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Writer's picture Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Current Moon Cycle's Grand Trine in Water Signs...

As of right now (11:29a MDT) we are still in the 1st QTR Moon phase that began @ 11 degrees of Scorpio 59' July 23rd @ 6:56p MDT. Why am I bringing this up? To remind us this current Moon cycle, which began July 15 in the water sign of Cancer, also triggered a Grand Trine (or triangle) linking up the following planetary players, all in the same element of WATER:

  • New Moon Duo - Moon and Sun - in Cancer- the most sensitive sign of the Zodiac - all about family, Mom/mothering and nurturing - how we learned to do this from our Mothers, and how we now do it for self and then others. This is the underlying theme for this Moon cycle, even as we pass through all the other seven Moon phases along the way.

  • Saturn Rx (Retrograde) in Scorpio- the most private sign of the Zodiac - brings us closer and DEEPER into those dark waters of Ego-self's deeply-held emotional and perhaps traumatic fears, all of which Saturn Rx asks us to take Responsibility, once and for all! There is always a reason why a planet turns Rx to retrace its steps BACK into the previous sign - gives us a chance to tie up loose ends, finish the healing/letting go portion of what we've been GROWing through since Saturn first entered Scorpio back on October 6, 2012! Find Scorpio's location in your own chart to 'see' WHERE deeply hidden emotional scars, issues with Truth, sexuality, abuse, trauma etc., have been long buried (perhaps for lifetimes!) and now is the TIME (Saturn) to face, deal with and heal from. What's been 'coming up' for you in your life since 2012? How much healing have you undergone? What's still left to deal with? Scorpio likes to hide in the dark; what has LIGHTened up in your inner life? Or has been brought TO the LIGHT, uncovered, revealed and is revealing?

  • Chiron Rx in Pisces- our Spiritual/Divine connection beyond this earthly Ego-self - BEing connected with our Higher Self, Guides, Angels, ArchAngels and 'Teams' on High. Chiron is the planetoid/asteroid discovered in 1977 from which our Western world finally started to embrace ALL the alternative healing arts and modalities we take for normal today! Including healthfood stores, organic foods, personal / Life coaching, yoga, etc. Chiron has shown us the way to HEAL our disCONNECT from our Divine Eternal selves - bridging the gap between our Divineness and mundane human lives down here on Earth. Chiron has been in Pisces since August 2009 - how have You healed your inner spiritual disconnect since then? Moving FROM Victim, to Victor, With Love in your heart and for all other heartbeats? Allowing yourself to BE emotional/feeling, compassionate, unconditionally loving of self and others? Are you better at it? Do you see it now? BEing it now while you are DOing your life?

Considering how emotional this Moon cycle is, having begun in Cancer, we also see there are two more times when the emotionality springs forth, during:

  • 1st QTR Moon phase- begun July 23rd at 00 degrees of Scorpio 59' - a NEW cycle of HOW we connect to those deep deep depths of unEXPRESSED emotional baggage. We have until 6:30p tonight, just before we go into the Gibbous Moon phase, to TAKE ACTION even if it feels somewhat like a CRISIS (which we all do via the 1st QTR Moon phase) to LET Go of whatever it is we've been hanging onto, emotionally. Follow your intuition to that root spot deep within (and most of the time we have NO idea what that past trauma or pain was about) and release it - via a good cry! That's all it takes to move through some of our stuff. It's the longer-term stuff that seems to stick around for years and years - these are the soul-purpose teachings that we really need to GET and KNOW to understand ourselves more truly and deeply. Scorpio likes to HIDE stuff and to disTRUST self and others - as in not trusting your own intuition to follow its lead into the Unknown! Not trusting that Others will NOT hurt me if I allow myself to BE vulnerable...stuff like that... During this Moon phase, Saturn Rx's position (and arm of the Grand Trine) was triggered to take notice.

  • And Disseminating Moon phase- interesting how these two extra hits of emotionality occur prior to, then just after, the Full Moon phase this Moon cycle, eh? During the Disseminating Moon phase we do break down, and 'see' and 'learn', then share, what we've learned about ourselves so far this Moon cycle. My AHA! moment occurred during the Crescent Moon phase (the phase I was born under, which is most potent for my own self growth awareness) and the emotional Ego-self fears came rushing through during the 1st QTR Moon phase. I wonder what else I will 'see' for myself between August 3 and 6th? Pisces represents the Wise Woman/Man, the Elder, the Spiritual Teacher. We all have Pisces in our charts - where it resides shows where you bring this Higher Wisdom down into your life and share it with others. We all have the ability to 'see' beyond the physical - some more than most - so expect this Moon phase timing to bring more emotional stuff up to be worked with, walked through and healed. If you tend to yearn to escape your healing via TV, reading, tending to your addictions (all dark aspects of Pisces) then you'll miss yet another opportunity to heal those inner feelings of not BEing okay in this world. This will be the last arm of the Grand Trine in water to be triggered.

To sum up, BE aware of your emotions and intuitional hits of insights this Moon cycle. Continue to be open, vulnerable and loving, with Self and Others through this time. We are all of us HIGHLY sensitive right now - to all nuances of words, timbres of voice, body language - all of it! We are picking up more information than usual. Trust your intuition that you KNOW what you know via what you FEEL. Then ask more questions - no matter how scary it might be to hear the answers. Knowing is better than not knowing. Because then we have the better perspective to take heartfelt action from there.

Enjoy this Moon cycle, and get the most out of this Grand Trine in water signs - we have more than half of it left to navigate through. Lots of rain so far too (as I predicted) where we are in Calgary, Alberta, Canada - yay! It actually felt frosty this morning - I am sitting here wearing socks and a sweater for the first time in a couple of months. I love love love this cooler weather!

Blessed BE!

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