At 6:53a MST November 14th, the Moon sits in opposition to the Sun, creating the Full Moon phase. The Moon will be at 22 degrees of Taurus 38' and the Sun, 22 degrees of Scorpio 38'. The Full Moon reflects the unconscious desires of the Sun/Soul at this time.
Looking back to the New Moon in Scorpio October 30th, what fears have you faced and surpassed these past two weeks? What is this Full Moon Illuminating for you? Bringing a bright flashlight or spotlight for you to SEE clearly that once was hiding for dear life within your Inner Darkness? What has been revealed into the Light for your awareness?
Taurus rules the throat, the thyroid gland, your ability to Speak Your Truth! Any issues with your throat this Full Moon brings your attention/awareness towards what you aren't able to, or are afraid to, speak up about!
The Scorpio portion of the program (via the Sun's Light) shows us clearly how much MORE passion we are allowing to flow within our lives, compared to where we were October 30th. Or, are you passionately fearful? Or, perhaps passionately fearless?
Venus rules Taurus, and therefore this Full Moon, which some are calling a Supermoon. The last time a Full Moon was in Taurus AND this close to Earth, was back in January 1948. Interesting. How close and loud does it have to get for you to VALUE yourself? Feel WORTHY? BE content with your lot in life? Are you like the Taurean Bull, contentedly chewing your cud in a lovely fragrant, alive pasture surrounded by warm sunshine and green growth, birds chirping, insects buzzing by? Taking your time to smell those roses, BE in Nature, and ruminate about what you truly VALUE in life?
Taurus rules the 2nd House of Life Experience in the birth chart. Venus, as ruler, beckons us to work (some might call it bull-work) within our own strength of character, the values we grew up with, the values we work out to BE our own (not someone else's or society's - MINE) that enriches our self-esteem and self-confidence and WORTHINESS. All of this, in turn, is wrapped within our unique set of talents, skills and experience we bring to the table of Life that assists each of us to "bring home the bacon" aka income. Which in turn we use to buy or experience those things we value. Business to business - B2B - Venus in Capricorn - what do you Desire from the businesses you use? How do they value you as a customer / client / partner? How do you value them? Is there a dovetailing of values or a gap?
Within the Full Moon chart, I see a YOD - that Finger of God - pointing to the Sun's position within Scorpio.The vital and active part of our Soul (Sun) that incarnated down here on Earth to feel the range of emotions - the DEPTH of them - that cannot be experienced anywhere else in the Universe the way we can here. The Finger of God begins with the Vertex (Vx) in Gemini's air element- fated/destined conversations, information, data we've had/gathered and then share with one another - mixed with the trio of players within Aries: Uranus + Eris + Ceres - all Rx (retrograde) turning their energies inward, personalizing it. Uranus brings Unexpected Change; Eris brings our awareness to an aspect of Self we've been reluctant to invite to the table of our Life; and Ceres brings much-needed nurturance/sustenance.
Aries is the cardinal fire of instinctual Self - BE in the MOMENT, BE spontaneous, BE Instinctual - without editing yourself for others. Aries also brings forth the Inner Warrior, Inner Explorer and Inner Pioneer - what aspect of your Inner Character have you been reluctant to assert? To explore deeper? To seek new IN-Roads of your True Self to be seen and heard by others?
Combining the Aries players with the Vertex in Gemini - what fated/destined awareness, knowledge, conversations, intertwined with "BECAUSE of your assertive curiosity + courage to try something NEW" shoots renewed energy to BE passionate Within YOURSELF and Your Life - ONLY if you allow those old patterns of conditioning to be let go. What are those patterns? Not noticing those times of fated/destined opportunities to JUMP INTO your Courage, INTO your Assertiveness, INTO your Curiosity, to EXPLORE new worlds, Within and Without, that brings you CLOSER to YOUR PASSION!
Your Ego-Self/brain will do all it can to prevent you from showing up, deciding to take that Leap of Faith, to DO something Different! BE aware of your inner resistance - this is a good sign! Breathe deeply and DIVE anyway! BE the passion. BE the awareness. FEEL the fear and DO IT anyway. During this Full Moon phase, with this Supermoon energy IN YOUR FACE anyway - what have you got to lose? Besides an opportunity?
Venus, as ruler of this Supermoon/Full Moon in Taurus, currently resides within Capricorn - brings forth our Desires for Better/More material gain. "When will it BE my time? When will my ship come in?" Full Moon in Taurus - go buy a lottery ticket! Challenge your Inner Worthiness! Are you worthy/worthwhile to WIN the jackpot yet? Seriously, I am asking you. ARE YOU WORTHY to receive ALL the BEST THINGS the Universe has to offer? Is it TIME yet, for you to ALLOW this in, to be received, taken and do with as you choose?
And just as my previous post stated, both Neptune Rx and South Node Rx are at 09 degrees of Pisces during this Full Moon. Chiron is at 20 degrees of Scorpio 48', also Rx,and sends a love line to the Sun's position in Scorpio. Water to Water. Pisces' nebulousness to Scorpio's iciness. The Sun can melt some of that ice - is your Ego-Self willing to go there to reveal your True Self's passionate nature? Despite the fear? Will Neptune and the South Node reveal your Karma from past lives, that seems to BE in your face, now?
Neptune likes to dissolve illusions/delusions our Ego-Self created to survive past traumas/events. Is it TIME to allow the dissolution of it all yet? Or are the fears of the Ego-Self winning? Let's return to Aries' Cup of Courage and drink let those old patterns of conditioning dissolve too....
The US Election of last week is still a hot topic - I plan to write yet another post about the US chart and Pluto at 15 degrees of Capricorn's cardinal earth sign. Cardinal is about New Beginnings. Capricorn is all about material gain. The old guard is dying - what will President-elect Trump learn for himself as he learns to be President and works at being the CEO of the United States? Pluto's transit through Capricorn since 2008 (until 2024) has been transforming HOW we DO material gain in the world - globally - and at home. Pluto is bringing it HOME. Some aspect of HOW the United States' beliefs about material gain have already toppled and died (Pluto is all about life/death/rebirth). What MORE can possibly occur these next 8 years? Stay tuned!
Enjoy the Moonlight tonight and tomorrow and Tuesday. Bask in your worth, value your commitment to building, hands-on, your daily bread-winning ways. BE in Nature (especially with the lovely weather of late!) and enjoy what you ALREADY HAVE. Envision (Neptune) a more passionately (Scorpio) sustaining future with all the good things this Earth can provide (Taurus). Take Unexpected Action (Uranus in Aries), invite that part of yourself that has been restless and wanting to join the party of your Life (Eris), and nurture ALL of You (Ceres) as best you can this Full Moon. Celebrate, value yourself, and your life.