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Full Moon in Libra: Relating & Balancing

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Good Friday, April 19, 2019 we'll experience a Full Moon at 29 degrees of Libra 07' at 5:13 am MDT. The Sun will be sitting opposite the Moon at 29 degrees of Aries 07'. The Illumination we'll be faced with in this Moon phase? Ending a cycle of knowing WHO I AM, What DO I Want? & then noticing HOW TRULY DO I SHOW UP IN MY RELATIONSHIPS? What we SEE during this Full Moon will be about Me, Myself & I AND ME Within the WE - are they the same or do you hide your True Authentic Self away when you're with Others?

Both Libra (Air element) and Aries (Fire element) are our Cardinal signs signalling a NEW CHANGE - renewed changes if you will - as we say Goodbye to aspects of the little self that have prevented MORE of our True Authentic Self/Higher Self from shining through, before now.

Remember, in Astrology, it is all about the energy of cycles. The Moon represents our Emotional Body's cycles of feelings, intuition, receiving, looking for symbols/symbolism and meaning - the deeper truths. How we are evolving emotionally this lifetime.

The Sun represents our Soul Self - that vital part of ourselves, eternally burning and shining brightly - as we show up to take evolving creative action in this life.

The dance between the Moon and Sun (feminine/masculine, light/dark, deep/surface) brings forth key timings during the 8 phases of each Moon cycle. As the Moon and Sun sit opposite one another over the next several days, see yourself sitting Within that opposition. What are you SEEING, now, about this opposite part of you? Are you familiar with it? Are you SEEING this for the very first time? What are you noticing? What are you feeling?

Libra brings balance, equilibrium, peace, harmony and the need to SEE the beauty of all things/people around you - including yourself! The Shadow side of Libra - indecision, not opening up to others, talking things through. Hiding yourself by not speaking up.

Venus (our Desire Body) rules Libra, and currently sits within our Spiritual Water sign of Pisces - sending an energy line to this Full Moon whereby we are asked to Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning as we continue to hold on to the last vestiges of the Drama Triangle role-play (Victim-Rescue(r)-Bully/Persecutor). How many of these roles does your Ego-self LOVE playing/projecting that get in the way of you TRULY DESIRING what you want most out of your life? As in TRULY LIVING IT? Hence this current indecision...can I possibly LET GO of the drama, and ALLOW myself to LIVE my true life?

Venus also rules our Values, Worthiness, Personal Resources we bring to the table that support our efforts to create abundance, bounty and prosperity. If we don't value ourselves, who will? If what we DO in life is not valued, what else will we do? Spiritual VALUE is key here - do you value yourself, spiritually, or just by how much money you make, things you accumulate, status you attain? Another AND is required vs. either/or.

Aries brings the need for instinctual action, without editing it with wondering/worry, indecision. Here we can tap into impatience, anger, frustration and those impulsive leaps into greater self-sabotage if we're NOT listening to our Inner Wisdom via Intuition. Sometimes LEAPING without taking a moment to FEEL/INTUIT the decision can be an indication of an Ego-self choice vs. a true authentic Soul-Self choice.

Aries brings out our Inner Warrior to assert self (vs. aggressively so). Here we've been tapping into our Inner Explorer and Pioneer since New Moon April 5th - what NEW avenues of your Inner Self have you viewed, connected with? Is there a part of you that needs deeper examination? What will you LET GO OF these next several days that no longer serves your Soul Self?

Mars rules Aries and is currently taking action with our mutable Air sign of Gemini - actively gathering information and data as you interact with key Others in your life. What are you learning about yourself within these relationships/conversations? How does this information bring key AHA moments, timely informative Next Steps to take further Action upon?

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon (from: The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle by Lynda Hill & Richard Hill, 1995) is as follows:


  • Keynote:"There is ability here, to read spiritual understandings into concrete objects. Several different aspects can be combined to result in a truly wise outcome. Being able to pierce through appearances to see the truth of a situation. Being able to bring abstract truths into reality. Concentration on questions of a philosophical nature. LOOK TO THE SIGNS.

  • SHADOW:analysing things too much and reliance on intellect.

Know your Shadow side AND your Light side - equally well - and learn to LOVE both too! No Either/Or's here...create an AND to heal the division Within. BE YOU, and, BE YOU with Others. Lovingly, openly, truly.

Enjoy your Emotional Body AND your Mental Body too. Western society covets the mind over the heart way too much. An imbalance if you will.

This Full Moon is at 29 degrees of two Cardinal signs - meaning an END of a CYCLE - mentally and as you RELATE to yourself and Others. HOW you've been DOING, YOU. What are you ending? And what are you about to begin, ANEW?

Blessed BE! Namaste

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator


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