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Full Moon in Virgo: Serve to Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning!

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Hi Everyone!

We've been experiencing the Full Moon since 8:53 a.m. MST this morning, February 19, 2019 at 00 degrees Virgo 42' - in our mutable earth sign of the Zodiac. The Sun sat directly opposite, at 00 degrees Pisces 42' - yes, the Sun entered Pisces as of 4:04 pm MST Monday!

And we also have Mercury  + Neptune (ruler of Pisces) + Vesta in Pisces too! As of TODAY, we entered the pre-Mercury Rx (retrograde) SHADOW timing - those 2 weeks leading up to the actual Mercury Rx timing - within the mutable water sign of Pisces. We'll be experiencing some vivid, technicolour dreams, high intuition, emotional feelings, and discerning how we may still be addicted to Drama (that Drama Triangle) in our lives over the next 2 months! I'll post about this another day.

Within the chart of today's Full Moon in Virgo, I see SEVERAL YOD's, Fingers of God planetary formations - beckoning us all to Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning that we've been hanging onto for how many lifetimes now?! LOL!

Here's a wee summary of each YOD:

  • Pointing to the SUN at 00 degrees of Pisces- soulfully, how are you connecting Within to your spiritual body/Higher Self these days? What have you been allowing to get in the way of this practice?

  • Pointing to the VERTEX at 02 degrees of Libra- something Destined/Fated this way comes - a relationship or partnership? Coming or going? Do you need to let one go to make room for a newer, better, healthier one?

  • Pointing to the Full Moon at 00 degrees of Virgo- how is your desire to Be of Service being Illuminated during this moon phase? And are you also INCLUDING Being of Service to the health of your Physical Body, not just to the daily work you do? How can you perfect this daily process? And not use Perfectionism as a delay tactic

  • Pointing to Chiron now at 00 degrees of Aries- healing vs. editing how we Instinctually Take Action With the Physical Body. Ta Da! Announce that "I AM HERE PEOPLE!" and do it assertively vs. aggressively or as your Ego-self who wants to be made much of. Chiron helps us to heal any areas where we're hypersensitive to feeling we'll be rejected by others for BEing truly authentically ME! Embrace your uniqueness AND your authenticity - WHO ARE YOU, TRULY?

Then we're also experiencing FOUR areas of our lives in need of change - ALL AT THE SAME TIME! This comes from the continuing Cardinal Grand Square - hooking up planets in the 4 cardinal signs which always initiate much-needed CHANGE in our lives.

Here we have the following change players:

  • ERIS + URANUS in Aries- rebalancing our Inner Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine energies AND Unexpected Change to help us innovate/invent something NEW as we Pioneer & Explore new Inner roads of Self we hadn't the courage to do before now.

  • NORTH NODE in Cancer- the direction our Collective Soul wishes to head into - where we shake off the mantles of Duty & Necessity - to take time to Nurture, smell the roses, play with the kids, see family & friends. It is NOT all about work, anymore!

  • PALLAS in Libra, Rx- our Wisdom from Within Feminine Asteroid - one of the 4 faces of Venus/the Goddess - how well are you balancing / equalizing / harmonizing with your own Inner Wisdom? And listening to it? And following it? MEN & WOMEN, both? The Rx (retrograde) direction means this will present itself rather personally for each of us. Where is Libra in your birth chart? THIS is where you'll experience this change in your life.

  • Lastly, the SOUTH NODE + PLUTO in Capricorn- here Unresolved Issues from past lives, perhaps due to the need for Power & Control/Greed vs. Empowerment, creating a win-win for all involved? Since January 5th's Solar Eclipse in Capricorn we've been experiencing, ever loudly, the INTEGRITY of how we and others DO business. Are you allowing your integrity to go by the wayside in order to keep the money rolling in? What are you allowing, from other's demands of your time, energy & perhaps money, that is less than integral? Have you noticed others' integrity issues? Have you spoken up about it? Capricorn also rules our Reputation out in the world. Take care of the BUSINESS of HOW you & others DO BUSINESS. Pluto's been unearthing dirty secrets since 2007 in the wider world amongst all of our traditional institutions/corporations. He'll continue to do so until 2024... no time like the present to make some CHANGE here yourself...

VIRGO loves to know the rules of engagement - HOW do I DO this? Whatever THIS is. The need to BE perfect about it is how our Ego-self gets in the way to delay accomplishment, completion, putting projects to bed. Watch out for your Ego-self's denials, delay tactics, fears to risk anything NEW to occur this Full Moon, while also allowing yourself to Let Go of those Old Patterns of Conditioning.

Love how these Moon cycles give us ample opportunity to LET GO, evolve Emotionally & Spiritually, as we feel our way forward, and as we are guided by our intuition. Be aware by becoming Conscious of your Ego-self's manipulations along the way!


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Speaker | Writer


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