Hi Everyone!It's been quite the ride with the weather during the last Moon cycle - huge thunderstorms here in Alberta, with either driving rain and/or hailstones and wind, with flash floods. Fort McMurray, in northern Alberta, experienced first the horrific forest fires in May, and just this weekend flash flooding due to 75" of rain in one fell swoop! Too bad the rain didn't manifest back in May to belay all the damage and destruction. Quite the example of masculine then feminine elemental energies there to balance everyone, and thing, out up there. It will be interesting to see what this natural re-balancing creates in their future!
Today's New Moon in Leobrings a more sedate energy - fire that is fixed - so we truly are in the middle of the Summer season and weather. "The lazy hazy dog days of summer"- named by the Ancients in Egypt who realized, when the Sun entered the fire sign of Leo at some point in August, it also aligned with the fixed Dog Star of Sirius, lining up with the three stars of Orion's Belt AND the Sphinx down here on Earth! This timing in 2016 is on August 8th - the Lion's Gate Portal - embracing the Cosmic HEART energies into your life! This will occur while we undergo the Crescent Moon phase. A lot of what I write about herein is setting us up for the two Eclipses we'll be experiencing in September. So BE mindful, heartfully and intentionally, this Moon cycle, of what you WISH to manifest for you these next 3.5 years of Life Experience...
What does this mean for you and me? Read on..you'll 'see' a theme and pattern here...
As I write this post, the Sun and Moon came together as the New Moon as of 2:44p MDT at 10 degrees of Leo 58' (so close to 11 degrees!). Where is Leo in your birth chart? This is the focus for all of us, any or all of the following, to experience, avoid, be denial of (your choice!):
Love and Romance: what do either of these concepts MEAN, heartfully, to you? What is your heartfelt INTENTION around these subjects, FOR your Life now and 3.5 years into the future? Remember: with Leo - we are either coming from the HEART (love), or we are coming from the EGO (mind) - are you showing up whole-heartedly or just mindfully without heart? Interesting...
CREATIVITY: here we learn not only to CREATE our Life IN the NOW moments (not the past nor the future), we also LISTEN with our Hearts as to WHAT IT IS I WISH TO CREATE! Do you know what you wish MORE of and BETTER, FOR YOUR LIFE, now? How well are you listening to YOUR inner wisdom space, hearing the voice of your Higher Self/Creative Self? Thank you Oprah and Deepak Chopra for creating such an awesome and magical 21-day challenge with this theme, for the rest of us to grasp and incorporate into our lives! I've been blogging about this for several years now - and they have CREATED a hands-on practice that is easy to follow and incorporate into your own life - if you so choose! What we create (positive and negative) comes right back to us - via circumstance, people, relationships - you name it! If you want BETTER - BE positively HONEST with yourself - emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually - then you will show up honestly with Others. And on and on - the ripple effect is amazing! Trust me...
Generosity: how are you sharing yourself with others? Is it in a balanced, equal give-and-take way? By standing in your power, empowered, creating a win-win for everyone involved? If not, why not? Another sign of victim-rescue-bullying of the Drama Triangle otherwise...or martyrdom if you aren't coming from an empowered place within...is it time for you to let this go yet?
Celebration with Fun & Play/Children's Energy: watch a child at play - imagination abounds, glee and joy at just the PROCESS of creating something out of nothing! Return to the wonderment and joy of BEing a dynamic creative and fulfilled BEing of Light that you are! Truly yes you are. So am I. Every moment of the day...and CELEBRATE each glorious sunrise and sunset, the NEW creative day ahead, and then write about it in what I call my CELEBRATION Journal (used to be the Gratitude Journal up until this year). My friend Julie in Vancouver Island suggested we think of it as both a CELEBRATION now, which is MORE than just Gratitude...
Determination: allowing yourself, once you KNOW what your WISHES are to CREATE in the moment, to envision these wishes WITH heartfelt INTENTION, determined to 'see' it come to fruition within your Life! Without limitations or restrictions or second-guessing...allow your vision to fly up to the Cosmos like a balloon, filled with ALL of your heartfelt wishes and dreams and intentions - that are HEARTFELT, not of Ego-mind origin! There is a difference.
Tempering Arrogance: this one we all have issue with - as Human Beings - we cannot live down here on Earth without the Ego (or the Monkey Mind that likes to assist the Ego) to resist change, BE RIGHT/self-righteous, MY way is the BEST because it JUST IS! Etc etc etc...this is all coming from Ego not the heart with Loving kindness, compassion, forgiveness and on and on...do you 'see' the difference?
Leo Rules, Physically: the back and spine (having the backbone to support your own wishes/dreams of your Truest Self), exhaustion/heat exhaustion (burning the candle from both ends - why?), the HEART! And Inflammation of any or all these areas means you haven't been listening to your physical body's needs! This Moon cycle, if you aren't paying proper attention to yourself, your needs, your physical body's needs, then any of the areas I've already mentioned will be 'talking to you' via pain, discomfort etc. If they do, TALK to those areas of your body - ASK them what it is they NEED from you, heartfully, lovingly, and provide it. Don't ignore it...
Coming from a HEARTFELT place WILL MELT negative issues you may encounter/experience this Moon cycle. Invite yourself AND others INTO your heart. Create peaceful solutions, together. Co-creating spaces - all themes I've been blogging about since 2009! To push us all along to this end, we will also experience the following:
A YOD, the Finger of God, points directly at the Sun/Moon aka New Moon in Leo position, as of today! The two planets that require each of us to LET GO of OLD PATTERNS OF CONDITIONING this Moon cycle, who create the base of this formation, are Pluto Rx (retrograde, inner-directed and therefore personalized transformational energy) within Capricorn (how we look at and expect material gain in our lives, plus focus on reputation, the public aspect of self, goals we set for ourselves for long-term gain) - how do you EMPOWER yourself, create win-win situations vs. power and control struggles Within and Without? Then there are BOTH Neptune Rx and the North Node Rx in Pisces- both are personalized (taking things personally, BEing hypersensitive about it, for a reason!) AND directed to make us 'SEE' in ourselves - HOW are you IMAGINING a BETTER and GREATER world/life for yourself despite what came before now for you? OR, are you still stuck on that Old Drama Triangle (from the Old Age of Pisces) of "I'm a Victim, Rescue ME!" Or "I feel Persecuted/Bullied! Help me! DO THIS FOR ME!" Or, "I cannot stand my Victim position, so I'll just go out there and RESCUE someone else instead!" The latest version of this Drama Triangle we are all dealing with in 2016 has been MARTYRDOM - "I'll do this on behalf of the rest of the family, the company, the world even! And no matter how much it hurts, or harms, or kills me, I will not refrain from the challenges!" Or words to that effect...thoughts, feelings, behaviours, habits...just saying - we are ALL undergoing rapid changes Within to LET GO OF THESE attitudes and beliefs from our collective past lives we lived within the Age of Pisces. The MORE you LET GO and begin to IMAGINE a magical, creative Life of wonderment and joy that your Soul envisions for you, the sooner you'll EMPOWER yourself to BE more in the Now, leave the past in the past, and the future to the Unknown, AND empower all of those you interact and relate to daily, in turn! BE the change, BE the peace, BE the love, BE the Co-Creator of YOUR LIFE! This is what LEO and the New Moon are signalling for us now.
Grand Trine in Water: this is interesting, very interesting. Three of the Asteroid Goddesses (Juno - Sacred Marriage - in Scorpio + Pallas Athena - Warrior for Equality - in Pisces + Vesta - Home/Hearth/Sexuality with focused intention - in Cancer) within the element of water (feminine gifts of feelings, emotions, intuition, insightfulness, symbols, and allowing yourself to receive all of these) are connected via love lines with one another. How are you allowing yourself to receive any or all of the above, for you? Then honestly stay with it all, deal with it all, forgive and move on, lovingly, with self and others? Huge AHA! moments, watershed moments to come, if you've been doing your Inner Self work up until this New Moon. If not, well, could seem like a tsunami hit, all at once. Be aware, BE in the moment, and know we are all undergoing this too! None of us are alone. Ever.
MERCURY! Yep, twill be the last and 3rd round of Mercury Rx (retrograde) coming up for us! Hooray! I love this timing, I find information I didn't know I needed to know(depends on the sign Mercury is travelling through within my chart) AND in Virgo- Mercury (and VENUS!) are setting us up for the upcoming Solar Eclipse in Virgo September 1st(action we'll take for the next 3.5 years of Life Experience on whatever we decide upon between now and then). A chance for do-overs in conversations, thoughts, ideas, decisions - this is Mercury Rx. HOW we communicate and what we CHOOSE to talk about. Interestingly, Mercury rules Virgo! So yes, we'll BE in our minds a wee bit. The pre-Mercury Rx Shadow period begins August 10th,with Mercury finally Stationing Rx as of August 31st, then BEing Rx until September 21st (Autumnal Equinox timing!), Stationing Direct again September 22nd,and the post-Mercury Rx Shadow will continue until October 6th.
REMEMBER: look at this period as a chance to 'see' what you're saying / thinking / writing / sharing, to whom, and how, and why and when (especially your Inner Talk!), then during the actual Rx period, to whom, why and when do you feel you need to revisit that conversation or shared experience? And once Mercury is Direct again - the decisions you made between now and September 22nd, were they heartfully what you TRULY wanted/desired/ expected/wished for, or not? So again, once Direct, you have another chance to change your mind! Ensure that you keep tabs on major decisions made and when, so you can look back at this timing to 'see' how on track you heartfully were, co-creating with your Higher Self/Creative Self, truthfully. Allow Virgo's Shadow need to BE perfect, to KNOW IT ALL NOW, and to BE of SERVICE beyond the call of duty (!!) to be part of your past responses. BE of Service, heartfully. Look after the health of your physical body, heartfully. BE in service to YOURSELF, creatively, lovingly.
And: The Leo New Moon calls for a NEW way to be a LEADER, within a team environment. How are you leading by your heart? This is totally different from "wearing your heart on your sleeve" - heartfully, Inside You, what is your motivation towards your intentions? Are you motived from your Ego/Mind or your Soul/Heart? This is the key difference. How are you leading the way, from Within, and for? What is YOUR unique gift to the world, that only you can create and share because You are YOU? Embrace your uniqueness in the world - don't shrink from it!
I will blog about Hilary Clinton, Venus' synodic journey through Leo since August 2015 and how we women have been letting go of the old, and as of tomorrow (August 3rd) are consciously retrieving the NEW, step by step, as the powerful leaders we truly are! Stay tuned...
Sometimes we show up to BE what we think others want us to BE...we all have done this. I encourage all of us to BE authentic, as much as we can, in EVERY MOMENT, we can. BE honest, trust your heartfelt feelings/intuition, watch for the magic of signs and symbols in your environment that help lead you intuitively to YOUR next step, and CELEBRATE! You, yourself, your life. Always, in All Ways.
Blessed Be