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Full Moon in Gemini...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

RAINBOW PATHWAYS....ahead...have you picked yours yet? Do you 'see' in the near distance 'where' you are about to land, INTO your New Life/pathway? This Moon cycle's YOD, or Finger of God, pointed you into this direction and onto that pathway. It is very important that You decide NOW, and LAND. Do not tarry or hesitate. You MUST place your feet firmly upon your path (what colour of the Rainbow is it?) and walk directly to your NEW Life/pathway just ahead. Do!

Wednesday's Full Moon begins at 3:45p MST in the mutable air sign of GEMINI (opposite sign to Sagittarius, where the Sun now sits) and bring a lot of talk talk talk, wanting to be social, heads full of thoughts bouncing all over (what to do with all that energy?!), data gathering and information sharing.

Having traversed the waxing energy of this Moon cycle begun in the fixed water sign of Scorpio, and WALKED through any remaining Ego-self FEARS of moving forward onto a different path, by now that YOD, or Finger of God planetary formation should have indicated quite clearly WHERE you need to head in your Life. This Full Moon Illuminates ALL of the Old Patterns of Conditioning you once held onto, and are prepared to Let Go Of, once and for all! Yay!

The CLEARER the neon sign of your New Direction/pathway, the better (and clearer!) you feel about ALL that you have successfully Let Go Of - yay! Congratulations and Celebrations and Salutations!

Looking at the Full Moon chart I find a Grand Trine (triangle) connecting all the Air signs into a continuous Love Loop as follows:

  • Full Moon in mutable Gemini: brings a bright light onto and into this part of your life re: conversation, communication, how and what you learn and wish to start anew, how you talk to yourself (Lovingly or not so much?) and what it is you wish to share with others in your locale. Go with this flow...

  • Ceres in fixed Aquarius: brings Originality and Uniqueness in how you are able to bring in the Harvest and feed yourself and your family now. Many of us have lost our earning capabilities due to the downturn in the Energy sector - what next? Where do I go to work to feed my family, let alone myself? Ceres is a feminine asteroid, asking us to mother/nurture self, then others, feel abundant no matter what that bank balance looks like. Take a different look at that resume, take this Full Moon opportunity to network in areas not previously thought of before. Take care of the details along the way and don't get stuck!

  • Mars in cardinal Libra: Interesting, this group of planets connected with Love. Follow the Light of the Full Moon (in Gemini) to connect with your close peeps, then connect with your Unique Authentic Self and nurture the desire to connect within community (Aquarius), then take assertive ACTION (Mars) in a totally NEW partnership direction (Libra). The cardinal signs herald a new season, a change in the weather and the land. What NEW season is upon You that beckons action? Do you hear it?

Remember, we are still connected to that New Moon "seed" that was in Scorpio - all about TRUST issues (of self and others). Moving away from that which was Hidden, this Full Moon now Mirrors the Sun's (Soul) Light, Illuminating the unconscious desires that were once buried deep within! At Full Moon that "seed" has blossomed into a "flower" - what does yours look like? What colour is it? Does it represent the colour of your new Rainbow Pathway? Did you land there yet? Do NOT stay on the pathway - head directly to your NEW SPOT on land. Follow that Rainbow/Golden Road, keep your eyes on the prize!

The other planetary formation that will create some stress and tension within (as in "ants in your pants" energy!) is this Full Moon in Gemini in opposition to the Sun, Saturn and Mercury all in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius, both squaring out to Neptune in Pisces! Here again we must create an "AND", work together to move beyond our current locale (Gemini) and take further Soulful responsibility to set new goals (Saturn), keeping our Ego-minds free of fear and on the prize (Mercury) to Seek our Higher Truth OUT and away from our usual locale (Sagittarius).

Take a moment to see the Big Picture of your Life - stand on your hill, look back at all you've experienced and what brought you to this moment. Turn towards your future, see the Rainbow Road that beckons to you, and send out your Arrow of Intention - do this now!

The sooner you do this exercise, the sooner you bring in the AND, allowing the Light of the Full Moon to show you the new Rainbow Path into partnership of some NEW connection (could be personally, professionally, with clients and others, over LinkedIn or Twitter or Facebook - who knows?) connecting more directly with your Spiritual and Divine self (Pisces) dispelling any further Illusions, Delusions of Ego-self fear of moving away from your current Illusion (Neptune) and IMAGINE a brighter Now and Future for yourself! Yay! Yet another kick at that Old Age of Pisces can that is the Drama Triangle. Dispel the Victim, that need to BE Rescued (or to Rescue Others), feeling Persecuted (or BEing the Persecutor). LET. IT. GO. Now and forever, Amen.

Blessed BE!


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