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Leap Day 2016 & 2014...our RESET!

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

I was talking to a good friend of mine last weekend, zeroing in on Leap Year's and Day's, then thought, "Wonder what a chart of a day that only occurs once in 4 years would garner? And to compare it with the Leap Day of the previous 4 years too?" So I did and will share it with all of you.

Because of how the Earth orbits the Sun, and how the Earth's axis wobbles, in order to keep our current calendar on target, we must have an extra day every four years to "catch up". Hence why, over the four years, the timing of the Sun moving into each of the Zodiac signs every month will slowly change from being as early as the 19th or 20th of the month, to being as late as the 23rd of the month! What we all call the "cusp" between signs.

This is also why Easter seems to be "early" or "late" each succeeding year too! So 2016, as a Leap Year, is a RESET year for many reasons!

The first items of note is the stellium of planets within the mutable water sign of Pisces (Neptune + Chiron + Pallas + Sun) which also happens to be the apex of a mutable T-square formation from the Moon's Nodes + the Moon (with South Node in mutable air sign of Gemini in opposition to Juno in mutable fire sign of Sagittarius). T-squares between planets create energetic stress and tension within us, facilitating action for much-needed change - if we are listening and in tune with ourselves. Otherwise, the change happens despite ourselves! Coupled with these mutable signs - going WITH the flow was key!

Neptune sits at 00 degrees Pisces - it had just entered the sign it rules as of February 4th 2012 - a brand NEW CYCLE of connecting with our Spiritual / Divine Self after 165 years! Chiron has assisted with healing the wound of our Spiritual separation from ourselves (aka Ego Mind and Physical Body devoid of our Spirit) since April 2010, giving us two years of figuring this out before Neptune showed up in 2012 to help DISSOLVE the illusion/delusions we were under up until then. We have also been learning to understand ourselves more ENERGETICALLY and SPIRITUALLY - and that one is the other - energetically we are Spiritual. And vice versa. The personal energetic boundaries have caused more sensitivity for all of us, whether we have been conscious of it or not.

Pallas, one of the four faces of the Divine Goddess/Feminine, has been showing us how to engage our Inner Divine Feminine Warrior - male and female alike - to BE compassion, to FEEL feelings, and allow our INTUITION to be seen, heard and/or felt! Think back over these past four years - how has your Inner Life changed from Ego-Self driven to intuitively, feelingly aware? Have you noticed changes in the workplace re: more compassion and assistance from what was there prior? Your home life? Your friends?

Both Nodes are Direct - so we were all focused on accomplishing something certain these past four years. The South Node sits almost exact with the Moon, in Gemini. Not only did we visit our past lives, we also brought forward data and information to be used NOW in new daily habits, intuitive awareness and feeling our way forward. Fears of doing any of this (those unresolved issues from the past) have been coupled with the North Node's intention to seek our Higher Purpose (Sagittarius) AND marry our Inner Feminine with our Inner Masculine power (Juno) in a sacred marriage. Equal and balanced.

How well have your mastered your Ego-self's fears thus far? To create an AND to also move forward towards your True Purpose/Mission this lifetime with awareness? Be honest - we are ALWAYS a work in progress. We are NOT 100% perfected yet, so ANY forward-moving progress is cause for HUGE celebration! AND, in the eyes of God, we are ALREADY PERFECT!

The 2014 Leap Day chart shows a Grand Trine in Earth signs from Mars Rx (retrograde) in Virgo (where Jupiter and the North Node are Now in 2016!) and Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus. Asserting our desire to BE of service and look after the health of our physical bodies (Mars in Virgo) with transforming power/control issues of integrity re: how we go about building our respective material gain (Pluto in Capricorn) with expansion and amplification of creating something solid, via our senses, that is beautiful and from our Truest Purpose (Jupiter in Taurus). Looking back these past four years - what has fallen away (died via Pluto), what has expanded beyond your prior boundaries (Jupiter pushing us past them), and how have you asserted your Inner Warrior, bringing forth that Pioneering self to BE your True Instinctual Self (Mars)?

Saturn sits Rx and at the 29th degree of the cardinal air sign of Libra - inner responsibilities, ending some cycle you've been in, that until now has interfered with allowing much-needed CHANGE to BE in partnership with yourself and others. Loving self and others more perhaps? Letting GO of the Old relationships/partnerships that no longer worked?

Lastly, the Vertex (Vx) point of destiny/fated happenings, in Sagittarius at the Galactic Centre! Interestingly, this point sends mini love lines to both Saturn @ 29 degrees Libra AND Neptune @ 00 degrees Pisces! We've been tying up loose ends/ending a cycle of NOT taking responsibility within our relationships/partnerships AND learning to connect with ourselves more Spiritually/Divinely, in a new way other than religiously! What fateful/destined people and/or circumstances have occurred in your life since February 2012 that have brought much-needed healing, letting go, making room for MORE inner love of self, love of others, and love to the Divine You?

For the 2016 Leap Day chart, I used the same time of day - so the House cusps have the same degrees and signs in both charts. My intuition choose 3:00p MST - don't ask me logically why. Again, we have a stellium of planets + the South Node in Pisces. Neptune and Chiron continue to dissolve and heal our wounds of separation AND teach us about letting go of the Old Age of Pisces Drama Triangle (victim/rescuer/persecutor or bully) roles that are of no use to us now. The South Node tells me we are still, collectively, resolving issues from our collect pasts about this. BE the victor - not the victim! The Ego-self just LOVES to do "o woe is me!" drama. Pisces rules our addictions and our collective society is addicted to DRAMA! See it on TV and in movies and books. Leave it all there. Take yourself OFF this Triangle and stand in Love and Acceptance, compassion and forgiveness, of Self and Others.

Jupiter Rx + North Node Direct stand in opposition to the Pisces stellium, asking us to expand ourselves beyond those restrictive boundaries we've held close for over 2,000 years, to BE of service beyond ourselves (our Ego) and to do so DOWN here on earth! To love our physical bodies as we relearn to love ourselves. The Rx energy personalizes everything, giving us a chance to slow down and think about it all, mull it over and sit with it a while before we take the Action forward destined by the North Node. The Vertex point is once again sitting at the Galactic Centre, bringing forth destined and fated events and people to us to help us move beyond where we now stand. Wonder where we will end up?

Both the Moon and Mars stand in Scorpio, the most private sign in the Zodiac, and a fixed water sign - ice. Mars asks us to Assert ourselves beyond any deeply-held emotional fears of our Ego-self (Scorpio) AND the Moon, sitting at 29 degrees of Scorpio, asks us to END a cycle of old habits re: those fears! Letting GO of OLD HABITS brings space to embrace NEW habits that support the NEW you emerging, despite your fears to do otherwise! Dig deeply to unearth each and every one. Scorpio helps us root it out! Each and every baby step forward with change and trust and faith - it ALL helps us to BE our truer more authentic selves!

Interestingly, the Aries stellium sends a connection to the Scorpio Mars/Moon position, giving us a constant prod to LET GO of old patterns of conditioning! Here Aries, our instinctual self-identity, contains Uranus (unexpected change to BE Free to BE ME!) + Eris shows us how to dispense with our wornout gender roles of the past + the Arabic Part of Fortune, our Joy point, beckons us to BE joyful, to embrace our respective uniqueness from one another AND within each other + Vesta asks us to concentrate our focus ON self, yet not at the exclusion of all others! All work and no play is not BALANCE! We are no longer an Island unto ourselves. We are Individuals living within Community (New Age of Aquarius).

This chart's T-square figures on the Vertex/Galactic Centre from the Nodes + Jupiter and Chiron specifically. To HEAL our spiritiual disconnect AND expand our boundaries away from the same old/same old service we've allowed ourselves to BE stuck within! Bust out of your entrenched ruts about work! Where you work, what you DO for work, HOW you work! Mix it up! Feel your heart's true desire and follow your intuitive creative hits of insight and TRUST that these new directions (NO MATTER YOUR AGE!) will manifest your dreams (Neptune) and show you the new direction your Soul wishes you to walk into (North Node)!

Having the Vertex on the Galactic Centre tells me we are heeding a Higher Call from On High! Beyond our Galaxy. What IS your Higher Purpose this lifetime? Perhaps the upcoming Eclipses in March will remind you of what you signed up to DO and BE this lifetime? I will write that post soon enough.

Our minds (Mercury) and our Desire Body (Venus) and Inner Feminine Power Warrior (Pallas) all sit within the fixed air sign of Aquarius, the New Age we are in now. Allow your mind to connect with your Future Self, and your Desire Body to feel the CLEAR intentions of what you truly desire in your life, and bring forth the wonderful Inner Feminine Wisdom to receive those insights/signs, feel the intuitive urgings of your Soul/Higher Self, and walk into your Future. Now. It will be interesting to see what we bring forth these next four years!

Blessed Be


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