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Full Moon in Leo

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Today's Full Moon in Leo heralds the half-way mark of this current Moon cycle that began January 20th. Timing of the Full Moon was at 4:09 pm MST and coordinates for those of you who have a copy of your natal chart: 14 degrees of Leo 48 minutes.

At Full Moon the Moon is directly opposite the Sun (this means the Sun is sitting at 14 degrees of Aquarius 48 minutes) reflecting the unconscious desires of our Sun (or Soul) self. It brings Illumination and possibly AHA! moments of what exactly you've been consciously/unconsciously working on deep within you this Moon cycle.

Leo rules the Heart and this Full Moon in Leo is sitting beside Jupiter who has been travelling through Leo since August 2014. Currently Jupiter is Rx (retrograde) meaning its energy is directly deeply inward, magnifying and expanding our heartfelt issues and intentions. Combined with today's Full Moon - LOTS of emotion people! Be it heartfelt or Ego/arrogantly generated. Are you coming from LOVE or drama today?

The continuing "open-heart surgery" of Jupiter's travels brings us face to face with our unconscious ways of NOT treating ourselves and others with love. It is in your face, loud, and necessary for key inner Soul growth. And the Full Moon brings with it Ego fears, anger, resentment, frustration, "I want what I want and I want it NOW!" kind of emotional reactions to whatever is going on in your life right now. Financial worries? Relationship issues? Will I be losing my job soon?

Jupiter normally brings optimism and jovial natures to the fore. Being Rx this is somewhat dampened and we have to dig deep to bring it forth. Leo is all about fun and play, creating something to share with others, our Inner Child issues (hence the drama) and romance. Leo is where we SHINE our inner-Light out into the world. How shiny are you these days?

Mercury is still Rx too, in Aquarius (Leo's opposite sign) and shows us how to "think outside the box", utilizing our intuition, creative flowing problem-solving skills and alerting us to just how receptive we truly are. Are you ALLOWING the inward flow to occur? Both Leo and Aquarius are Fixed signs whereby we can hold on tightly to what we already know/believe and refuse to "change our minds" (Mercury) or "change our hearts" (Leo).

Original thoughts, spoken/written words, self-talk - how are you ALLOWING these to flow? Expand your usual boundaries beyond what you would normally learn, think, speak, write, share with self and others. Some people are networking for the first time, rehearsing their 30 second "elevator speech". Others are creating new social media networks, connecting within the worldwideweb (www).

Uranus and the South Node in Libra continue to bring Unexpected situations/people to us to clear old patterns of behaviour regarding how we represent our Independent natures to others. Libra assists with rebalancing this, ensuring equal face time and equality for all involved. They are also part of the continuing Grand Trine in Fire signs (Uranus + South Node in Aries + Saturn and Athena in Sagittarius + Jupiter Rx and Moon in Leo).

The Fire element represents Spirit, inspired creativity, and taking action. Aries action = all about me; Leo action = creative coming from within to share without; Sagittarius action = how can I connect "out in the world at large?". Aries fire is quick; Leo is sustained over a long period of time; and Sagittarius fire wants to move out into the world.

This Full Moon in Leo brings sustained fire energy to take action over a long period of time. What are YOU fired up to create today and for the next several days? At the same time we access our Soul (Sun) originality and innovation from Aquarius creating an "AND" world. Notice how the opposite signs (Leo + Aquarius) can either be polarized opposites (not working together at all) or combined in an "AND" somehow. What within you needs to be combined - mixing Air and Fire to combust, what exactly? Air (Aquarius) likes to connect with community and show up as a humanitarian with futuristic ideas to share with others. Fire (Leo) can either be dramatic/egoic or loving.

Think back to 1987/88 when Saturn last entered Sagittarius. Where were you then? What were you doing? How was your life being restructured then? I experienced my first Saturn Return timing back then (we all undergo this around age 28-30). I had returned to Calgary after living in Edmonton for seven years, moved in with yet another roommate, and was working for Shell Oil & Gas in the IT department. I began a year-long process of learning about the 10 distinct Indigenous areas of Canada in order to volunteer forThe Spirit Sings museum exhibit during the 1988 Calgary Olympics.

Sagittarius represents other cultures, the global community, higher learning and possibly long-distance travel. Where we seek our Higher Truth about why we are here, what is my purpose this lifetime? Through learning of the various cosmology myths of the Indigenous peoples of Canada I expanded my own spiritual beliefs. Later on I would work with a Cree Elder here in Calgary at her non-profit healing centre, assisting First Nations women to empower themselves after abusive lives on the reservations.

It is interesting and unexpected what the Fire signs bring into our lives. Allow yourself to move beyond current boundaries, expand your horizons, look beyond the knowable. Think outside the usual boxes - explore your world, be curious. At the same time we are being asked to let go of old patterns of conditioning re: travelling that Drama Triangle (victim/rescuer/persecutor) where we use our addictions to stay victimized.

Where is Pisces in your chart? We have four planets therein: Neptune (ruler of Pisces) brings imagination, dreaming, illusion/delusions; Venus brings our desires and what we love/want in our lives; Chiron continues to heal our separation issues from our spiritual/Divine self, allowing us to see our fears of being rejected for being "different" or "unique" aka SENSITIVE compared to others. And Mars brings assertive action to move beyond that Drama/Victim BS, fearing to dream our dreams, to let go of those addictions that help us escape the reality of NOW. All of this is being asked of us this Full Moon.

Spend some time within your Heart this Full Moon phase (until February 7th) to 'see' yourself more lovingly, allowing expansion to occur AND bring in your futuristic ideas and thoughts to share with others. Create your AND world heartfully while letting go of drama and addictions, illusions and delusions. BE REAL, in the NOW, in the HEART.


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