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Full Moon in Pisces: Spiritual Awakening, Heartfully...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Sunday, August 26th, 2018, at 5:56 a.m. MDT we begin the Full Moon phase of this Moon cycle. Here the ILLUMINATION of what we've been seeding/growing since the New Moon/Solar Eclipse of August 11th is revealed. Pisces is our theme this time - at 03 degrees Pisces 12' of celestial longitude.

AHA moments and grieving and sadness and crying and letting go emotionally has been experienced already this past week! Some of us knew the what/why of the letting go; most of us did not.

There has been a quality of Past Life release already too - of the accumulated drama of all the role-playing from the Old Age of Pisces lifetimes - victim and/or rescue me/rescuing others and/or feeling bullied/being the persecutor - we are clearing our Inner decks, so-to-speak, creating space for more of our Spiritual/Soul Self to shine through. Our True Authentic Self, in other words.

Other Pisces themes have been:

  • Increased dreams, intuitive insights, psychic abilities

  • Sensitivity around the spiritual needs of self and othersWanting to BE of service beyond the Ego-self, within community

  • Bringing in more of the Spiritual High Mind ('win-win for All' wisdom)Increasing your Spiritual Practice via meditation, looking Within to connect with your Higher Self/Future Self, guides, angels, ascended masters, being in Nature

  • Magical Moments of connections, conversations & activities with Soul Family, signs/insights, animal totem/angel supports.

Some of the Shadow aspects of Pisces have been:

  • Escapism - watching more TV/movies to escape your current reality and/or reading fiction - when you actually needed to be dealing with your reality....

  • Addictions - increased need to distract yourself through whatever means necessary, especially through substances/activities that our Ego-self relies on to pretend the current reality isn't really happening, if I distract myself well enough it will all go away, magically....

  • Sleeping more OR less - here we've needed to process the letting go OR our Ego-brain is freaked out by the upcoming Illumination/AHA moments of consciousness, so it's been keeping us away to avoid processing/releasing....

  • Drama Triangle Dramatics - yes, our Ego-self loves drama and staying in the Victim-oriented mindset at all costs! OR move outside itself to Rescue someone else's Victim needs. That feels better, eh? I won't notice how victim-oriented I am by helping you out! OR interfering in someone else's life brings out the bullying, feeling persecuted, so we scurry back into Victim thinking/acting/being...and it continues over and over and over...

The KEY to overcoming our placement on that Drama Triangle is to meditate, connect Within to our True Authentic Self - aka Higher Self/Future Self - into that silence that goes deeper and quieter - to connect with the Source of All - and hear/feel our true Desires via intuition, feelings and Inner Wisdom/knowing. In order to do so, you need to BE vs. DO. Enjoy Nature, reflect, listen to your Inner Wise Woman/Man self. Ask for guidance, then listen for the answers. THEN do the doing action!

The North Node is still in Leo and sends a connection to this Full Moon in Pisces that calls us to Let Go of Old Outmoded Patterns of Conditioning - what's left over from the Yod, Finger of God, of the New Moon/Solar Eclipse of August 11th. As we listen to our Heart of Hearts, and connect heartfully with our Inner Wisdom/spiritual self, we clear the blockages To/From our Heart Chakras AND our ability to connect Within, spiritually.

Interestingly, there is a new Yod, Finger of God,that is pointing to the Sun in Virgo (whose Light is being reflected back via the Full Moon in Pisces). Here are the other 2 planetary lines in play, of Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning, namely:

Chiron, Rx (retrograde) in Aries:initiating change AND healing how we do Aries - with Wisdom, instinctual and in the moment, being our own Inner Warrior to take ACTION forward in some regard - AS A LEAP OF FAITH! Huge folks - this is huge! Ego-self dislikes the UNKNOWN - wants to control all situations/events/outcomes as much as possible! Chiron heals our Ego-self's fear of being rejected by others for taking that leap that is NOT logical, could be out of the blue, and "what are you thinking?!!!" Here we learn that leaping before TOO MUCH thought can be a great thing - it brings us closer to our True Heart's Desire - on our Spiritual Path forward (North Node in Leo!). Aries brings forth our Inner Pioneer and Explorer - curious enough to experience something brand new! Within and Without!South Node in Aquarius!Ha! Unresolved issued from the Past/past we go! How well are you BEing your true authentic self these days? Aquarius is the New Age (Leo is it's opposite sign! Trying to create an AND here folks!) where we are learning to BE that authentic self AND connect with community for the good of all. I help you, you help me, I help you...being there for one another, not matter who you are, what it is you need "I'll be there...."Humanitarianism, following your true Inner needs, without IGNORING others' needs along the way. Building community - how well do you know your neighbours? What groups do you belong to? South Node also brings forth past skills/talents we've honed over other life-times - able to be unemotionally involved (some might call this aloof) matter-of-fact, let's get on with the show folks! Community needs our help - help them! Bring your future-oriented skills/ideas of innovation/invention and create something for the better!

How well are you able to take that Leap of Faith, heal unresolved issues from your past re: HOW you do community while Being Authentically You, while BEing innovative and inventive? Interesting challenge here....

📷As we work out this Yod to the Sun in Virgo (watch out for those PERFECTIONISM tendencies - delaying tactics of the Ego-self to try to prevent any timely Leaps of Faith, eh?!) the Sun's reflected Light by the Full Moon in Pisces reminds us to lean on our Spiritual Self vs. our addictions/escapist habits of the past. Time to LET THEM GO too...bit by bit.

The Moon represents our Emotional Body, and those daily habits we become attached to, emotionally. What's your crutch? How sturdy is it - or is it really just an illusion/delusion the Ego-self has convinced you that you cannot live without? Interesting dilemma here - which way do I go, and when? How much longer must I prolong the agony?

Go Within, always, then listen to that Wise Voice of your Soul/Spirit, and follow intuitive nudges and ideas and TRUST you're heading into the Unknown that is your true north!


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