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Mercury Retrograde Within Aries: Inner Warrior + Pioneer + Explorer...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Mercury began it's pre-Rx (retrograde) Shadow timing March 9th beginning at 04 degrees of Aries 52' journeying forward, or Direct, until 16 degrees of Aries 55' when Mercury Stationed Retrograde (SRx) as of March 23rd.

Now Mercury is Rx moving BACK along the degrees and minutes of Aries it had already traveled forward through early March. I love Mercury Rx - it means a chance for do-oversregarding:

  • Decisions

  • Conversations

  • Thoughts

  • Self-Talk

  • Networking

  • What I want to learn more about...

  • Mercury Rx also brings forth the following:Information I didn't Know I Needed to Know!

  • Ability to troubleshoot decisions/learning curves that were previous mental blockages, with ease and grace! Thinking outside the box, via right-brain creative intuitive flow works really well now.

  • Organizing: closets/drawers/desktops/garages, Inboxes (physically/virtually), Self, etc. How about the boxes and piles of Genealogy?

  • People from our Past: to reconnect, finish up unfinished business, resolve issues, whatever needs to be talked about, thought about, completed.

  • Unexpected Changes to Plans...and if these plans are long-term (i.e. building/selling/buying a house) expect first intentions to change along the way...and double-/triple-check all the details!

  • Communication/local travel devices/machines: can show you HOW they're no longer working properly in your world during these Rx timings - cars, phones, computers - Information I Didn't Know I Needed to Know....just saying...

Within the cardinal fire sign of ARIES: Mercury, our communication/thought processes/what do I want to learn/say/think about? here in cardinal fire - to INITIATE something NEW with INSPIRed Creativity (In Spirit = INSPIRed) - how is Mercury Rx bringing forth inspired ACTION into your brain/mind these days? Aries, ruled by Mars, brings forth the need to MOVE your physical body, via instinctual action - leaps of faith - and willing to be the Inner Warrior you always have been (!) looking to Pioneer something NEW in your life, ready to EXPLORE new Inner Avenues of You along the way as you take whatever mental risk at this time! BAH! LOL!

If you feel those "ants in your pants" then get going! Take out your journal or Goal Sheets and write down all the seemingly crazy ideas that are pouring forth with this lovely sunshine we're experiencing today (despite -16 degree windchill temps here in Alberta!) and move yourself forward, while Mercury moves backward, to bring forth much-needed CHANGE within your Life!

Mercury continues to move backward towards 04 degrees of Aries until April 15th when it Stations Direct (SD) to, once again, travel forward again. Then we'll experience the post-Rx Shadow timing as Mercury regains his March 23rd position of almost 17 degrees of Aries by May 3rd! Rx planets bring their energy Within, personalizing and sensitizing our self-awareness; Direct planets bring their energy Without, for us to Take Action out in the world after spending time Within 'seeing' the awareness we were asleep with before now. Take advantage of this personalized Mental Body timing to mentally 'see' what NEW strides you can make for yourself in 2018!


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