourself to ebb and flow past the past, into the NOW.

I wish to end this post with an interesting note from one of my favourite Astrologers - Steven Forrest - who believes November is also a time of "When The Saints Come Marching In". Anyone birthing a new baby this month, in 2016, could most likely be birthing a SAINT - someone who is highly sensitive to its environment (noise, chemicals, light etc), who, when able to talk in a few years, will speak about past lives he/she has lived, perhaps even speak of events that will, and do, come about. Their Karma and timing on Earth will bring sensitivity, compassion, forgiveness, and Higher Love (Neptune is the higher vibration of Venus).

They can be susceptible to addictions/escapism if their home environment is too much for them to cope with. If the parents/family they are born into already have an ingrained spiritual practice (mediation/yoga/energy work) these newborns will thrive. It will be interesting to 'see' in decades to come who these new Saintly children are and what Service they choose to be in (they will have their North Node in Virgo - wanting to BE of service in the world). Somewhat like a Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Mother Mary, or Mary Magdalene. Bringing forth spiritual teachings and sensitive care this world is in dire need of.

Or they could be "scoundrels, natural-born liars and deceivers, or simply crazy" according to Steven Forrest. Time will tell - we already see how that Drama Triangle from the Old Age of Pisces has society caught up in all manner of escapism, drugs, alcohol and other ways of crazy - all Shadow aspects to deny their Inner Spiritual selves, deny their feelings and emotions, deny their sensitivities. Pisces and Neptune invite all of us to BE in the moment, flow WITH our feelings/emotions, LISTEN to our Inner Wisdom (aka intuition), have FAITH, TRUST in the Divine - there IS a REASON for everything - the timing of all events and circumstances.

NAMASTE- "My Soul Sees, and Honours, the Soul IN You"


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