During the end phase of this Moon cycle! We've been experiencing the Balsamic Moon phase since November 7th at 8:00a MST. It brings us an opportunity to LET GO of whatever it is we've learned from, and about ourselves, since October 12th's New Moon, that no longer works for us or within us. This is what Moon cycles do - offer opportunities to further our Self/Soul growth via awareness of what is getting in the way of BEing our true authentic self.
As of Saturday morning the Moon entered the waning Crescent phase (aka Balsamic Moon) at 29 degrees of Virgo 52'. Another indication we are completing a cycle is that 29th degree!
We began this Moon cycle in Virgo, and now we are definitely COMPLETING and closing - something! How many of you have had the urge to clear out closets, drawers, catch up on housework/homework/classwork/business work, especially those inconvenient small spaces/pieces we tend to "get to next time"? Virgo's mutable earth energy compels us to perfect our processes, organize/reorganize, and "get to work" on some project(s) we've been putting off before now. All of a sudden we are focused, energized and ready to "take it on" - whatever IT may be.
BE aware of what you are letting go of. Thank this part of you for ALL its lessons that have brought you here to this moment of Self/Soul growth! Yay! It could be there are physical things leaving your life, or ways of working at home or in the office, or how you've been looking after the health of your physical body. BE aware of your NEW self that is shedding a coat or skin that no longer feels comfortable, let alone YOU! Yay!
The other cycle that has ENDED is the Age of Pisces, creating space for us to totally dive into our Aquarian/Leonine aspects of Self/Soul within the Age of Aquarius! Yay! We've been extremely busy these past several decades, and especially since 12-12-12, to LET GO of that Drama Triangle of victim/rescue(r)/persecute/or of Poor Me, O Woe Is Me etc etc. That is in our past now.
How many of you have seen the multitude of adult-oriented colouring books in every store/bookstore to be found? Yet another indication that the Leo component (opposite sign to Aquarius) is now blending itself in with HOW we are BEing our true individual selves, humanitarians and creating new groups and allies as we BECOME our Future Selves (Aquarius).
Leo rules the heart and back and spine. Any physical issues there for anyone? Hhhhmmmm....this indicates some resistance from the Ego-self re: opening our hearts to NEW creativity/creative pursuits, allowing IN more fun and play, and romance anyone? Leo wants to SHINE its Inner Light out for all to see. Of course some may take this a bit too far - drama Queen/King can come to mind (!!) yet allowing this aspect of your Inner Child out to play is way okay.
How many of you are noticing a return to playing card and board games? BEing with family, friends and groups of people to just BE with one another, playing like children? Another indication of how well we are now blending and weaving in the Leo in this Aquarian Age. Yay!
We have ALL done a LOT of work these past Moon cycles, Letting GO of our emotional attachments to the past, past lives, and past Ages. I tell you now, if you've been weeping or crying a wee bit, especially this Moon cycle, you are not alone! And you are right on Time, in Divine Timing, tapping to the Pisces aspect of this Virgo Moon cycle (Pisces is the opposite sign to Virgo). More and more I will be indicating how well we are blending and weaving IN the opposite signs - BOTH bring awareness - BOTH bring opportunity to "see" our polar opposites (within and without).
The next New Moon cycle begins Wednesday. Between now and then, BE aware of what no longer works for you, within you, and around you. BE aware of your processes - BEing in an rut is also an indicator. I find it fascinating how WHAT WE LEARN about Self/Soul from one Moon phase to the next, we may decide to bring that seed of knowingness WITH us into the next NEW MOON seed of unrealized potential, planting new intentions for FURTHER Self/Soul growth in future cycles.
Or we can be okay with where we are at, for now, with whatever we've learned of our-Self/Soul, with intention to return to that awareness in some future Moon cycle and Moon phase. Because, really, if you think about it, we are all undergoing a continuous CYCLE of CREATING new Intentions for further Self/Soul growth with every passing Moon cycle, phase and daily habit we experience between now and meeting up with our Future Self/Soul somewhere soon, along our respective paths down here on Earth....
Blessed BE!