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Full Moon in Taurus: Unexpected Hands-on Change - Are you ready?

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

This Full Moon phase begins Wednesday October 24, 2018 at 10:45 am MDTin the fixed earth sign of Taurus at 01 degrees and 13'. The Sun sits opposite the Moon at 01 degrees of Scorpio 13'. The Full Moon reflects the unconscious desires of the Sun. What are yours?

The Moon represents our Emotional Body, daily habits, and how well we feel those feelings, follow our intuition, and deal with the emotional baggage we carry with us.The Sun represents our vital Soul self, the energy that keeps us moving forward in life.

Emotionally, Taurusbrings forth our values, worthiness, self-esteem and self-confidence issues. Soulfully, we're also treading through the deep-seated emotional waters of Scorpio - where our Ego-self hides its fears, denials and resistance to change - resistance to truly experiencing our Passionate Natures.

This Full Moon creates a Fixed Grand Squareplanetary formation, all within the fixed signs, bringing forth the need to deal with all the details at hand AND perhaps forgetting to come up for air to see the Big Picture. Uranus is currently Rx (retrograde) sitting at 00 degrees of Taurus, creating Unexpected Change, emotionally, for all. The Fixed signs do NOT like this will be an interesting few days for everyone!

The other characters involved within the Fixed Grand Square are:

  • North Node Rx in LEO: the direction our Souls wish us to move into at this time; a direction we do not necessarily feel comfortable experiencing. Leo rules the heart, creativity, fun and play, leading as a team player, and selling yourself, heartfully. Leo also rules the back and spine: how well are you supporting YOUR unconscious desires AND supporting your heartfelt needs? For YOUR life? For YOU? Being a fixed fire sign, we can stubbornly put others first, ourselves second, because we always have, why change now? Time to put YOURSELF FIRST.

  • South Node Rx in Aquarius: the direction our Souls have LOTS of experience of, and where we can bring in Unresolved Issues from our past - past lives, and/or earlier this lifetime. Could be people, situations, circumstances from the past that come forward this Full Moon phase to help you BE AUTHENTIC, BE REAL and BE TRULY YOU (New Age of Aquarius means all of us are learning to BE/DO this as we continue to transition away from the Old Age of Pisces). If you're not, they/the situation will call you up on the carpet to BE so.

  • A Square situation in Astrology creates Stress and Tension Within to cause change and usually much-needed at this time. Envision you're sitting at a table seating four people. You can see directly into the eyes of the person sitting opposite you; you need to move your head/body somewhat to engage the people on your left or right. This movement IS the CHANGE - in focus, perspective, thoughts, feelings and insights. Are you willing to take a look/listen? To allow those true feelings to come forth and be witnessed by others around you?In other words - we have another Heart-opening opportunity to BE part of the human condition, to NOT hide out in the Shadows.

Taurus rules the creativity we each wish to use for self, hands-on, using all our senses; Leo rules the innocent creativity, part of that Inner Child piece we each carry Within. Aquarius rules our ability to be unemotionally involved, while being community-minded; Scorpio rules our deepest passionate natures, and perhaps hiding this part of ourselves, feeling too vulnerable to be SEEN, truly.

All four elements are brought to the table for us to use this Full Moon. Choose wisely, creatively, sensuously, passionately, heartfully, and authentically. BE all of who you truly are. Allow yourself to SHINE and ILLUMINATE yourself to others.

Blessed BE!


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