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Grand Trine of Fire Activations

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Yesterday, September 20th, the Moon activated (the first of the three points) of the planetary formation called a Grand Trine (triangle) in Fire signs that was already in this New Moon cycle's chart. The Fire element is all about inSPIRed Action - In Spirit action - to create something new in your life, coming from your Spiritual Body of yourself.

As the Moon transits through the signs, via its phases, it triggers the activation of inSPIRed action within you. Yesterday the Moon conjuncted Pallas at 18 degrees of Sagittarius, which in turn activated the Grand Trine formation connecting Pallas to Uranus Rx in Aries and Venus in Leo. Look at your birth charts to see where the mid degrees of these three fire signs reside. This is where in your life you will feel inSPIRed to take action towards your Life Purpose (Sagittarius), Free to BE ME (Aries), and to Create something and lead with it (Leo).

Today at 3:00a MDT we entered the 1st QTR Moon phase @ 28 degrees of Sagittarius, 04' - conjunct the Galactic Centre! This means we will be receiving downloads of inSPIRation from our Galactic selves, re: our true Life Purpose down here on Earth. It may be a clarifying inspired moment, or a unifying inspired moment, or a confirmation of what you already know to be true. Sagittarius is all about our beliefs, having faith in self and our purpose of BEing here on Earth. Coupled with all the Virgo activations between the two eclipses, question is: How does your Life Purpose jive with how you are BEing of Service? Are they one and the same, or different?

We can volunteer and work our Life Purpose in that area of life, or combine the two via the work we are paid to do by others using our service or product. Pallas (Athena in Greek mythology) is one of four Feminine dwarf planets, orbiting between Jupiter and Mars. She represents Wisdom and Warrior, having sprung fully grown, and armed, from the brow of Jupiter (Zeus). She became the protectress of those in battle, using her compassionate wisdom to teach merciful justice and peaceful resolution of disputes.

Pallas is also the Patron of the Arts, giving many creative gifts to humankind, and the Goddess of Health. She represents the creative, intelligent woman using the feminine wisdom principles of receiving in equal measure to giving, via intuitive knowing and wise counsel. Pallas in your birth chart signifies how you serve or care for others, using healing techniques that integrate the mind and body (think yoga, reiki, cranial sacral to name a few) without a lot of emotional attachment. So either you are the practitioner teaching/giving these healing modalities or you actively seek them out to experience and practice within your own life.

Pallas also indicates interest in the pattern and structure of things, therefore the ability to strategize and perceive intuitively and creatively. Mercury being Rx (Retrograde) right now will assist in this intuitive/creative mindset more easily this Moon cycle, showing us how we use our right-brain vs. left-brain logical side.

In between the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and Disseminating Moon phases - September 28th - the Moon will activate Uranus Rx at 19 degrees of Aries. Find where Uranus Rx is transiting your birth chart right now (not far behind transiting Eris!) bringing Unexpected Change into your life, via deep instinctual needs to BE ME (your true individual self vs. going along with the crowd). Uranus out-pictures with original thoughts and actions, that stem from YOUR self-identity, not someone else.

The last activation will occur October 7th, in between the Last QTR and Balsamic Moon phases, with Venus transiting at 15 degrees of Leo. Here we lead with our creative hearts, with fun and play in mind, to SHINE our desires out into the world. Venus represents our Desire Body - what we TRULY like and love, and how well we attract these things, people and circumstances into our lives. Within Leo, Venus truly brings out the Romantic Love aspect, so there can be connections created (via Mercury Rx's socializing / partnering) of new, or the return of old, flames.

Remember, each activation of this Grand Trine automatically activates the other two arms of it at the same time. The point of activation is the root inSPIRed action, that sends out impulses to the other two areas too. Think of this Grand Trine formation as a love-line of connection between three planets that are currently moving through the fire signs, collectively asking us to trigger much-needed Soul/spiritual change AND action within our lives. Allow the creativity of these timings to unfold as they will, without controlling outcomes with expectations. Allow the gifts of the Universe to BE received as you sense how to ACT via creation.

Before I leave this post, I wanted to say OMG! with what the world has already experienced since the New Moon/Solar Eclipse began September 13th: the massive exodus of people fleeing Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq into Europe (the largest since WWII) and the 8.3 magnitude earthquake in Chile. All before the Crescent Moon phase of September 17th. It will be interesting to see what other inSPIRed changes occur within Earth and on top of it before this hyper-active Moon cycle completes itself October 12th.

Blessed BE!


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