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Harvest-Blood Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

The Harvest Moon is the Full Moon closest to the Autumnal Equinox.

The Blood Moon occurs during a Total Lunar Eclipse - when the path of the Earth comes between the Sun and Moon, causing Earth's shadow to block all the Sun's light from directly reaching the Moon's surface. According to, "the full moon nearly always appears coppery red during a total lunar eclipse. That’s because the dispersed light from all the Earth’s sunrises and sunsets falls on the face of the moon at mid-eclipse."

Sunday's Total Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon will cast a shadow throughout North America, therefore all of us will be able to view this eclipse, as long as we are cloudless! In Calgary, Alberta, the Moonrise will be visible at 8:11p MDT in the ESE direction of the sky. Due to our elevation, the eclipse will begin below the horizon and at the time of Moonrise, the Lunar Eclipse will be close to total already (totality is around 8:47p for about an hour). After which the eclipse becomes partial (around 10:27p MDT). Expect to view this eclipse for approximately three hours 20'. The next Total Lunar Eclipse will be January 31, 2018 and will be visible from Calgary.

Astrologically, this Full Moon will occur at 04 degrees of Aries 40' - and will conjunct the natal Eris position of everyone born between 1919 and 1980 (who are still living!). Eris is a dwarf planet discovered in 2005, doubling the size of our solar system due to its 556-year orbit around our Sun (Pluto's orbit is roughly half of Eris').

Eris, known as the sister to Mars, the God of War, was the Goddess of Strife and Discord, believed to have caused the Trojan War. Her jealousy of being left out of a wedding, she threw the golden apple of discord into the gathering. In the aftermath, Paris had abducted Helena, and the Trojan War began.

Astrologically, Eris shows where and how we each struggle against injustice and oppression, defending the weak and standing up for oneself. Here we speak our truth to power, sometimes willing to resort to violence if necessary (which is the extreme of what we are seeing out in the wide world re: the wars in the Middle East).

Here we see the harsh struggle for survival, at all costs, making a stand for what one believes in. The fundamental nature of our human side is to be civilized, until we are forced to stand for what is right, against all odds. Nature is not all rosy - all creatures of the forest must struggle for survival at some point in their lives.

Eris shows us a "Crisis of Identity", finding out who we truly are, which unfolds when in the midst of INNER discord and disharmony, revealing our true nature. Traditional roles of the past are torn asunder into more equality and harmony - sometimes to the extreme of violence (wars) which affect us physically, emotionally or mentally.

Here the goal is to create a more even Inner Feminine/Masculine sacred power balance Within and Without - aka a re-balance of gender identity. 'Tis interesting that the discovery of Eris coincided with the onset of the Iraq war (violent struggle for resources) and during the current Moon cycle, the exodus of masses of people fleeing Syria etc seeking asylum within European countries. They all struggle for survival - some via war, others just want to live harmoniously with others. We see the darker side of humanity unfold around us, which must be acknowledged and faced in order to heal.

Eris is also the cousin to Pluto - the Great Transformer of our collective fears, greed and lust for power and control. We all must see and embrace our respective potential to BE violent from Within (verbally, physically, emotionally, mentally) AND Love this part of ourselves in order to become WHOLE. See where you harbour violent thoughts towards self and others, and Love this part of your animal - human side. A healing must be bridged now, creating an 'AND' in acceptance of Light and Shadow aspects of Self.

This Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse will indeed BE Bloody - "seeing red" when we blindly allow all our inner angst and anger to come to the Full - yes feel it AND love it; we don't necessarily need to ACT it out (or eat/drink it emotionally!).

As I look at the chart for this Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse, I see two struggles:

  • Mars and Jupiter in Virgo in opposition to Neptune in Pisces: how we take Action (Mars) to move beyond current set boundaries (Jupiter) that keep us too safe from risks of BEing of Service (Virgo) beyond the norm (Pisces). How do YOU create an 'AND' between the Ego and the Soul's version of what BEing of Service means to each? What illusions or delusions (Neptune) has gotten in the way of your true Dreams?

  • South Node, Moon and Vesta in Aries in opposition to North Node, Juno, Sun and Mercury Rx in Libra: the Me vs. We age-old struggle (and remember all of this involves the natal placement of our Eris planets, as mentioned above!). The South Node denotes unresolved issues from the past (this lifetime AND past lives), coupled with our Emotional Body issues (Moon) and how/where we place our focused attention (Vesta) re: "But it's all about me!" This Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse EMPHASIZES the NEED to create an 'AND' to bridge the Ego's ME with more Soulful WE balance! Juno brings more feminine need for committed, fulfilling relationships (less inequality / injustice) willing to fight for PERSONAL RIGHTS within our relationships/partnerships. The Sun represents our Soul's vital principle to SHINE brightly AS ME within the WE - always! And Mercury Rx brings more intuitive, out-of-the-box CREATIVE thought vs. logical into the mix. Here we have the option to CHANGE our MINDS about how we DO and BE with ALL of the above!

  • Question is: How do you marry the needs of the Ego with the larger/bigger picture of the Soul's quest for inner growth? What IS the bigger picture within your life that needs to be SEEN and HEARD right now? What is going on, right now, in your life, LOUD and CLEAR (Jupiter) to bring your attention into a much needed healing?

What I find fascinating, within this Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse chart is this: ALL the planets currently within Pisces and Aries are Rx (Retrograde)!! Meaning - personalizing the experiences of what we are each undergoing to bring more Soul growth awareness to the surface (BEing conscious of our unconscious Ego's motivations). You can be swimming through a chaotic mix of emotions - tears and anger - (Pisces + Aries) and conversations (Libra) and the need to take instinctual action (Aries). Which and when and how and with whom?

What is also fascinating is that ALL four elements are included this time: earth/Virgo + fire/Aries + water/Pisces + air/Libra. Two mutable signs (wanting to go with the flow) vs. two cardinal signs (the much-needed CHANGE to BE will be initiated somehow).

Enjoy Sunday's Total Lunar Eclipse; BE aware of YOUR Inner Shadow as the Earth's shadow colours the Full Moon. "See the Red" within yourself, allow all the emotions and words and actions to surface WITH intuitive THOUGHT before Action (!!). I love 'seeing' how quiet it is during a Lunar Eclipse - notice how the animals are quiet, as well as humans - during the complete cycle of this particular Supermoon/Blood Moon. Then notice all the activity and noise after it is completed!

BE aware; DO action with this awareness. BE ME within any WE. Always, in all ways. This is indeed a Divine Timing experience, and opportunity to "see" yourself more clearly, Divinely, lovingly.

Blessed BE!


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