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Full Moon in Aries: Warrior, Pioneer and/or Explorer?

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

We experienced the Full Moon in Aries (02 degrees Aries 00' celestial longitude) Monday September 24th beginning at 8:52 pm MDT and were in the Full Moon phase until today as of 2:47 pm MDT.

Full Moon is all about Illumination, AHA moments, shining a bright light upon a situation/circumstance occurring in your life that wasn't quite clear up until this week. What became obvious for you?

Aries brings forth our Inner Warrior, riding to the rescue to take Action of some sort - initiating NEW change due to Aries being a cardinal fire sign - initiating something NEW in our lives that we've been neglecting until now. We will find that inner energy/fire to ACT upon instincts - no editing please! INSPIRed Action (In Spirit) coming from our spiritual self/higher self. We may not KNOW the WHY of what we MUST do at this time - somewhat like the Fool Card in Tarot. We're about to take a journey into the Unknown...scary as that may seem to our wee is TIME to unearth that which we've been neglecting!

I say this - neglecting - because the Full Moon at 02 degrees of Aries 00' activates our natal ERIS (sister to Mars) position in our charts/lives - for everyone born since March 10, 1925 until February 25, 1963! All of us Baby Boomers are being reminded, LOUDLY, of what we've been neglecting in our life that is key to Pioneer and/or Explore further - despite that element of the Unknown! We know not where this current journey will take us!

AND there is a deep HEALING occurring in this area we've neglected due to CHIRON sitting at 00 degrees of Aries 02' Rx (retrograde) therefore making it PERSONAL - its energy draws inward, Within each of us, to heal how we've been editing our instinctual behaviors until now. Our Fear of being rejected for showing up, period. Wherever Aries is in your chart - here is where the AHA moment, with Healing, occurs.

What always amazes me is the TIMING of our planetary cycles - how each planet supports the upcoming cycle of another planet/luminary, on and on. We're about to close another 19-month Venus Synodic cycle that BEGAN in ARIES! Here the Warrior Goddess has been assisting us to retool the energy of ARIES - removing the anger, bloodthirstiness and brutality - to replace it with Self-Love, Compassion, Standing Up for What we Truly Believe is RIGHT for the good of all - at this time.

The Shadow side of Aries is "all about ME" attitudes - which is being played out right now between Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau and US President Trump. They forget what is for the Good of All in this tariff battle of words. Two boys in the sandbox - really?! Here the Ego-self shows itself OR we can choose to Pioneer a NEW inward path that we've not expressed/experienced before now - a personality expression that is softened, more loving and compassionate.

Which then leads to Exploration- of a new direction revealed in each of our lives, to SEE beyond the little self, to take action that supports beyond the individual, in time. The opposite sign is LIBRA (where the Sun now sits) beckoning us to bring back equilibrium, equality, justice, fairness, peace, harmony and LOVE - in partnership! Where's the diplomacy, negotiation, and TRUth (!) PM TRUdeau/President TRUmp?

We have a few more hours of AHA moments to witness, face, and embrace before we enter the Disseminating Moon phase here early this afternoon. Look back at what has occurred this week, for you personally. What have you NEGLECTED in your life of late that is LOUDLY being presented for much-needed healing, now? BE HONEST with yourself, take time to heal, and take COURAGE as you Pioneer new ways of BEing Within yourself, while you Explore new directions that have opened up because you took that new/renewed action.



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