Tonight December 11th, at 10:12 pm MST (9:12 pm PST) the Full Moon sits at 19 degrees of Gemini, opposite the Sun at 19 degrees of Sagittarius. Both mutable signs, the Air of Gemini brings conversations, decisions & connections with your local friends, roommates, merchants while the Fire of Sagittarius asks you, soulfully, to Seek Your Higher Purpose.

What's being Illuminated, tonight & these next several days, as you continue to "take care of the business" of your life? Mars in Scorpio brings the need for Action despite your Fears while aiming forward & upward with your Ambition/goals, listening to the signs & signals of your Higher Purpose (at this time!). As you listen Within & Do Without, you learn to Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning that have kept you blocked &/or reluctant to move forward, aligning yourself more FULLY & TRULY along your Life Purpose Journey.
As you deal with ALL the baby steps/details of whatever is "the business of your life", walking through your fears, you will clarify your decisions, open up to discuss options & ideas, revealing the CHANGES coming through your life, that may affect those around you.
As Mutable signs, Gemini & Sagittarius like to "go with the flow" as much as possible - taking others into consideration along the way. IMPORTANT NOTE: Ensure you are ALSO going with Your Own Flow! It's great to support others in what it is they need help with - ensure you are being supported too! Ensure that YOU accomplish YOUR goals & needs are taken of - the Shadow side of the Mutable signs is NOT saying NO when You Need to DO what You Need for YOU!

We'll be creating a new skillset here (having been prepared for this during the previous Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio in Oct/Nov) - Walking through Inner Fears while also DOING the Act that we fear most, anyway! Chipping away at it hourly, daily, weekly - in pursuit of those long-term ambitious goals - no matter how long it takes! As long was you are moving forward. As we learn this new skillset, in a practical manner, we also restructure our lives, follow our Desires, & EMPOWER ourselves along the way, day by day, hour by hour!
The Ruler of this Full Moon in Gemini is, of course, Mercury, newly entered into that Mutable Fire sign of Sagittarius since Monday! Mentally now our thoughts are Lighter, Brighter & more Optimistic, zeroing in on our True Purpose in life - where am I headed? What's beckoning me, from the Future? Am I listening to WHERE that Future resides? Inspired creativity, intuitively led, feeling those feelings, expressing myself as needed, in the moment?
Allow yourself to look beyond the Now & the local - beyond your home, or homeland - to take a risk or two along the way! Pushing yourself beyond your comfort zones is key.

Neptune continues to sit at 15 degrees of Pisces, creating a Love Line connection with Mars in Scorpio - as you Connect, spiritually, with yourself (vs. that Drama Triangle of Victim/Rescue Me/Feel Bullied role-play) your Intuitive gifts will increase, grow louder. You will "see' who to trust & who not to trust (including yourself!) & who is willing to connect with you as Soul Family along the way.
Keep on Keeping Onward...look for the Adventure in daily life...& Know Thyself! Namaste