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Invent & Innovate: New Moon in Aquarius!

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Hi Everyone!

Brrrr...bit of a Polar Vortex we are experiencing up here in Canada these days! Little snow for us in southern Alberta - not like last year at all. -36C with the windchill today...not used to real Winter lol!

On to warmer thoughts...the New Moon begins another Moon cycle today at 2:04 pm MST at 15 degrees of Aquarius 45'- bringing in the fixed air element of community-mindedness, BEING your True Authentic Self within that community AND allowing yourself to invent/innovate Self and Others along the way!

Along with the New Moon phase initiating something NEW as our Future Selves bring forward innovation/invention into the NOW, it is interesting to note the following:

  • Uranus rules Aquarius(therefore rules this Moon cycle) and sitting at 28 degrees of Aries brings Unexpected Change into our Independent natures. Here the change could be Yes! Bring your uniqueness to the table AND I'll bring my uniqueness too - let's see how combining the two makes an even more unique scenario! Cool! This is where the inventiveness/innovation comes into play...Unexpectedly so...

  • Two other key planetary figures within Aries are influencing Uranus too -  ERIS & MARS (sister/brother) at 23 degrees of Aries- rebalancing our Inner Divine Feminine/Masculine energies AND taking Action accordingly - assertively vs. aggressively - bringing opportunity to Stand Your Ground about what YOU WANT TO HAPPEN this Moon cycle!

  • The Cardinal Grand Square continues, linking the North Node in Cancer to Pallas in Libra to Pluto in Capricorn to Eris/Mars + Uranus in Aries -so FOUR areas of our lives are asking for NEW ACTION, all at the same time! We're healing from duty & necessity + rebalancing our Inner Wisdom access + transforming the integrity of how/with whom we do business + connecting with our True Authentic Selves assertively (with balanced Inner Feminine/Masculine energies) asking for what we want through timely Action. Whew!

  • Then there's the YOD, Finger of God pointing to Pallas (Inner Wisdom we access) from the base planets/points of Juno in Taurus (the VALUES & WORTHINESS of committed/equal relationships/partnerships) learning to work well with Chiron sitting at 29 degrees of Pisces!Here's where a LOT of healing ensues this Moon cycle/month - clearing us from that Drama Triangle of living in the roles of either (or all!) Victim - Rescue(r) - Bully/Persecutor/ed - by letting go of drama your life, connecting Within to your Divine Inner Feminine/Masculine energies AND Inner Wisdom (Higher Self) aspect - to listen to your intuition, how you feel at any given moment, and then take action accordingly. Chiron is asking us all to LET GO and HEAL the old ways of BEing...step off the Drama Triangle and BE Calm, Cool & Collected from Within, and therefore, Without...healthier energetic boundaries to set Within and Without (with others).

  • Lastly: the Grand Water Trine links the North Node in Cancer with Chiron in Pisces with the Vertex in Scorpio (something Fated/Destined this way comes!) to clear out deep-seated FEARS of TRUSTING the Divine Within you- what are you manifesting? Fear-oriented results, or trust-oriented ones? What's coming up for you this week that is emotionally triggering the Drama Triangle + Fears? North Node in Cancer asks us, collectively, to head into the direction of LESS duty/necessity and MORE expression of how you TRULY FEEL, and allow that Life-Death-Rebirth transformation to propel you beyond fears/mistrust or whatever it is your Ego-self is manufacturing Within you this week/Moon cycle!

The SABIAN Symbol for this Moon cycle:

Symbol: A BIG BUSINESS-MAN AT HIS DESKKeywords:There is much to organize for a large business or group. Perhaps you are unable to get directly involved in the situation, bringing a sense of alienation, but have to stay behind and do the organization. Making decisions and management. Being in charge and in control.SHADOW aspect:Taking advantage of being put in charge. Bossing others.

Here's where we can take care of the details, behind-the-scenes, within the business of Life, Work, Home, Self. Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) has caught up to Pluto (transformation of fears into Empowerment/win-win for all) in our cardinal earth sign of Capricorn (yes we continue to deal with the Capricorn New Moon/Solar Eclipse energies of January 5th). How well are you making those decisions, taking charge, for the good of all? Soul-oriented vs. Ego-self-oriented? Being of service...

I find it fascinating that we have these themes/energies at play during this Moon cycle and in this month, in this week.

I ask all of you:what are you mis-trusting in your life/Within? What's your fear? Where are you creating Drama in your life? Would you like to HEAL or at least SHIFT any or all of this? How can you innovate/invent something NEW in your life, that dovetails with YOUR TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF's needs/desires? During this Moon cycle, listen to your feelings (all of them!) and breathe through and walk through them all - have a chat with your feelings - ask WHY are you here? By the 1st QTR Moon phase you'll be asked to undergo a Crisis of Action - Do I or Don't I? Make your decision, then Act - Leap of Faith?

I love the Moon cycles- they teach us to BE CONSCIOUS of our motivations, thoughts and feelings - all in aid of becoming conscious, more authentic and real. Re-invent your Daily Habits, your Inner world, and connect more solidly with your Within-Self / Higher Self / Future Self.


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