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Full Moon in Capricorn: How High Will You Climb?

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Tuesday July 19th at 4:56p MDT the Moon sits opposite the Sun creating the Full Moon. Here the Moon reflects the Unconscious Desires of the Sun - those hidden emotional needs of the Ego-self are revealed - all of which surface just before, during or after the Full Moon - showing you consciously what you've been hiding from yourself until this Moon cycle.

We began the New Moon in Cancer on July 4th - enLIGHTening our true emotional natures, at times at odds with the entrenched family generational emotional line - more and more at each Moon phase since. What have you learned about your Emotional Body nature that you weren't aware of before July 4th?

Some of us are undergoing the latest 21-day Meditation Challenge with Oprah/Deepak Chopra, uncovering hidden blocks to how we sabotage ourselves In The Moment from connecting to our creative self Within, being distracted by our brain/Ego-self to DO something else from the past or worry about the future. Interesting dilemma we humans have created for ourselves to stay STUCK, not moving forward or upward. Stagnant. Bored.

Tuesday's Full Moon Illuminates upon the Moon sitting at 27 degrees of Capricorn 40'- where is this in your chart? This is the area of your Life you've been unconscious, until now, of how you emotionally connect with your ability to create gainfully within the material world (aka money, things, long-term goals of your Desires). Capricorn, like Cancer, is a Cardinal quality sign - meaning the energy of these signs initiate CHANGE - like the seasons they represent - 00 degrees of Capricorn is the Winter Solstice timing, the beginning of Winter; 00 degrees of Cancer is the Summer Solstice timing, the beginning of Summer. New seasons, new weather (usually) therefore CHANGE.

As I look through the 8 phases of this particular Moon cycle, I see that ALL the Cardinal signs are represented AND three of the Mutable signs (going with the flow, taking others into account due to changes in our own lives), with only one Fixed sign (dealing with the details and perhaps stubbornly resisting CHANGE). I conclude from this investigation that this Moon cycle is all about CHANGE AND Going With the Flow of whatever CHANGE we are allowing to come forth within our respective lives. The Last QTR Moon phase is where we'll perhaps have a bit of stubborn resistance from the Ego-self.

Look back to July 4th -New Moon at 12 degrees Cancer 54'- what House of Life Experience did the seed of unrealized potential begin to grow CHANGE Within you? What have you learned about yourself these past 2 weeks? Remember: the Moon symbolizes our Emotional Body nature - feelings, emotions, intuition, insights - the Feminine aspects of how we RECEIVE signs and symbols along the way of our respective Life Paths and Purpose.

The Sun, which dances with the Moon every cycle, is about our vital energy principle, the Masculine need to Take Action.This Moon cycle, with all that Cardinal energy wanting to initiate CHANGE, what ACTION to create CHANGE in your Life have you noticed? Or are you ignoring it, yet again?

Tuesday's Full Moon, in Capricorn, brings these earthly practicalities to the fore:

  • Setting long-term goals towards - what exactly? In your world - what needs to CHANGE for you to acquire recognition, BE SEEN publicly, for what YOU contribute out in the world with your professional talents in tow?

  • Building UP a better foundation of material growth - what does this MEAN to you? What IS Material Growth in your mind? Security, safety, for future dry spells? Land, a home, stuff? Or is it less tangible?

  • BEing Responsible about how your Life is structured, limited, constricted, or allow in change by letting GO of some of the responsibilities you've taken on that truly ARE NOT yours to begin with! OR, have you been ignoring some aspects of your Life that as an adult you NEED to finally show up for and BE responsible for your actions, words, deeds, etc?

  • Capricorn is represented as the Mountain Goat - climbing ever higher along its path, perhaps taking paths less travelled or never explored before now. Hence the CHANGE - are you deciding, during tomorrow's Full Moon, to finally GO UP that path that's been beckoning you to travel, for how long now? Are you intuitively allowing yourself to SHOW UP, BE SEEN, in the areas of material gain/growth, publicly? Stand UP for what you BELIEVE IN, for YOUR Life Purpose?

  • Creating tangible results - by creating something NEW out of current resources you already possess, utilizing YOUR particular range and brand of talents and skills, that somehow TRANSFORMS (CHANGES) your perspective of how much HIGHER you CAN climb, BEYOND those previously held restrictions/limitations due to Ego-self fears.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn / Father Time / Kronos - hence those long-term goals - no short-cuts please! 'Tis all about HOW you get there - not what you get in the end. Saturn is currently moving through Sagittarius - mutable Fire sign - BEing out in the world, discovering gems from other cultures that help you discern "Who Am I? Why Am I Here? What is My Purpose?" How is Saturn spiritually INspiring you to SEE your Life Purpose? Do you have blinkers on, blinders, or an open-minded In the Moment connection to your creative self? If you are too busy thinking about What Was, or worrying about WHAT MIGHT BE, how on earth (!!) can you possibly CREATE the NEW in the NOW?

Tomorrow, open your eyes, your heart, and your mind to ALL the NEW possible CHANGES that surround you. Change is all around us, always, in All Ways. If you take the moment to pause, breathe, and BE here while DOing....what will you find?

Blessed Be


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