Hi All!
Tonight's Full Moon will occur at 10:39 pm MST at 00 degrees of Gemini 52' celestial longitude.
Gemini is our mutable AIR sign - going with the flow, allowing the information/data to come to you. Remember to also discern what is important, what is not AND to add your own ideas/thoughts into the mix.
Looking at the Full Moon chart, I see the following dynamic planetary patterns affecting all of us, as this Full Moon ILLUMINATES that which was hidden in the dark (unconscious to us) before now:
Venus (our Desire Body) in LIBRA: a wee bit of balancing/equality here between the Emotional Body (Moon in Gemini) and the Desire Body (Venus in Libra)! What is the difference between that which you DESIRE vs. that which you FEEL you need? Are the two in line with one another, or at odds? The connection between Venus & the Full Moon brings information AND opportunity to heal Old Patterns of Conditioning- to discern your true desires via your INTUITIVE INNER KNOWING - by learning to feel your way forward, intuitively, vs. MAKING THINGS HAPPEN, mentally (Gemini), sooner than they possibly should/could/need to be. Interesting test we've signed up for here...
YOD, Finger of God, pointing to VENUS in LIBRA: coming from the MOON in Gemini (Air) wishing to work with better ease and grace with CHIRON Rx (retrograde) in Pisces (Water). This is a dynamic, ongoing HEALING session between Chiron (representing any tendency to do emotional DRAMA) and our Emotional Body's need now to think about how I feel/or feel about how I think (dilemma of having the Moon in an Air sign!) - in order to truly KNOW your Desires. The more we Let GO of Old Patterns of Conditioning of always connecting outwardly to others, by learning to go Within, meditate, connect with our True Inner Self - the more we'll be in touch with that Inner Wisdom that is truly/clearly connected with our Desire Body. The Mental Body is the mind, ruled by the Ego-self, in need of safety, security and the need to KNOW. The Unknown scares the Ego-self - and the more we feel our way forward vs. always THINK our way forward, the more in tune we'll BE about our True Desires....
Cardinal Grand Square: brings together the North Node in Cancer squaring Uranus & Eris in Aries squaring the South Node in Capricorn squaring Venus in Libra! Venus seems to be the key planet this Full Moon! A square dynamic brings forth much stress and tension to DO something NEW (all these signs are the Cardinal ones - initiating change/new directions). Therefore, 4 areas of your life will be asking you to DO CHANGE all at the same time! For our American neighbours, this Thanksgiving Day, a lot of family dynamics are in the works! The North Node beckons us into a New Direction re: how we relate to family, WITH sensitivity; while the South Node asks us to LET GO of Unresolved Issues of the Past - face them, deal with them, heal them - re: HOW important is building an empire to you, vs. being with your family? Hhhmmm.... And Venus/Libra brings balance/harmony while facing some much-needed self-HEALING (Chiron Rx), removing yourself from that Drama Triangle of: victimization / needing to be rescued / feeling bullied. STEP OFF this catch 22 role-playing and dive INTO your intuitive/feeling self - FORGIVE, LOVE & LAUGH & HUG.
The Sun entered the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius today too - sitting opposite this Full Moon. The Sun asks us to take ACTION by stating our True Intention of Next Steps forward re: our True Purpose, moving forward. Jupiter is assisting this position (and rules Sagittarius) so ride the wave of HUGE Opportunities/Possibilities AND keep your wits about you (Mercury Rx in Sag too!) while you decide/feel/intuit your way forward these next several days.
Stand on your Hill of NOW, look back over your journey so far this lifetime - where have you been? What have you learned? What more do you wish to experience? Then turn back to face your FUTURE SELF - see what new HILLS (opportunities) beckon you forward - which ones shine more brightly than the others?
FEEL your INTUITIVE Body, connect WITHIN, then 'see' your Next Steps clearly...and shoot your Arrow of INTENTION off into the bigger world! See what happens NEXT!