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Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse + Autumnal Equinox - o my!

That's a LOT to take in this week!

Tomorrow - Tuesday SEPT 17, 2024 @ 8:34pm MDT we have the Full Moon / Partial Lunar Eclipse (thankfully only Partial, not Total! Otherwise we'd be experiencing a FULL 29.5-day Moon cycle in about 5 hours tomorrow!) occurring in watery mutable PISCES at 25 degrees/40' - see the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse chart below!


This Full Moom/Lunar Eclipse is exceptional for these reasons:

  • This Eclipse in Pisces brings Neptune Rx, ruler of Pisces, with it, and the current North Node in Aries - Courage, Survival, Entrepreneurial Pioneering in any field (!), and leaning on your own skills/talents, not enmeshing them with others - so being Independent from others. We're Spiritually connecting in ways not seen in many many 1,000s of years. AND, this will be a precursor to MARCH 2025 when the North Node moves into PISCES for the next 19 months. HUGE Spiritual shifts! And MORE Eclipses in PISCES to come!

  • And, the Shadow side of Pisces - our addictions / need for Drama via that Drama Triangle role-play - Victim / Rescue(r) / Bully - can be triggered to BE here via the Ego-self by events, circumstances, people who like to push our buttons, etc.

  • Therefore, the challenge - if we're WILLING to take it - is to allow in MORE of our Soul-Self and less of our Ego-self's Desires aka need for addictions/drama etc.

  • AND, Pluto Rx in Capricorn at that 29th degree - Fated / Destined to End/Complete/Release something that is no longer of INTEGRITY for that which we each wish to BUILD, going forward, from here on out.

  • AND, Pluto Rx is receiving a love line connection from the SUN's position in VIRGO in this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse - earth to earth - being physically involved here to TRANSFORM something that no longer supports our Sacred Service (Virgo) while releasing/ending ideas/dreams/goals we once had for ourselves, to introduce something NEW - Capricorn loves to Initiate the NEW!

  • AND this FULL MOON/Lunar Eclipse will ACCELERATE things for us, while also Illuminating / Culminating that which we've been working on since the New Moon SEPT 2nd - in Virgo/ all about our Sacred Service, in our Sacred Space.

  • This Accelerated pace will keep on keeping on for the next month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months - up to 3.5 years - winding down a bit as Time goes by...


Neptune Rx/retrograde, as Lord of this Lunar Eclipse, has been in Pisces since FEB 2012, DISSOLVING the Illusions/Delusions we once held about the Reality of our lives. Look back 12 years - where were you, what were you envisioning for yourself - and now, compare it all to where you are NOW. Lighter? More Spiritually/ Intuitively connected with your Guides / Angels / Source? Happier? Stronger? All of the above?!


And take a gander at WHERE in your Charts PISCES resides - from 00 degrees to 29 degrees 59' - the full 30 degrees could be straddling TWO Houses of Life Experience in your charts - what's been DISSOLVING from your Life these past 12 years?


Also: check to see if you have any Planets/Asteroids in your Birth Chart that are assisting with this Acceleration/Dissolving of Illusions/Delusions from your life since FEB 2012!

Whew! That's a LOT to take in, right?!


A Lunar Eclipse brings the connection to how we FEEL / Intuit about everything! According to Shamanic Astrology/TOTAMS, being connected heartfully has been missing more and more from Humanity for several 1,000s of years due to the decline of the Feminine/ascent of the Masculine - way out of balance to RECEIVE, CONNECT With, and BE LOVE / following our Intuitive Insights, knowing we truly are connected to God/Source - whatever your name is for the Great Mystery/Universal Guidance that you believe exists.


To BE Heart-centred, with Grace, and Self-love, Self-respect and allowing ourselves to BE fully vulnerable, open-hearted with one another. Full in, intimately, connected.

Hence why we are here at the bottom of the Kali Yuga / Turning of the Ages / Lunar Standstill a-coming in 2025! Times are indeed a-changing - for the better as we strive heartfully forward, taking Leaps of Faith into the Unknown, following that Intuitive Guidance!


AND! That Autumnal Equinox timing - on Sunday, SEPT 22, 2024 at 6:44 am MDT when the Sun enters 00 degrees LIBRA - where's this sign in your Birth Chart? Do you have any planets/asteroids in this cardinal Air Sign? Here's where and when we move into BALANCE, Equality, Peace, Harmony, Beauty, Love and Music/Art appreciation - all the finer things in life to behold! Along with the South Lunar Node (!) in the early degrees of LIBRA - continues to bring forth Unresolved Issues from Past Lives regarding our Relationships / Partnerships - personal and/or business-oriented! Aren't we lucky! LOL! OMG!


So, FEEL your feelings; Listen to, Trust in, Follow the Guidance of your Intuition. Take time to Tune Within via meditation, walks in Nature, silent time in bed - whatever works for you - to listen for Insights, signs, signals from your Peeps Upstairs regarding what you wish to Envision for your life - Soulfully we're Tuning In.


Egoically, we may resist, avoid, procrastinate, distract ourselves otherwise - delay the inevitable, eh? Our choice to make, daily, which is the Pisces Dilemma - 

"Am I choosing to work with my Soul-self today or my Ego-self? Or this minute / hour / morning / evening..." you get the picture!

BE in the moment, and if you feel yourself becoming less than loving, respectful, etc., with yourself or others - this is the SIGN that Ego-self is here! Then, what do you need to do with this part of yourself that is scared/fearful and/or wanting what Used To Be!? HOW will you love yourself through it, to return to Love/Soul-self action?


CHART CREATION: by Laurie Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Facilitator using AstroGold software


PHOTO CREDIT: Unsplash artists - thank you so much!


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