Today Mercury, planet of communication and self talk, meets up with the North Node, or Dragon's Head - the intended Soul direction to head into - both sitting at 12 degrees of Virgo.
What direction are you heading into today, mindfully? And is your mind guided by your Ego/brain or by your heart? The Lion's Gate Portal connection is open today too. Coincidence? I think not. Heartfully connect Within today...
BE aware of where you are heading forward, aligned with your Soul's Intention, via your heart-centred knowingness.
Are you HERE, in the moment and in the Now? If not, where are you? In the past with regrets or in the future full of fear of the Unknown?
Sit a while, BE in the Moment with Self and Higher Self and your guides and angels - whomever you deem to be guided by. Find your breath, relax into your Inner You. Breathe slowly in and out, and in and out...
Ask to hear or see or just know the Divine message(s) pouring forth from Sirius via Orion's Belt stars and the Sun in Leo - all aligned today - bringing YOU what you need to know (Mercury) right now.
Believe in your Self wisdom. Believe in your Inner knowingness. Listen to your intuition. Then take action.
Connect with your Heart of hearts, and feel the Love you have for yourself. BE in that Love, and nurturance, from the Divine.
Know that you are not alone. That you are supported, guided, loved and Beloved. Say HI to loved ones who have already passed over. Have a conversation with your Higher Self. Chew the fat as the saying goes...
We are all learning to lead via the heart by receiving. What exactly are you receiving today? Be mindful yet heartfelt about it. Allow what comes to come. No judgement. Could by just a feeling of peace. Simple.
The 'Summer of Storms' seems to be ongoing. No Sun in Leo for us today here in Calgary. We will feel it via our hearts. We will share it by the warmth of our smiles. And the Soulful love from our eyes. Be in your moments, be aware of how you feel, what you think, and what you wish to create in your Life.
Perfection (Virgo) is already Within you. There is no need to DO it / BE it more or better. You are already there. Let Go of the Old Habits of NEEDING to BE Perfect, every moment of the day! This is the Shadow of Virgo. We are currently undergoing the Crescent Moon phase - a time of Light coming to take away the Darkness our Egos reside in.
What enLIGHTenment is required for your Ego-Self this Moon cycle? The Crescent Moon phase heralds the Inner struggle between the Old way of DOing/BEing with the New way that is showing itself, within the growing Moon's Light. Allow yourself to 'see' what needs to stop struggling, to surrender, and BE in the Light - of this Crescent Moon that began at 29 degrees of Virgo (!), Sun in Leo, Mercury + North Node in Virgo. Let go of the NEED to BE Perfect! You already ARE.