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Life-long  Learning 

Students show up when the Teacher is ready.

And the Teacher shows up when the Student is ready.

Learning Astrology takes time, repetition, review, research and more review.

And practice, practice, practice.

It takes a LONG TIME to learn Astrology - keep this in mind.

Since the Autumn of 2021, I now offer several levels of online, interactive, Astrology classes.

Students attend in the Zoom classroom environment and

handouts are available for download prior to each class.

I have been teaching students Astrology since September 2011 - especially its History ever since my trip to Egypt OCT 2011, visiting the Dendera Zodiac rooftop viewing room at Hathor's Temple in Dendera.

Learning Astrology for 25 years now, I continue to uncover more layers, and my own AHA! moments,

from my own Birth chart. This is Astrology.

It grows and goes deeper as we do, personally, with our Self.

Whether you've experienced a real Astrology chart reading or not,

you are living your Birth chart - what you signed up to learn, experience,

and be challenged by, as you Soulfully Evolve.

Seeking an Astrologer to Read your Birth Chart means you're ready to CONSCIOUSLY live your Destiny!

Learn the Basics - my ASTRO101 class - to gain insight and AHA! moments - Soulfully, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically - into your own Life path. The whys, wherefores and especially the whens!

You will expand out to more deeply understand your Self through these classes.

And from there, the other people in your life if you decide to LEARN MORE through

ASTRO201 Basic Interpretation and ASTRO301 Advanced Interpretation classes!

How we're all truly connected.


ASTRO101: Basics of Astrology

Here you learn the following:

  • Basics of Astronomy as it relates to Astrology with their intermixed 6,000-year history 

  • Meanings of the 12 Zodiacal Signs, their Planetary Rulers, plus Chiron, Eris and Sedna, the Luminaries and 12 Houses of Life Experience - the Natural Wheel of the Zodiac

  • Rulerships and inter-connections of the Astrology Basics - Signs, Planets and Houses

  • Recognize the glyphs (symbols) of each Sign and Planet/Luminary - homework will need to be done between classes! The MORE you practice and study the easier it is to identify and remember the shorthand (glyphs) and their meanings.

  • Each Sign’s element, modality, polarity and orientation

  • Each House mode/orientation too

  • Classes will have handouts to help students fill in their HOMEWORK worksheet, to gain knowledge and remember what they've learned as each class passes.


COST:  $540CAD for the 3.75-hour class/week for 6 weeks - SATURDAY from JAN 6, 2024 to FEB 10, 2024

from 11:00 am MST to 2:45 pm MST 

DISCOUNT: if you Register early - save $60 and pay only $480CAD - by NOV 15th 2023


PAYMENT: E-transfer, or via PayPal invoice. Please indicate which way you plan to pay at Registration. I offer a Payment Plan - initial deposit and two monthly payments. Registration form and Class Syllabus will give you all the details!


2024 Dates: SATURDAY JAN 6, 2024 to FEB 10, 2024

Classes will be taught via ZOOM video and Students can record each class for download and future connection on their side.

Ensure you have the tech set up for this (dedicated wi-fi/internet, speakers, screen, colour printer etc.) for a smooth connection to each class.

Birth data information ( time, date and place of birth) is required to create your chart for this class. You will become familiar with YOU and what you signed up for this lifetime. If birth time is not known Laurie Rae will assist you in finding this out (at no extra charge) easily and simply.

TO REGISTER/Receive the Class Syllabus: Email Laurie Rae  - see the REGISTER NOW! button below

FOR RETURNING STUDENTS: who wish to take a refresher on this material: please ensure you ask for the ASTRO STUDENT Registration form only!

ASTRO301: Advanced Interpretation

By the end of 6 weeks, you will have a good grasp of the following:

  • Advanced Dynamic Chart Patterns: YOD, Grand Trine, Grand Square, T-Squares and Mystic Rectangle.

  • Retrograde (Rx) planets, intercepted signs, and how they "work" in the Chart Interpretation.

  • Other pieces of Chart Interpretation: Dwads, Part of Fortune/Spirit, the Moon’s Nodes, Critical Degrees, Mutual Reception, People in the Chart, Karma in the Chart, Transits, and if we have time, types of Chart Readings!

  • Interactive - expect to learn by doing - honing more of your Interpretive skills. 


COST:  $400CAD for the 3.75-hour class/week for 5 weeks - SATURDAY from FEB 1 to MAR 8, 2025

(we miss FEB 15 due to Family Day Weekend)

from 11:00 am MST to 2:45 pm MST 

DISCOUNT: if you Register early - save $80 and pay only $320CAD - by JAN 15th 2025


PAYMENT: E-transfer, or via PayPal invoice. Please indicate which way you plan to pay at Registration. I offer a Payment Plan - initial deposit and two monthly payments. Registration form and Class Syllabus will give you all the details!


Classes will be taught via ZOOM video and Students can record each class for download and future connection on their side.

Ensure you have the tech set up for this (dedicated wi-fi/internet, speakers, screen, colour printer etc.) for a smooth connection to each class.

Students must have ASTRO101 Basics and completed ASTRO201 as a prerequisite.

TO REGISTER: please Email Laurie Rae - - and ask your questions here too!

ASTRO201: Basic  Interpretation

You will learn the following:​

  • How to Use the Ephemeris - the Astrologer's Bible - through exercises in class and as Homework, to understand the Cycles of the Planets and Luminaries through your own LifeTime Cycles. Very insightful.

  • Meanings of all the Aspects and their glyphs: all the angles a planet / point can make to other planets / points within the chart – what their relationships are to one another.

  • How to fill in the Aspectarian form and the Chart Overview worksheet - an at-a-glance collection of data to be referred to when learning to interpret the Birth chart.

  • Actual Aspect keywords will be introduced, practiced and discussed

  • Chart Patterns: discern the pattern created by the grouping of planets within the chart and what it says about the personality

  • Basic Interpretation a.k.a. Delineation of the chart is woven in throughout, with key handouts and worksheets to be downloaded prior to each class.

  • We'll also practice, using the Astro-Dice, interpreting random throws of these dice. To hone your interpretation skills, as a group.

  • Interspersed with opportunities to interpret each other's charts along the way - as a Student, you need to dive into this at some point!

  • Each student MUST have their own set of Ephemerides for this level, and moving forward (see reference to this below).


NB: you will be learning a lot about, and from, one another over the course of this level of study.  Always a good thing.

Each class level builds upon the previous one. For students wishing to become Astrologers (moving beyond your basic curiosity within ASTRO101 level of the Basics of Astrology) you will need to purchase a set of Ephemerides (the Astrologer’s key reference) for ASTRO201 levels and beyond.


These two ephemerides can be ordered from


  • The New American Ephemeris for the 20th Century 1900-2000 at Midnight, MICHELSEN MEMORIAL EDITION, by Rique Pottenger, Neil F. Michelsen, ISBN 97809762422-9-1 - this has a ORANGE cover

  • The New American Ephemeris for  the 21st Century 2000-2100 at Midnight, MICHELSEN MEMORIAL EDITION, by Rique Pottenger, Neil F. Michelsen, ISBN 0-9762422-3-0 - this has a RED cover


Ensure that you do purchase the MIDNIGHT version, not the NOON version, and that you order the set far enough in advance for shipping time prior to your first class of ASTRO201.

COST: $480CAD for 3.75-hour classes/week for 6 weeks -

SATURDAY from APRIL 6, 2024 to MAY 11, 2024

from 1:00 pm MST to 4:45 pm MST

DISCOUNT: if you Register early- save $60 and pay only $420CAD - by MAR 1, 2024


PAYMENT: E-transfer, or by PayPal invoice. Please indicate which way you plan to pay at Registration.

2024 DATES: SATURDAY APRIL 6 - MAY 11, 2024. Student must have ASTRO101 Basics as a prerequisite. Classes will be done through ZOOM video and Students may record classes on their end to use for future reference. Ensure you have the tech set up for this (dedicated wi-fi/internet, speakers, screen, colour printer to print off your handouts/Homework worksheets) for a smooth connection to each class.

REGISTRATION: see the REGISTER NOW! button displayed below to ask for the Class Syllabus and ASTRO201 Registration form

FOR RETURNING STUDENTS who wish to take a refresher on this material: please ensure you ask for the ASTRO201 ASTRO STUDENT Registration form only!

ASTRO401: Advanced 

Here's where you learn about the TYPES of Astrology chart readings your clients will be interested in:

  • Natal/Birth chart reading

  • Transits / Secondary Progressions

  • Solar, Lunar, Planetary Returns

And opportunities to use your interpretation skills along the way!

Cost: $320CAD for 3.75-hour classes/week for 4 weeks of instruction. 

Payment: E-transfer, or via PayPal invoice. Please indicate which way you plan to pay at Registration.

FUTURE DATES: When students appear - must have ASTRO101 Basics, ASTRO201 and ASTRO301 completed as a prerequisite.

REGISTRATION: please Email Laurie Rae - - ask your questions here too!

Black Sky

Start your learning here...

SATURDAY  FEB 1 - MAR 8, 2025:

The first round of online interactive Astrology Classes: ASTRO301 Advanced Interpretation via ZOOM Video 

This 5-week course begins SATURDAY FEB 1, 2025 for 3.75 hours/class per week from 11:00 am MST to 2:45pm MST

NB: we're missing FEB 15th due to the Family Day Weekend

TO REGISTER click the REGISTER NOW box below to ask for the Class Syllabus and Registration Form.

COST: $400CAD for 3.75-hour classes/week over 5 weeks of instruction.

DISCOUNT: if you Register by JAN 15, 2025 - save $80 and pay only $320CAD

PAYMENT: E-transfer, or by PayPal invoice. All details are on the Registration form. I do offer Payment Plans!

I look forward to Teaching another level of eager Astrology Students! Namaste

2025: re next rounds of ASTRO101 or ASTRO201  Online Classes via ZOOM Video

TO BE ANNOUNCED - stay tuned!

The fundamentals of Astrology

It has been documented, via the early written words in cuneiforms and hieroglyphs from the Sumerians / Babylonians / Assyrians and Egyptians, that Astrology has been in use at least 6,000 years. Who knows how much longer previously in oral history?


Astrology began with celestial measurement by observation only, long before written history.


Astrology, religion and medicine were intermixed with correspondences realized between them early on – they interrelated with one another.


The richest vein of astrological records came from the library of Sardanapalus, last King of Assyria (7th Century BC) where observatories covered the whole kingdom, with professional astrologers reporting their work continuously.


A state library supplied all needed information to prognosticate times and seasons for agriculture, and portents for King and State – not for individuals as we do now until the Greeks turned Astrology into “of the people” or Genethliacal – it began the reading of horoscopes / birth charts as we know today.

The Ancients believed what wasn’t caused by men must be caused by Gods – the deities of the planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn). These same Gods were the basis if myths of all countries around the ancient world.


The history of Astrology is also the history of Astronomy (we cannot have one without the other).


European/North American Astrology (Western Astrology) is derived from ancient Mesopotamia.


Key Astrologers from the past have been: Miletus, Pythagoras, Berosus, Ptolemy, Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton. 


Modern Astrologers include: A.J. Pearce, Alan Leo, Charles Carter, Alice Bailey, Carl Jung, Dane Rudhyar, Stephen Orroyo, Stephen Forrest, Rick Levine, Liz Greene, Harold Sasportas, Demetra George, Barbara Hand Clow, Jeffrey Wolf Green, Robert Hand, Neil Michelsen, Celeste Teal, Noel Tyl, Robert Ohotto, Daniel Giamario, Cayelin Castell and Rose Marcus - to name a few!

Book an Appointment for Readings and Consultations
Tel: 587-437-3520

All Readings by Appointment Only
Tuesday - Saturday 
9:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Okotoks, AB Canada
READINGS offered by
Phone or Zoom video
Email or Call for details!

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