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A Pantheon of Planets/Luminaries in Virgo...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

How's it going out there? "What do you mean? Everything's fine! I mean, it would be if so-and-so would just....or if I hadn't taken the ring road...or if that neighbour would just..." So, how's it been going out there these past several weeks?

For those of you who have their:

  • Sun or Moon in Virgo, Virgo Rising (aka your Rising Sign) or Virgo up at the top of your horoscope (Midheaven), OR

  • Sun or Moon in Pisces, or Pisces at the Midheaven/Ascendantaka Rising Sign...OR

  • Gemini/Sagittarius Sun or Moon or Rising Sign or Midheaven...AND perhaps have

  • Natal Pluto in Virgo (the Virgo Generation, born between August 20, 1957 and July 30, 1972)...this post is for you!

Why? you on...

Virgo, The Virgin, the mutable earth sign of the Zodiac (Latin for "circle of animals" by the way) rules (according to Jan Spiller's New Moon Astrology):

  • Processes- mental and physical, hence why it is related to daily work or the job you do in the world, and your ability to work well with others;

  • How well you organize your life, things, paperwork, your closets and drawers, details, being punctual, effective planning;

  • Discrimination- being able to analyze situations, data, people; critical thinking; your ability to focus on a project or task at hand; discernment;

  • Being of Service- how well you are able to adapt to any situation, helping others in a practical way (therefore efficient way), your pure intent of WHY you are doing what you are doing, and how conscientious you are about it all. No wonder the Virgo Generation is known for 'getting the job done and staying the course'!

  • Synthesis- your desire for perfection (ever wonder why Virgos need to place things in a room, just so?), processing, bringing order out of chaos, and the ability to see how the pieces fit (any puzzlers in the crowd?);

  • Excessive Perfectionism (!!) - how you worry, are critical of self and others, use blame and judgement of others to NOT take responsibility for your own human mistakes, and worst case scenario we North American's can be: workaholics!

  • Health of your Physical Body- through what you eat, how and if you exercise the body, having a good health habit plan, weight control, embracing alternative healing, and the healers that bring us these alternative modalities.

  • Health-wise- Virgo rules the bowels and intestines, constipation and diarrhea, digestion and assimilation, and the Solar Plexus chakra area (just above your belly button to below the rib cage). I mention this because these areas of your body systems will talk to you if you are unable to 'digest or assimilate' new ideas, beliefs or changes needed in your life. If you use emotional eating as a way to cope/not cope, guess what?

According to Vic DiCara's Astrology, Virgo is the root form of Virgin, whose original meaning was "unmarried" and able to derive strength from within the Self, rely only on the Self without getting strength from a partner. Way back when, being a Virgin originally meant being able to educate, work and feed herself without the help of a man. Therefore not married, or living in her father's home. She was her own person, fully, wholly and completely. Interesting...

Mercury, our planet of communication, thought processes, how and what we learn, rules Virgo and is the only planet that is exalted (held in high regard) in the sign it rules. Those of us with Virgo Rising (Virgo on the Ascendant and in our 1st House in the horoscope) will therefore have Mercury as the ruler of our horoscope.

Which means our MINDS rule the course of our lives - which can drive us crazy crazy crazy at times, especially if we are caught upon the limb of perfectionism (the Shadow side of Virgo). Here our Ego-self can play havoc upon our inner life of endlessly looking for Inner (and Outer) perfection - aka walking with that Big Stick of self-criticism to whack ourselves with, almost endlessly. Sound familiar?

Having Virgo Rising/in your 1st House also means this is part of your Self-Identity AND you also EMBODY the high sides and Shadow sides of Virgo, because the 1st House rules the physical body too. In other words: Virgo Rising persons have signed up to do double-duty this lifetime - figuring out how to allow ourselves to BE okay with our Inner imperfections AND deal with the health of our physical body, that may not be perfect in our own eyes, let alone in others. Interesting...

Before I introduce the pantheon of planets/luminaries entering Virgo in 2015, let's return to why I mentioned Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius:

  • Pisces is the opposite sign to Virgo (and vice versa), creating a polarity within Self if we haven't learned yet to create an 'AND' between these opposing sides of Self: namely, Virgo wishes to BE of Service here in the mundane world we call Earth AND Pisces wishes to transcend the Ego-self (the Little Self) to BE of Service with the Higher Self or our spiritual/divine Self. I repeat myself here - Sun, Moon, Rising Sign or Midheaven in Virgo or Pisces creates this dilemma. The only sane place to be is to EMBRACE both sides of yourself. Know that you are an eternal Divine BEing AND a Human BEing all at the same time! And for everyone else: you may or may not have planets in Virgo or Pisces, yet you still have these signs somewhere in your horoscope - so you will be affected too to some extent.

  • Gemini and Sagittarius, the other two mutable signs of the Zodiac, will sit in a square to Virgo and Pisces (90 degree angle) creating tension and stress deep within people whose Sun, Moon, Rising Sign or Midheaven are in Gemini or Sagittarius. During this time of having so many planets/luminaries entering Virgo around the same time, expect to deal with the need to make Changes and take Action of some kind to alleviate the tension and stress. These signal deeply held needs (which you've probably been noticing for some time now) to DO something different with either the information you seek/share (speaking up for a change rather than keeping silent?), and perhaps diving deeper into seeking a higher meaning of WHY am I here? What is my purpose this lifetime? No matter how old we are, we continually ask this of ourselves.

Finally, I present the'group of 6' planetary/luminary characterswho have already, or are about to, enter Virgo in the near future. It is significant when planets change signs, and especially when we have such a number of them doing so within a short time. It is never a coincidence which planet or luminary moves into a new sign first, followed by another, then another. The first ones lead the way, carve out the first exposure to the new themes (aka lessons) we are collectively about to learn from for our respective ongoing Soul Growth.

Here they are, in the order of appearance/dates of entry and for how long, and their respective lessons they bring:

  • Venus, our Desire Body: entered Virgo back on July 19th then turned Rx (Retrograde) going back over its path in Virgo from July 25 to 31st (and since then is back in Leo). She will re-enter Virgo in a Direct motion in October and make her way through Virgo until November. Here Venus brought us the first inklings of focusing us on what we love/like to attract more of in our lives at this time. Think back to July and ask yourself what were you deeply desiring for yourself? While Venus is Rx we will be diving deeply within, conscious or not, to truly meet up with what those desires are, then perhaps we take action on them come October?

  • Mercury, ruler of Virgo, planet of communication, thought and learning processes, entered Virgo as of August 7th and will leave it August 27th. Where has your mind gone this month? Into perfectionism, being of service in the world, wanting to make changes for the health of your body? Some or all of the above? Feel like you've been driving yourself crazy going round in circles trying to figure it all out NOW dammit? Breathe, breathe, breathe...other planets are coming forth to assist in the process...

  • Jupiter, planet of expansion, amplifying that which is working and not working well re: our beliefs about ourselves and why we are here, moving beyond previous restrictions and limitations we've put upon ourselves (or they seem to be there - are they?). Here we are challenged to HAVE FAITH and take the plunge to move through previously perceived barriers, now's the time to CHANGE! Think back 12 years to the last time Jupiter entered then traveled through Virgo - re: work, physical health, all the themes already mentioned - what was expanded and amplified back then for you? For some of us it was indeed our physical bodies! I count myself in this group - so my focus this next year will be to get my physical body into better health and shape that I used to enjoy (and take for granted!). Jupiter entered Virgo August 11th and will travel through it until September 10, 2016!

  • Interesting note for all Sagittarians out there: Jupiter rules your Sun sign! Ch-ch-changes!

  • Sun, our Soul self, illuminates how you Perfect the processes in your life while it moves through Virgo - from August 23rd to September 23rd. How willing are you to be SEEN whilst undergoing your respective processes (Inner and Outer)? Will you continue to hide, distract, be in denial in some regard, or will you finally show up and BE and DO what your Soul self has been wishing for you? Remember, the Sun gives us an annual chance to change our habits of self-care! What will you do this year?

  • New Moon in Virgo AND Solar Eclipse!!!!! Here our daily habits (Moon) and the actions we wish to take (Solar Eclipse) re: the work we do, how we do it, and our health plan for the physical body will all be truly focused upon - EMOTIONALLY. The Moon (like the tides here on Earth) constantly ebbs and flows with our Emotional Body. Like the waves of the oceans and seas, we can be tossed up against the rocks or gently guided back onto solid land. It is up to us how we wish to navigate this New Moon cycle! It occurs September 13th, with the Full Moon following two weeks later, as a Lunar Eclipse!

  • Mars, taking assertive and perhaps courageous, action (rather than angry reaction). Mars journeys through Virgo from September 25th until November 12th. Do you 'see' how each planet/luminary sets us up for the next one coming behind it? Do you see the beauty of the cycles of our planets, Sun and Moon? They are so intelligent and in Divine Timing! I love it!

It's been a wild ride already! How's it been for you? I look forward to hearing from you.

Blessed BE!


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