It's been 12 years since Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and our 9th House of Life Experience, entered into Sagittarius. That was November 24, 2006 until December 18, 2007. Where were you then? What were you seeking? Where is Sagittarius in your birth chart? This will be the House of Life Experience from which you seek your Higher Purpose. This is where you fling your arrow of Intention out into the world - which is the energy of this mutable fire sign, Sagittarius - being seen out in the larger world.
Every 12 years we experience a renewal of purpose, abundance, and a need to expand known boundaries - personally, professionally, privately, publicly. This is called, in Astrology, a Jupiter Return - where Jupiter returns to the place it was in at your birth - its natal position in your birth chart. For those born with Jupiter in Sagittarius - yes, at some point this next year (anywhere between November 8, 2018 and December 2, 2019) you will experience your Jupiter Return.
For the rest of us, Jupiter, as of 5:39 AM MST today, is activating the House(s) of Life Experience in which Sagittarius resides in our respective birth charts. Jupiter is joy/jovial, uplifting and expansive - takes us beyond current boundaries we've constructed around our lives, that keeps our Ego-self feeling safe, secure and stable. Jupiter belies that belief of safety is best - is all about beliefs! And its mission: to go beyond where the Ego-self feared to roam!
Within Sagittarius, we'll encounter new themes (compared to all the hidden secrets that were unearthed last year 2017/2018 publicly re the sexual abuses of power - all Scorpio themes - while Jupiter traveled through that fixed water sign) as we move away from the deeply hidden fears/emotions of Scorpio that had kept us from moving up and out, into the mutable fire of going with the flow by taking action beyond our safe locale - connecting globally, with purpose and a strong belief that yes, I do have purpose and can act for the good of all! Religious beliefs, philosophies, long-distance travels and connecting with other cultures this next year will be key for everyone. More global connections compared to 12 years ago!
There is a water Grand Trine connecting Jupiter with the New Moon in Scorpio + North Node in Cancer + Chiron Rx in Pisces - bringing forth much-needed HEALING regarding our SPIRITUAL PRACTICES & BELIEFS! This next year will either be full of Drama (via that Drama Triangle of victim thinking / wanting to be rescued/doing the rescuing / feeling bullied / persecuted) OR we'll successfully take ourselves OFF that role-play via meditation/spiritual awakening to bring forth Love, Acceptance & Compassion for All. Now wouldn't this be a great gift to offer the world?
As a mutable fire sign, Sagittarius, we could take creative/spiritual action for others so far that we forget ourselves in the mix! Are you doing this action for YOU and Others, or just for the underdog? Remember yourself in the action - are you heartfully certain that you believe in ALL that is expected of you, from others? Or are you doing it all for an Ego-self lift? To be the Hero?
The archetypes we'll encounter within Sagittarius could be any or all of the following:
ZEUS (Greek king of the Olympian gods)
JUPITER (Roman king of same)
According to Richard Tarnas, Ph.D., Astrologer, the Jupiter archetype was called the Great Benefic, related to Fortuna and Providence. Major aspects involving Jupiter tend to indicate the nature of one's experience of personal expansion, growth, and success in all realms of life, as well as how impulses in these directions might be EXCESSIVE.
Be aware of excessive spending, eating, doing, talking etc. - depends where you have Sagittarius in your chart. If it is your Rising Sign - watch out for weight gain! Or perhaps, for all of us, the need, energetically, to physically MOVE the body - Jupiter rules fluid enrichment, nutrition, putting on weight, the liver, gallbladder, lungs, swellings and glycogen balance. Sagittarius rules the muscular system, your thighs and lumbar region. That fire energy needs to GO somewhere - better to physically move or creatively create vs. eating, drinking, gambling etc.
All in all - we are done with the tour of duty through the deep waters of emotion/fears that Jupiter brought to the surface 2017/2018. Now we have the FIRE to act, create, envision, speak up with others, study new philosophies/areas, travel globally to places we didn't dare to before now.
What were you doing back in 2006/07 - and where did it take you? Compare that to now - what went unfinished/untried due to Ego-self fears to expand, leave your safe place? Are those things/experiences left undone 12 years ago still part of your Bucket List of To Do's? Or do you have a whole raft of NEW Things To Do? And will you do them, or won't you? 'Tis all up to you...