Today the New Moon- when the Moon & Sun stand together - begins at 9:05 a.m. MST, within 15 degrees of Pisces 47' celestial longitude - our mutable Water sign of the Zodiac.
Pisces brings the MAGIC, the MOVIES and the ILLUSIONS...
Pisces represents our Spiritual Body, while the Moon is our Emotional Body and the Sun our Soul body. Interesting dance of how we DO our Spiritual practice, connecting Inward/Within to centre, ground, and listen to our innate Wisdom, while we end something significant in our life. What will you be ending in your life this month?
Neptune, ruler of Pisces,stands beside the Moon/Sun duo, along with Vesta- one of the 4 Feminine Asteroids - at 16 degrees of Pisces.This combo brings forth IMAGINATION + FOCUSED ATTENTION close to home & hearth.
Bringing up the rear, at the 29th degree of Pisces, is our Mercury Rx(retrograde) freshly Stationed Rx as of yesterday! Mercury represents our Mental body, and in the Rx motion, is taking a Vacation from Logic, diving deeply into the waters of creative imagination, thinking outside the box, following intuitive hits of insight for Next Step actions, while FEELING your way forward along the way...
Yes, let the March Madness begin!
Looking at the chart for this New Moon cycle, I see the details of the following:
There is something FATED/DESTINED this month -whereby as we all Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning, we clarify, focus upon, and Imagine our 'Garden of Eden' or Paradise down here on Earth. Truly, we can and will. What, in your Wildest Dreams, have you always dreamed of manifesting for your life? NOW is the time to do so.
Part of the Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning -will be that Shadow piece of Pisces, left over from the Old Age of Pisces - that DRAMA TRIANGLE role-play merry-go-round of VICTIM - RESCUE(R) - BULLY/PERSECUTOR. The more you become conscious of how you PLAY at DRAMA in your life, and with the people in your life, the more you will realize how this cycle perpetuates smallness, 'less-than' thinking and being. Question is: once conscious of any/all of these roles your Ego-self likes to play, are you now READY, WILLING & WANT TO...Let It All Go?
The other part of Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning -will be our attachment to our Addictions, avenues for Escapism, Avoidance, Denial, Resistance - you name it, the Ego-self can be relentless in its efforts to keep the status quo - "Why bring in change? Why upset the apple cart of my current life? It's all okay, really, it is!" Here's where we can decide, in the face of the loudness of HOW our respective addictions show up to distract, deny et al our Soul's need to expand and be more in our lives - can you SEE how the addiction(s) keep you from BEING your True Authentic Self/Highest & BEST Self? Here is where the MIND MOVIES come in...the ILLUSIONS or DELUSIONS our respective Ego-Self brings forth to keep us within that Victimization role, wanting/needing/begging to be Rescued (or doing the Rescuing for Others!), or turning to Bullying/Persecuting Others from our pain point of Victim - because hey, I'd rather NOT feel that pain point, so I'll just project it onto someone else, 'k? This is how the Ego-self works - and the Drama in the world works. Via pain, perpetuating it, growing it, nurturing it - along that Drama Triangle.
Interestingly, the KEY to coming OFF that Drama Triangle?Is meditation, yoga, Nature walks (as examples) anything that brings you back INTO yourself, Within, to face your True Self/Higher Self - to BE one WITH yourself. Centred, calm, grounded, released from the hampster wheel of perpetual running away from/chasing your pain points. The more we connect Within, embrace our Spiritual Self/Higher Self - understand and accept that you are Eternal - that there is more beyond this physical body on this physical earth plane - there will no longer be a NEED to chase or run - OUTSIDE OF SELF.Question is:What are you running from? What are you chasing? Both of these bring all of us OUTSIDE of ourselves, into the Drama, into the victim, rescue me, I feel bullied mindset - that is all just an illusion set up in the mental body (Mind Movies) via the Ego-self to NOT allow in change....we ALL do this in some regard. It is part of the human condition. Are you READY, WILLING & WANT TO...change it? Move beyond this illusion/delusion that keeps you from IMAGINING a Better, Truer life beyond the drama?
Chiron, the Healer of our Woundedness,has entered Aries and sits at 00 degrees Aries 54'- cardinal Fire, beckoning a NEW CYCLE of HOW we instinctively ACT, without editing our actions due to fear of being rejected by others for doing so. Chiron, doing the healing "cleanup on aisle 5" after Uranus' journey through Aries (May 29, 2010 - March 5, 2019) whereby we learned to allow our innovative/inventive Authentic Self/Maverick side to show up as we learned to Pioneer and Explore new avenues Within that we had no idea existed OR were frightened to experience, before 2010!
Look back over these past 9 years (note that this dovetails with the 9-year cycle of Numerology!) and take stock of yourself: Where were you in 2010? What were you DOING (action) back then, compared to now? How were you living your independent life, learning all about ME, MYSELF & I? How are you living it, NOW? Do you see the difference in yourself? The growth, and spiritual maturity?
Whatever trauma, pain and/or suffering you've experienced along the way will now be Healed, via Chiron's journey through Aries these next 8 years (until April 2017). Allow the pain of separation, of not feeling okay to BE ME authentically (and this does NOT mean you need to hide yourself away from others while doing so) - come OUT of the ISOLATION! It is time to BE ME within the WE - as in any relationship or partnership you've been hiding away from experiencing! It is OKAY to BE YOU. Straight up!
Uranus has moved from Aries into Taurus and sits at 00 degrees Taurus 01'heralding another NEW CYCLE of values, worthiness, our connection to the energy of MONEY, how we create opportunities for bringing income into our lives. Times they have been changing, drastically, since Pluto began its Transformative journey through Capricorn(ruler of ambition, goals, traditional work/business practices) since early 2007 (until 2024!). Both Taurus and Capricorn are Earth signs - being grounded, practical, hands-on to create/make something new or renewed in our lives.
Taurus does NOT like change! Uranus is ALL ABOUT CHANGE - Unexpectedly so! For the next 7 years, I expect, due to Technology (Uranus rules Tech!) we'll experience some drastic change in our monetary systems. Could it be that futuristic idea of credits will replace paper money? Could it be we will transform what we thought to be of value, worth and effort - will we look back fondly to what was a tactile, "I can FEEL this money in my hands" era as it morphs into something more virtual/unseen? How will a fixed Earth sign like Taurus FEEL and DEAL with this? Seeing is believing, according to the earth signs!
Do you know, today, what your values are?What do you value? What is worth your time, energy and money? How worthy are your current skills, talents and resources you have that help you "bring home the bacon"? Considering how many industries have died over the last 5-10 years, so quickly, quietly almost, we find ourselves scrambling to catch up with quick-changing technology, new ways of reinventing ourselves to BE current, employed/self-employed...on and on...
Interesting how Apple shares have had a time of it since the beginning of 2019 - technology itself - and how it is able to keep its shareholders happy, money-wise. HHHmmm....what's next on the horizon? We will soon see, experience and deal with it all.
Yes, the March Madness, indeed!Endings, new Beginnings...Letting Go of the Old ways of coping/hiding/denying...Welcoming in the New Ways of Expecting Change, valuing it, Healing our pain points along the way. Way to go March - in like a Lion indeed!
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker
Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff