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Mercury Rx in Libra!

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Yes, 'tis that time of year again, round #2 for 2015, where Mercury (our planet of communication, learning, thought processes and inner talk) seems to go Rx (Retrograde) or backwards.

Energetically and Astrologically, this means Mercury is taking a vacation from all that logical, left-brain thinking, and moves into the right-brain of creative outside-the-box intuitive guidance and expansion. Moving with the flow rather than the step-by-step logic dance. This is going to be interesting with all those planets in Virgo (the other sign Mercury rules) right now - Virgo loves loves loves to know the rules of engagement in a straightforward way. Yikes! If you feel like your mind is going sideways, this will be why...

In 2015 Mercury's Rx dance is making a stop within each of the Air signs. In the Spring he was in the mutable sign of Gemini (the sign he rules) and as of September 17th until October 9th, he will be traveling backwards through the cardinal sign of Libra.

Here we connect on a one-on-one basis with someone we deal with closely - be it a friend, loved one, partner (business or personal), co-worker or client. We have a chance to share personal information with one other, not in a group. Libra brings equal face-time, balance, harmony, peace and love. 'Tis the scales of justice/law - what is fair and equal for all involved? This is the "getting to know you" stages of conversation. You as your own individual will meet with me as my own individual and together we will get to know one another - as deeply as we both feel comfortable to do so. There may only be one meeting/chat or an ongoing meeting of the minds over a long space of time. In other words, Libra shows us the way into long-term relationships/partnerships, over time, as long as we keep the communication channels open, honest and fair.

Let's run this through in more detail:

  • The actual Rx timing will be September 17th until October 9th. About 21 days is usual.

  • The actual Rx coordinates within Libra will be going backwards from 15 degrees Libra 54' to 00 degrees Libra 56'. Check your birth charts to see what area of your life this will be activating.

  • The pre-Rx Shadow timing began August 28th when Mercury was at 00 degrees Libra 56'. This is when we started to see HOW we will learn about inter-personal chitchats, how well we are already doing with them, and where we need to work on our social skills!In today's social media world, social skills are somewhat disjointed and odd, not always engaging people face-to-face, in real time, with real people! A new skill to learn for some generations of people! This will be interesting.

  • The post-Rx Shadow timing will be October 9th until the 24th, when Mercury comes back over the through the degrees to where it was when it first turned Rx, namely 15 degrees Libra 54'.In other words, the conversations, book-reading, learning, thoughts you had from August 28th until September 16/17th will be going through a review - a do-over if you will - to go back over decisions, thought-processes, comments, ideas not shared, issues not aired or resolved, with significant others. Hhhhmmm...interesting...

During the actual Rx timing (September 17 - October 9) we will see more Unexpectedness in how we heard the conversation, read the email, or figured out a relationship solution. We may get it wrong OR we may 'see' deeper into the problem/issue to find a better solution than when Mercury was Direct. Here lies the beauty of Mercury Rx - thinking outside the box AND listening to our INTUITION more - and in Libra - regarding our personal/business relationships and partnerships. Yay! A review of how well we interact with significant others, show up as our true authentic selves, AND share ourselves with that Other, fully. Not hiding shyly on the sidelines.

During Mercury Rx timings we all have the opportunity for do-overs, revisit conversations, issues, concerns etc. to have that conversation yet again, with more courage to truly say our piece, with love and honesty and perhaps diplomacy. If we don't speak up, how will others know we have concerns? If my needs aren't being met in a relationship, how do I voice them? What do I say, and when and how? Mercury Rx in Libra will give you THREE opportunities to do so! The first time was within the pre-Rx Shadow period; the second is during the Rx period; the third is during the post-Rx period.

All Rx periods bring the energy of Mercury deep within us, to contemplate, look for more information, share ideas and thoughts, dig deeply for more honest responses - you get the picture!

Since Mercury rules Gemini, the other areas that keep coming up within a Rx period are the following:

  • Communication snafus - thought you had sent that email or added the attachment or cc'd everyone - but didn't...mis-spelling, typos etc. will abound! Look over your work at least two or three times, please! Ask me how many typos I've had while writing these last two posts?!

  • Cellphones, landlines, emails, computer glitches, fax machines/printers/scanners - any information/communication-related technology will show up to tell you how WELL they are working, or not!

  • Cars today have computers running them now, and guess what? Any electronic/electrical issues could show themselves during a Rx timing...just if you have recently purchased a new or used vehicle, Mercury Rx is a great way to find out how well it is put together and maintained! Yay!

  • Social Plans plans plans - they will go sideways - end of. Here is where the flexibility of thinking outside the box will come in useful. Long line-ups, traffic tie-ups - all good! It means it is time to take a break from running around like a chicken with its head cut off, and possibly, the other person you will be meeting is running late, so relax, look around, chat with the peeps in line, listen to the radio for a change. Or just BE...

  • Signing on the dotted line re: contracts (legal and otherwise) - here is where your intuition comes into play. If something is niggling you that something is missing, or not quite right, ask for more time to look things over. Have a third party take a look too - another pair of eyes can make all the difference! Indeed sign the contract - only if you FEEL 100% okay in doing so. Otherwise, delay it as much as possible! The first time Mercury was Rx in 2015 was when I was hired to work for a gal in financial planning, during her busiest time of year. Yikes! After Mercury Rx had completed and she finally had the time to deal with my paperwork of being hired etc., I already knew that job was NOT for me, and I handed in my resignation. I was glad to experience the reality of how sideways that job could go, and whether or not I wanted to live with that on a weekly basis. Obviously not...

  • Excellent time to cull paperwork, clean out garages, desks and cupboards - Fall cleaning! Recycling, reusing or re-purposing - all unnecessary items in the house and office - yay!Speaking of paperwork - you know those times when you just canna wrap your brain around legal documents or other such paperwork - making the right decision about whatever it is? Mercury Rx timing gives all of us an extra hand to finally 'see' that light bulb of AHA! moments when the clarity finally finds its way through the jargon - yay! You will know better what decision YOU need to make and next steps to take.

  • Receiving information you didn't know you needed to know! Yes! Making unexpected connections with real people who just happen to know so-and-so who can help you with...This is why I love love love Mercury Rx - Unexpected gifts of knowledge, conversations, new relationships (and even former friends and colleagues from times past show up again) and connections abound - if you are OPEN to it!

There is one more item to note: Libra is a CARDINAL air sign,meaning we initiate something NEW into our lives that we didn't allow or even think possible before now. Think back to August 27/28th to now - what have you already done NEW re: your close one-on-one relationships? I have reconnected with distant cousins, and friends from Vancouver Island, and figured out new ways to network for business partnerships. You?

Imagine what else will show up during the Rx timing that will zero in on the gaps within your conversation style, how you negotiate having your needs met within friendships, marriage, and all other partnerships. It is yet another level of inner-growth that Mercury gifts us three times a year! Embrace it and enjoy the ride! I look forward to your comments below during this timing - all the weird and nutty jigs and jags that brought you exactly where you were heading all the time, whether your logic brain knew it or not!

Blessed BE!

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