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eVALUating our Perspective of Worth - New Moon in Taurus

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

The Sun and Moon came together in the same position in our celestial sky yesterday, creating the New Moon phase, at 1:31p MDT at 16 degrees of Taurus 41'.The light of the Sun, our vital energy and soul source, over-shadows the Light of the Moon's emotional / intuitional energy, and the unconscious intention/fears of our Ego-self in this Moon phase. By Full Moon some aspect of our unconsciousness is Illuminated to us, if we are willing to look, and embrace it.

The themes (according to Jan Spiller's 'New Moon Astrology') of the fixed earth sign of Taurus are:

  • Money! How we attract it, use it to gain our material comforts, what we desire to own and possess. With Mercury Rx (retrograde) moving back through Taurus since April 29th, all of this has been on our minds. Especially those of us living here in Alberta, Canada, with this week's focus upon Fort McMurray's devastating forest fires that drove its population of 88,000 souls out, and completely engulfing the whole town. The town is gone. Act of God or humanly set?

  • Sensual Pleasure. Here Taurus brings forth ALL our senses, including the need to DO something with our hands, literally. Gardening, creating art, building something of value for others to see, hear, touch, taste, or feel. We zero in on physical comforts too, aromas of the blossoms and flowering shrubs floating through the air, and waking up our taste buds via the vegetables and fruits/berries we look forward each Spring.

  • Contentment. How contented are you with your life and what you have going in it? If not, why not? What do you need? What do you Desire? What do you Value? How can you attract it? What is your intention? Keeping to the simple pleasures, such as a walk in Nature? What do you appreciate and have gratitude for?

  • Perseverance. This is what is required for our money goals (or whatever Desire goal we have in mind) - to Keep on Keeping On - no matter the struggles, Ego-Self resistance/denials/illusions and delusions. If unemployment is high in your locale, do you give up or do you resist the 'o woe is us' perspective and keep looking despite the nay-sayers? How much do you value your Desires? What are you willing to do to make the goal a reality?

  • Patience. Yes, that Bull in the sunny pasture, eyeing an enticing distraction across the way - eVALUating whether it is WORTH the effort to lumber onto its feet, and move, or let that opportunity pass by for yet a better morsel to show itself? Again VALUE - how high or low is your value system? And how do you apply it and to what and when? What motivates you to action? Is it from a place of Fear or Love? Are you reliable, staying the course toward that goal? Do you show up or just pay lip service for the benefit of others?

  • Self-Worth. Here is the crux of the issues most of us grapple with. Am I worthy? Is it worthwhile to expend the time, energy and sweat to attain whatever it is I truly Desire? Venus rules both Taurus and Libra- Taurus is all about how I can create this on my own, with my own hands and personal resources, talents and skills that I bring to the table. Libra does so in partnership/relationship. Right now, what are YOU bringing to the table that you feel/know/think to be WORTHWHILE? Is the effort worth it? Are you worth it? Self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, self-love, self-acceptance all have a say in how WORTHY you feel/think/know yourself to be.What are your boundaries? What is your value system? What ARE values? See Dr Demartini's Valuation Process on his website - very inSIGHTful!

  • Releasing Stubbornness. Yes, fixed earth, stubborn as a Bull at times of change. Do you go willingly or with mucho resistance? Or a combination? Here the fear of change comes into play. The opposite sign to Taurus is Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, the Lord of Transformation of Ego-Self deep-seated fears. Trust issues abound - of self and others. Trusting others to tell us the truth but perhaps not the whole truth. At least not any truth that brings us face-to-face OUTSIDE the illusions we have constructed for ourselves that we believed to be Truth. Wanting to run and hide, or come out and bite - these are the behaviors of denial of our Ego-Self. Because Taurus is about comfort, safety and security. Why would any self-respecting Ego want to leave this behind for the Unknown and explore that new territory? Keeping the Status Quo does have its price. Stagnation, attachment to Past achievements without looking in the Now Moment for new Desires to achieve further growth. Being possessive - holding on too tight, refusing to let go - of stuff, ideals, beliefs about yourself. How does this support inner soul growth?

  • Physically, Taurus rules: coughs; the throat, chin and neck; the thyroid gland; your voice and vocal cords. You will know when you stand in your WORTHINESS, feel VALUED, BE of VALUE, and when you are not. These areas of your body will speak out - laryngitis, sore throats and coughing - all signs of suppressing your value and worth. Speak up and ask for what you want and Desire - no one truly reads our minds! If your needs are not being met, whose fault is that, truly?

It will be interesting for all of us to 'see' what is Illuminated by Full Moon (May 21st) of our perspective of self that we had no inkling about prior to this Moon cycle. Regarding our Desires (Venus) of WORTH, our VALUES and goals (Taurus).

We continue to experience an Earth Grand Trine - being hands-on with the need to create something solid - see the fruits of our labours actualized - literally in some regard. That is of lasting VALUE, WORTHWHILE in the doing of it. By you, for you. Not for the world at large.

There will be some Destined/fated transformation coming from Pluto pulling back the carpet of what/how we VALUE material gain in our life. What does it MEAN to you? What are you willing to let go of (fleeing an awesome forest fire, leaving all your worldly goods behind you, literally) to walk into the Unknown for, TRUSTING in self and the Unknown realms that all will be well and work out for the good of all?

Jupiter and the North Node, both Rx, will expand and amplify the need to move FORWARD toward our respective Soul's urgings re: how and where and when to BE of Service, going with the flow, yet following some rules of protocol and engagement. And this New Moon pairing with Mercury Rx and Vesta (focused concentration) of being mindful of our values, worth/worthiness/is it all worthwhile.

Heartfelt Love and Light is sent to ALL the people (and the animals!) who lived and worked in Fort McMurray, Alberta Canada - know that you will be supported and valued far beyond what now looks like the ashes of your life as you once knew it. BE the Phoenix and rise above what was, and fly towards what will BE! Trust, have Faith, and know all of Alberta is coming forward with open arms and hearts in your time of need!

Blessed BE!

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