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Chaotic Neptunian November!

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

If you've been feeling confused this month, you're not alone.

If you've been wondering why things seem to slip through your fingers this month, you're not alone.

If you've been overwhelmed by emotions and feelings, you're not alone.

If you've been living your life in one reality, then out of no where realize it's been an illusion all along, you're not alone.

If technology seems to be one huge tangled up mess, you're not alone.

After posting my previous post, "Neptunian November", I thought it timely now to delve into the OPPOSITE sign to the mutable water sign of Pisces (ruled by Neptune) which is the mutable earth sign, VIRGO.

We must remember this: when a planet and/or Moon's Node is moving through a sign, the opposite sign is also influenced energetically. There is a mix and a pull between the two signs and planets/Nodes etc. all at the same time. And we may not be aware of the opposite sign's influence to what we are learning about ourselves until later on.

What is Virgo? Virgo loves to BE of Service out in the world, to serve and BE there for others. There's this grounded practicality to it - hands-on definitely - getting our hands dirty in some regard because we LOVE to DO this work of Service, which turns out to be organizing something (usually paperwork) or people or events or closets or whatever needs to be organized.

Another aspect of Virgo is about the PROCESS. We love love love processes - aka rules of the road - and perfecting them. We ALL have Virgo and Pisces in our charts and therefore are influenced by this Chaotic Neptunian November whereby Neptune and the South Node of the Moon are together at 9 degrees of Pisces - all month! Creating a continuation of the Halloween's energetic tendency of having the veils between the worlds thin and easily accessible. ALL MONTH. So what does this mean to all of us?

The South Node of the Moon is where Karma lays. Unresolved issues from our past - be it this lifetime or a culmination of other past lives. Something unresolved this way comes - to BE resolved somehow, somewhen. Within the sign of Pisces, the South Node brings forth issues of Drama - victim/rescue me/I feel persecuted! - in some regard within your personality, reality, illusion, delusion of what you 'see' to BE your respective life. For all of us.

Bringing in Virgo, where the North Node of the Moon sits exactly opposite, at 09 degrees of Virgo,comes forth the path our Soul wants us to head into. There are the high and low sides to every sign of the Zodiac. For Pisces: that Drama Triangle is one of the lows - along with escapist and addictive tendencies in order to escape the current reality of our lives.

Within Virgo, the low is Perfectionism. That Ego-brain/mind/Self's need to BE perfect, not make any mistakes, end of, or else! For some of us, this can be extreme - terror in fact - of making a mistake. Can you 'see' the enormity of energy it takes to BE PERFECT here? Yikes! Talk about carrying around a huge stick to beat ourselves up with, constantly. No wonder North America is such a stressed out continent of people!

What's Pisces/Virgo and the Moon's Nodes message here? Especially with the veils between the worlds being so thin and accessible all month? Remember also, we began this Moon cycle in Scorpio (fixed water sign) on October 30th - just a day before Halloween or All Hallows Eve. Scorpio brings forth ALL our FEARS to the surface and out of the Darkness of the New Moon to be revealed by the Full Moon, into the full light. To BE SEEN. Now, during this Last QTR Moon phase we're in currently, whereby we all experience our respective "Crisis of Consciousness in regards to the Ego-Self".

Meaning: something our Ego-Self DID NOT want us to know or be aware of or conscious of - magically revealed itself to us as of this week! Remember that Neptune, ruler of Pisces, can be nebulous. Pisces itself, as one of 3 water signs, is fog, mist, nebulous. And how many times this week did we wake up to fog? Interesting the timing of Nature with the planetary alignments.

Mercury rules Virgo- so yes, the Ego-mind/brain/Self comes into play here because Mercury represents the logical brain. "How can I BE perfectly logical and right and on time and always eager to please all at the same time?!"

Neptune rules Pisces- the spiritual/divine essence of BEing of Service BEYOND the Ego-Self/brain/mind - going WITH the flow, energetically and otherwise, WITH your True Self/essence/eternal BEINGNESS that is God. With Love, Compassion, Joy and Forgiveness. Without Drama. Without control over/power over, trying to BE Perfect.

Do you see how the Drama within the realm of Pisces is triggered by the Virgo need to BE Perfect? The low of one sign triggers the low of the opposite sign. If it didn't work out exactly the way our Ego-mind/brain/Self wanted it to - then wham! Victim-thinking, being, o woe is me feeling...

Then, of course, that hot potato is way too hot to handle, so lets find someone to BLAME (persecution) or to be RESCUED by (the rescue portion of the Drama Triangle program).Huh? Bloody Hell! I did it again...

So we have Neptune AND the South Node currently in Pisces at 09 degrees.

We also have the North Node in Virgo, at 9 degrees, sitting opposite.Mercury rules Virgo and is currently in Sagittarius (18 degrees) the mutable fire sign, which has been creating a stress/tension line to BOTH Nodes + Neptune. Sagittarius is how we seek our Higher Truth, BE our Truest Self. Huh. Do you see how the planets support themes around the chart?

Mercury's position in Sagittarius wants us to LET GO of perfectionism. Human beings are the last to know that we already ARE perfection - in God's eyes. End of. BEing HUMAN is just as important - as in, it is OKAY to BE wrong. To make mistakes. To feel our feelings. To laugh at ourselves and pick ourselves up and move along, WITH Love and Compassion and Forgiveness.

THIS is the key:how are we loving ourselves despite our drama, addictions, escapist tendencies, and perfectionistic ways? With compassion, or yet another stick to beat ourselves up with? And forgiveness - yes! Please forgive yourselves along the way.

Each of us is a beautiful work in progress, and each of us has our own unique PROCESS to learning how to BE our True Self, along the way. It just so happens we are all undergoing yet another rare event (Neptune + the South Node in Pisces whilst Neptune Stations Direct - aka standing still all month!) that supports all of us to LET GO of Drama AND Perfectionism - even if it is only a teeny tiny wee bit more- from however we've been living our respective lives already THIS lifetime AND from whatever we carried forward from our other lifetimes. To this moment in Time, here on Earth, in 2016.

Love your Ego-mind/brain/Self. Use compassion. And forgive it. Over and over and over for as long as it takes. "What will it take, now, for me to be comfortable with being human, to make mistakes and love myself for it. What will it take?" or words to this effect - say it as a mantra - giving it out to the Universe to help you help yourself through these Chaotic, nebulous, times.



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