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Laughter IS the Antidote!

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Our recent Full Moon phase began on Saturday, May 21st at 3:14p MDT with the Moon sitting at 01 degrees Sagittarius 14' and the Sun opposite at 01 degrees Gemini 14'. Any Illuminating moments come up for you around that time?

Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign, ruled by Jupiter (who is currently travelling through mutable earth sign of Virgo - all about perfecting our processes re: work/being of service and how we look after the health of the physical body). The Full Moon themes within Sagittarius were any or all of the following [according to Jan Spiller's New Moon Astrology]:

  • Your Quest for Truth: wherever Sagittarius resides within your chart, you search for your Higher Truth of why you are here, what your purpose is on Earth this lifetime. Here you find your Philosopher's Stone - truly. That Holy Grail of what you deeply deem to ring Truth resoundingly so. Be it spiritual, religious, sacred spaces where you find your inner honesty and most direct communication.

  • Peace of Mind: here the Natural world comes into play - spend time outside within the gorgeous greening and flowering that is our world here in the Northern climes. Fall is turning its colours for our neighbours in Southern climes. Our connections with Nature bring peace and Intuitive knowing closer to home.

  • Freedom: accepting life as an Adventure, being Spontaneous about something, having Positive Expectations (!!) while Exploring your world in a wider arc that could include long-distance travel to far lands, or moving to a new locale to live and work.

  • The Law: here is the world of attorneys, lawsuits, ethics, morality, your conscience and any court proceedings that govern what is Law in our land. For most of us it comes down to Ethical Living and Being while Doing.

  • Optimism: if you've lost this along the way, now is the time to regain it via having Faith, belief in Luck, Be of Generous and Friendly Spirit - to yourself especially! Gallantry too - where has that gone?

  • Higher Education: this can be a mix of continued education, Be curious no matter how old you become, seek the answers to your personal philosophy as to why you are here. Mentoring/being mentored comes into play too. Find solutions to problematic situations that seem hopeless and seemingly unending. Ask yourself: What is it I haven't learned yet from this ongoing situation? It will cease to BE once you allow yourself to learn it!

  • Carelessness: here is the shadow side of Sagittarius - take shortcuts, be self-righteous, make assumptions, excesses and extravagance of all kinds, blunt communication that can be hurtful and Pollyanna approaches - BE authentic!

  • Physically, Sagittarius Rules: your hips, liver, sciatica, thighs and upper legs. Get out for a walk or jog or cycle or swim! This is a reminder to Move around, BE flexible and work out other strategies to di-spell anger/rage that can inflame your liver if it isn't expressed out of the physical body. Better this than attacking another verbally with it.

Now on to that Antidote! If, due to Forces Beyond Your Control, seemingly continuously so, you have lost your Faith/Freedom in some regard, given up Hope/Optimism that it will ever ever Change, and perhaps have been Careless, no Peace of Mind no matter how many walks you've been on - listen to this simple, easy exercise to bring it all back around. It is simply LAUGHTER - deep belly laughter - especially when EVERYTHING seems to be at its Darkest and most Hopeless!

You will experience any or all of the following as you do this exercise:first forced laughter (because it really seems INSANE to be laughing at this very moment!) then crying. Perhaps some yawning, and/or sneezing (great signs of shifting stagnant dark energy) followed by more laughing (do you feel it is lighter and less forced now?) and crying and yawning - do this for at least 20' to really get it all shifted Within, away from that deep dark place that you perhaps landed into during the Scorpio Gibbous Moon phase? You are not alone on this one!

This is God's natural gift of enLIGHTenment!Lightening the load, the impossible into the possible, the ugly into the beautiful, the Light-Heartedness from the dark sadness of presumed failure to move past whatever it is you seem to be stuck within. After your 20' laughter session, Give Thanks to God With Gratitude- another aspect of Jupiter/Sagittarius is Thankfulness in the midst of chaos!

Blessed BE!


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